That is true. I too played it a fair amount before the P2W stuff, but's still quite fun. I refuse to pay-2-win in any game though.
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Don't start one until it's out, others aren't really worth time. Played TERA, AION and few others for some time, but meh.
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How do you know it's going to be good, we haven't seen anything yet.
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I've had fun on Star Wars: The Old Republic, it is F2P with a bonuses applied to account having a $5 purchase and a subscription plan for more bonuses. I've been playing on the preferred version, kind of like a mmo/mass-effect/star-wars game.
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Even if you don't like Star Wars, it is worth a try, and since it is F2P, nothing ventured, except some time and if you don't like it, temporarily harddrive space.
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Not all F2P games are P2W. SWTOR isn't really like that either. Assuming all F2P=P2W is kind of ignorant. As I understand it, WoW has not been as good as it used to be since they went to Activision, including adding a premium store to an already subscription game, which is kind of stupid. Premium stores in MMOs should be exclusively there to make money if the game is F2P. Citing WoW being worth it, even though you pay to play it, while the same type of store many F2P games have is also stupid.
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I played WoW since original and i agree it's not what it was but that includes positive moments as well (and lots of negative ofcourse) but imho it's still the best mmorpg in existence. Activision is trying it's best to ruin it though...
Well P2W is dominant model in F2P so i don't really count the ones that really F2P. F2P that are actually relatively good were subscription based anyway.
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hmmm not sure if ill even list 5 and they aren't in any particular order.
Rift is a pretty decent game, Trion Worlds is a nice, fair company too, its F2P 100%. The only real issue is when I played, Rifts weren't important..pretty lame in a game called Rift. Its also the closest thing to WoW that can exist and still be a good game.
Ive heard no complaints about FFXIV, but Ive never played it myself, everyone I know playing it (5+ people) haven't said a bad thing about it since relaunch. But its not F2P.
Id typically recommend the Everquests, but their F2P models are very obnoxious and greedy. I loved both of them and played them both for many years, but Sonys douchebaggery is in full force there and when they went F2P, I left.
I downloaded Planetside 2 recently and its OK..totally F2P as well, but not a MMORPG (MMOFPS) Its pretty. And frustrating, its 100% pvp and you can kill teammates.As a newbie your teammates are hard to discern, but Im learning! Campers are an issue as well but thats just an online shooter thing, it happens.
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You didn't specify any criteria, by which the MMORPGs should be judged, so I recommend Scarlet Blade.
Go figure in what category that MMORPG is the greatest :3
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That game needs a little work, although it has been a while since I have played it, maybe they made it better. Bonus points on the concept though.
On another topic, same company is working on a FEAR mmo.
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Silkroad is really good if you play for 1 year with friends. I played it for 6 years, on global 1 year. It's a great game, but later it becomes boring, because I've tried all classes, got all max lvl (on private servers for sure) and they are not adding new ones. 9D is cool they say. :)
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Silkroad had potencial but went a wrong way. So as the 9Dragons. Although i like them.
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Yeah i think so too , or just make the monthly payment a hourly payment (which can be purchase as 168 hours pack which is 1 weeks , or one month) the point is , pay not for a potential month but for a actually a month ! so u won't be forced to play it
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Well I've watched a lot of the developer videos and the developers even said, "It'll start off as a monthly subscription then it'll go free to play."
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Monthly payment wouldn't be so bad for MMO games, but you have to first pay to even own the game, and then the monthly to play it.
They really should drop the price for initial purchase down to ~20-30 and provide few months of game time. This is reason why I avoid subscription based games.
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Rift is actually pretty good. It's free, but at least the item mall doesn't restrict you from being able to play it fully. Good for at least one character to 60. There is enough content to enjoyably get another character to around 60 too.
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i second that, i had a months sub left as premium when it went F2P and when i start my job next week i wont be tempted to renew my premium sub for rift its fine as F2P imo, i might buy an item or 2 from the store to support trion though they rock imo :)
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1] FFXIV (mainly becos its fairly new) - subscription based
2] World of Warcraft (no longer play but still No.1 in terms of number of players - subscription based
3) Guild Wars 2 (awesome mechanics but must play with lots of friends to really enjoy the game at higher levels) - Pay for client only
4] Rift (closest to WoW and its on Steam) - Free 2 Play
5] EverQuest Next (more of a shout-out but can't rank higher since it's not even online yet but should be amazing)
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gw2 and swtor (but if you pay otherwise youll get annoyed by limitations)
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i'd say:
1: Guild Wars 2 (why? perfect payment method - buy-once2play, action-oriented, overhauled quest/leveling, no gear threadmill, no pay2win, an actual story to care about, nice visuals, epic battles)
2: Tera
3: Aion
4: Neverwinter
5: Ragnarok Online
the only serious thing, that's bad about GW2, is that you'll never enjoy tab-cycle/point 'n click MMO's anymore ever.
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I don't have a top 5 since i only play one mmorpg.
Lord of the rings online.
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World transfer cost $25 or 2,995 Turbine points.
Edit : Transfers between North American and European servers are currently unavailable.
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The Secret World
Lord of the Rings Online
Guild Wars 2 (if you have an active guild)
I also hear good things about the new Aion.
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Would love to hear people's top 5 MMORPG list because i would like to start a new one (just left GW2 more or less)
would be great to here people's opinions
P.S : Im waiting for a long long time for Blade and Soul , any ideas if its gonna have a subscription ?
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