8 years ago*

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Which one is worse?

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Weeabos, maybe that's because I'm a furry myself. But damn, weeaboos do have the reputation of being unable to socialize with people outside normally and to leave their obsession with Japanese culture at home.

8 years ago

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Intolerance is worse.

Although I did stop taking art commissions from furries because even listening to them explain what they wanted was leaving me emotionally scarred...

8 years ago

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You know I'm gonna need a link to your art site now :P

8 years ago

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(No, not really, just went to their Steamprofile from here and the link was right there XD)

8 years ago

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It was a more specialist art site that was attracting the problem furries. I don't link that here where some people know my facebook and stuff.

8 years ago

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*Comment about how we shouldn't make fun of people we just don't understand*

8 years ago

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I have heard of "weeabos" before but never cared enough to search for the meaning, that ended today!
...even the urban dictionary seems to hate them, I'm a huge anime fan and sometimes while with friends that also watch anime I can make fun of anime by attempt to pronounce some words in japanese but I don't see myself japanese nor I see japan as a good culture at all because of animes as well, seriously almost every single anime is girl makes food, boy fights and eats food, the concepts are so old fashioned but people like them as their are which bugs me (without saying that in japan there's a lot of weird involving porn/hentai... not referring to animations)
at the end I don't see myself as a weeabo, do I find them a bit mentally unhealthy? yes, obsession = blindness
do I find sports fanatics mentally unhealthy? YES!
which one is worse though? SPORTS! some sports are such freaking money grab, even worse than religion and these people can't even take 5 minutes to think for themselves, at least weeabos are obsessed by something they enjoy in the first place and not by something that they like because everyone else does

8 years ago

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I don't mind furry hentai but... didn't even know there were people with costumes actually being furry and stuff... it seems... disturbing :V

8 years ago

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I don't mind furry hentai

people with costumes actually being furry and stuff... it seems... disturbing


8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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This hierarchy has been around for a long time. It still remains true to this day.

I have had both as friends. I am neither as a geek. From experience, the furry is the least socially skilled of both.

The most disturbing thing that I have ever learned, and wish that I could to this day forget, is yiffing. I cringe at the mention of the word.

8 years ago*

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For some reason, when I saw the topic of this thread... I was thinking of toys.

Weebles wobble but they don't fall down.

Furbies. The technological version of Gremlins.

8 years ago

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Pretty funny chart. Although "Pokemon fans over the age of six" is kinda an exaggeration ;p

8 years ago

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Yeah, as of 2002, any pokemon fan that was a child around that time. This chart was made 15 years ago, mind you.

Now, those kids and their older brothers / sisters have grown up and are walking into traffic as we speak playing Pokemon Go.

8 years ago*

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But but... The series came to my country in a year 2000 when I was over the age of six... I was ten to be precise.. And I liked it! My childhood is a lie xD

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Weebs are annoying af, but furries are downright creepy.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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As an expat living in the Far East, and I've been to Japan many, many times, Weeaboos win hands down.

There are 3 groups of weeaboos I've encountered though:

  1. The Weeaboos who love Japan and think it's amazing based on visit or two, or not even that. They stay / return home and immediately start dreaming of their next trip before ultimately growing out of it (to a degree).

  2. The people who are hit so hard by the Weeaboo bug, that they go to the extent of moving to Japan, often doing poorly paid jobs just to live the 'dream'. Generally they last a few years before the hardship grinds them down, or their visa runs out and they get deported. Despite the hardship they steadfastly remain Weeaboos, generally because life back home is worse.

  3. The ones who move to Japan, get over the honeymoon period, and then realise that whilst Japan does have some big positives, there are also a lot of negatives too. Some of these people are so disillusioned they become entrenched in the lifestyle, whilst others turn completely, and often rabidly anti-Japanese (sadly some come over here to Korea to bore us all with their tales).

8 years ago

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I've never met any of them, I mean my sister likes Anime but not in a weird way I guess. She just watches it. I watched LOST Desperate Housewifes and other american tv shows when I was her age. Can't say that I was obsessed with it, just regular stuff.

8 years ago

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"DoflamingoGT" asks if the weebos are bad or not. :D

8 years ago

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People have the right to be as retarded as they want about whatever it is they want.

Of course that is only a problem when they're assholes about it. But if they keep whatever it is they love to themselves/others who love it as well, then they're not really bothering anyone, innit?

8 years ago

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I mean most of the times ppl dont go around saying they are a weebo or a Furry every 15 minutes to everyone they meet .

The real question shouldve been Which is Worse Vegans or ppl who Vape :p

8 years ago

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I mean first of all the first comment of the topic already won it by a long margin ...

Ima just throw my 2 cents here .

Just cause someone is Obsessed with Anime and the anime culture , doesnt mean you have the right to judge that person .
More ofthen then not those ppl actually have a family , a stable job and enough disposable income to be able to fund their Hoby ....
So People get obsessed with sports , cars , guns ... all other random shit and its Totally fine ... but if its Anime its wrong and we should purge them all ... Yeah #Logic .

As for the Second option ... furrys ...
There was that woman who was sexually atracted to ..... a tree . Its open world let ppl masturbate to whatever the hell they want to .
Its really not my cup of tea ( costly cause its YAOI based ) .... but still just cause someone imagine the characters from Zootopia doing it and he gets turned on by it , doesnt mean hes a horrible person >.>

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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Never understood why women like yaoi? Well this genre/sub-genre will crank it up to eleven.

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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There's this entire nation obsessed with weapons... it's quite freaky.
And yet when hundreds die due to "accidents" (whenever have you seen an anime-"accident" killing people?) the sollution is always 'more weapons'...

Now that's an unhealthy obsession.

8 years ago

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I think that one of the main problems in that society, that is yet to be addressed, is fear.

While others who support this right, are trying to discuss the ethical and moral implications of the attitudes that support this apparent obsession.

8 years ago

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Humanity in general, including myself

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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3 - Both equally cringeworthy.

8 years ago

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ha-ha-ha, "true" guy is better than furry or everybody else.
So stupid and arrogant

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago*

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They are freakishly tall, always walking around looking pink has if they were doing a modeling contests
Also look hideous in gardens

8 years ago

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I don't really like the tone of your thread and question.

I am not saying that either of them is bad

Actually it is easy and obvious to interpret your post that way. You are even aware of it, else you wouldn't have written this sentence. You could have simply used another - more neutral or positive - wording, like "Which one do you prefer?"

Not voting.

8 years ago

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I'm not usually one to judge based on generalizations, but unfortunately groups like weebs and furries are pretty homogeneous when it comes to a number of traits. Weebs, furries, and bronies all share pretty common traits and they all generally exhibit alienation-induced obsessions with their respective fandoms. I'll refrain from any comparative analysis, but I do want to note that all three groups—among various others, such as Sonic fandom—originate from the same general psychosocial influences, namely that of social ostracism and alienation produced by antisocial and autistic behaviors which compel them to identify with an eccentric subculture that is itself largely ostracized and rejected by mainstream society. In that capacity, they resemble other real-life subcultures, such as punk, goth, and emo, only these Internet fandoms seem to be far less interested in authenticity and far more interested in circlejerking about, and roleplaying with, their respective obsessions.

All of them resemble a form of counterculture which rebels against mainstream society. That's why people in these subcultures tend to hold fringe beliefs, especially when it comes to political and economic beliefs. I've personally met furries, bronies, and weebs who are fascists, technocrats, socialists, anarchists, and communists, but few of them tend to be liberals (and those that are tend to themselves hold eccentric views within a liberal framework). In that way, they also resemble real-life subcultures, since punk, goth, and emo (for example) also tend to strongly diverge from mainstream political, economic, and religious thought. The one striking difference that I've noticed among weebs, furries, and bronies and other Internet fandoms which distinguishes them from other subcultures is that they appear to be predominantly composed of extremely autistic individuals whose interest in their respective fandom severely handicaps their ability to socialize with others online. Individuals in such fandoms also seem to have a dogged commitment to identifying with their particular fandom to the point of it becoming one of their most prominent and defining traits. My only guess for this phenomenon is that they feel highly persecuted in the global online community and use their group identity as a sort of scarlet letter to alert fellow group members of their identity; the fact that such individuals are frequently autistic only aggravates this issue.

More generally, these groups are ultimately produced by the same material and social conditions as all other counterculture groups and subcultures are, namely a capitalist socioeconomic system which induces alienation throughout society that expresses itself in a variety of unique and highly divergent ways. Weebs and furries (and bronies, etc.) are just another manifestation of this alienation, albeit a highly peculiar variation thereof.

Overall, I don't think it's particularly useful to determine which internet fandom is "worse", since that only further causes those groups to feel persecuted and further aggravates the very behaviors that many of you probably find annoying. A more helpful approach would be to understand why people are interested in such hobbies; why they are compelled to join subcultures, communities, and fandoms related to those hobbies; and what conditions produce such phenomena. Failing to understand that, any discussion about such groups will inevitably degenerate into an identarian pissing match of open hostility and discrimination.

I've had my own negative experiences with these subcultures, and I find some more personally irritating than others, but it's futile if not counterproductive to grade them in that manner in much the same way as it would be for grading the relative qualities of particular racial or ethnic groups. Just because it's fashionable to despise weebs, furries, and bronies now—just as it was once fashionable (and in some places still is) to despise people of African, Asian, or Latino descent—that doesn't mean it's worthwhile to partake in it. Doing so fails to address the underlying issues that cause this tension while only exacerbating those tensions even further. If we are to have a discussion about these groups, let's at least have one that is constructive and could better elucidate the reasons for their existence, if only to destigmatize these groups and diminish the tensions between them and greater society. Otherwise, we're just rehearsing our prejudices.

8 years ago*

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A more helpful approach would be to understand why people are interested in such hobbies

You expect too much from humanity

8 years ago

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Hardly. The very fact that we're having this conversation proves the prowess of the human condition. I simply enjoin people to live according to a higher standard than the one society compels them to accept. I don't expect much from anyone, but I do know that they can do better than they currently do, if only they receive the motivation and inspiration to do so.

I don't have faith in humanity and I don't expect much from my species. I nevertheless recognize of the potential of this species, however, and will promote our aspiring to that potential regardless of whether we ever do. Whether we ever achieve that potential is dubious at best, but the impossibility of an ideal does not necessarily refute its pursuit.

8 years ago

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You talk like someone who just jumped out of the Matrix movies.

8 years ago

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I never watched any of them, though I intend to. Are they really as good as they're alleged to be? Or is it really just hyped up pseudo-intellectual garbage?

8 years ago

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Well done to link to that philosophical term, so that it could be understood within the context of the statement.

8 years ago

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I'll assume you're being sincere, in which case thanks! I try to ensure that any technical terms I use are appropriately linked so that readers can understand what I mean. I've had too many cases where I've had semantic arguments with people because I am using a term in a technical sense when they use it in a broader, more common-use way, so I've learned my lesson (for the most part).

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Someone kill me pls :D

8 years ago

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Don't u daer mak fun of weebz! Nihon iz a majikaaru wondaalando with meidos and sushi and whyfus!!! Japen iz besto countrie in the wrolld! It also has anymeis and hentaizes! AMINE IS NOT 4 KIDZ!! It iz 4 adults!! Japen a besto! :v :v :v :v :v

8 years ago

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Oh... So, what I think you mean, is something like this?

Luvin ur enemiz LOL Matthew 5:42-48

42 if u makes a cookie 4 some1, doe not eated it

43 kittehz iz liek "wuv ur BFFz, hate bad kittehz"

44 but im liek "wuv bad kittehz 2"

45 u r all Ceiling Catz kittenz. Sun shines on good kittehz and bad. Also rain :-(

46 if u wuv only ur BFFs, u no can has cheezburger. even teh IRS d00dz do taht!

47 if u iz liek "oh hai" 2 only ur BFFs, wtf? only n00bz do taht.

48 b k00l liek teh Ceiling Cat

SOURCE: The LoL Cat Bible

8 years ago*

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Exactly! wuv ur kitteh, wuv ur weebs and wuv ur japen :v

8 years ago

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So... kinda like this?

Mark 12: 31 teh second iz dis: luv ur neighbor as yourself.

8 years ago

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Nah, more like: luv urslef a lot and wuv the others a bit less, but wuv the kitteh above all else. :v

8 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by Kirikagure.