I know what you're thinking, another religious post, no it's not but rather spiriutal and intellectual, rick-rolled? 🙂🙂

Without a doubt, all kinda thoughts or ideas that comes to our minds has a physical impact on our bodies, even a sad scene in movie would make us cry although we know it's not real or a male would get his tent up fantasizing about some sexual activities (whiskey penis doesn't count), physical impact includes hormonal production depending on how negative or positive the imapct is, think we can make a good use of that?

That said, one could keep up a positive attitude even if things is going wrong but requires training and good control on the flow of ideas or thoughts getting into our minds, it is absouloty time to start developing that ability.

As per my personal experince, having faith in God was one thing which helped me a lot to overcome a life-threatening situations and keep up a positive attitude when nothing else helped to serve that purpose. Faith is not necessarly to be a religious aspect but can vary according to personal use of Faith, some people have faith in thier own abilities to overcome hard times, some others have faith in people no matter how bad thier social experince was and that helped them to move on.

Although i believe that i'm experincing one of the darkest times ever, i know the worst is yet to come therefor developing and learning new ways to keep up a positive attitude is crucial and that is the purpose of this post, to share my own experince and learn from others, i've been told that meditation can also help keep up a positive attitude but hasn't tried it yet.

Now it's your turn to share what helped you keep up a positive attitude and what your thoughts is about general idea of Faith.

Thanks for your time,,,,,,


  1. I couldn't find any reason for a cancer patient who was estimated to live for more 7 months to be positive but Faith, a more reasonable poll question would've been "Do you think Faith in general is might be needed to keep up a positive attitude?" saddly not editable.

Gifted with Cancer - Ali Banat, worth watching.

  1. It looks like the post has been infested with some people who is rather rude and lack of manners who is trying to ruin the moderate atmosphere of the post, a report were made and now I have no option but to wait for support, i will certainly not respond to those in the same fashon for i have manners and i respect SG guidlines, discussion is to be resumed after action is made, thanks

  2. It looks like it’s gonna take some time before that hands of justice arrive therefore I have to warn everybody that there is a dude –or duda or maybe both- who is trying to poison the thread and taking it into some negative direction, let’s stick to the topic of the post please which is the general idea of “Faith”
    Religious discussions was a reply to comments regarding religious faith, if you are not okay with Faith in general nor religions in particular, I advice you to leave the post at once or participate in a decent way, thanks.

4 years ago*

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Do you think Faith in general is needed to keep up a positive attitude?

View Results
yes i do.
no i don't.
i'm not sure.

Reserved just in case

4 years ago

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So, in the end it's another religious post. Meh.

4 years ago

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never had faith in anything?

4 years ago

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Well, one can say I have faith in logic, but thing is - logic works disregard if you have faith in it or not.
Speaking of positive attitude - is it you on your avatar? Is it your doggo?

4 years ago

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Speaking of positive attitude - is it you on your avatar? Is it your doggo?

don't see relevance between my avatar and positive attitude be yea, it's me

Edit: unless you think it radiates positive energy :)

4 years ago*

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Well, one can say I have faith in logic, but thing is - logic works disregard if you have faith in it or not.

i don't need to have faith in logic, logic in my case would say it's the end for me for obvious reasons but Faith is gonna keep me powered not to give up till something out my control happens and cause everything to change.

4 years ago

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My point was that pets are our source of positive energy. You have this doggo, and I really hope you love it and it loves you too. What more positive could be? And, unlike faith, pets are real.

4 years ago

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Faith is something i believe to be real, reality is not only things that we can sense using our basic senses, X-rays is real, radio signals is real.

Black color is a color that you can't see and doesn't necessarily to look like what you're eyes is seeing, black holes is black cuz nothing could escap from it not even light that's why it looks black.

4 years ago

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  • Faith in logic "working."
  • Faith that the logical argument you are postulating is "sound."
  • Faith that you are being intellectually honest with yourself.
  • Et Cetera

From my point of view, Faith is still operative when relying upon Logic. More to the point, intellect may be mistaken or misled, so there is reason to tread carefully when applying it. That same principle of "Check for Errors" applies to all forms of human discernment.

4 years ago

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  • Logic is working, it does not needs faith,
  • yes. But I'll gladly agree if someone points out with logical arguments where my mistake is
  • yes. With the same exception as above.

So yes, I have faith in logic, but no faith in humans and very little faith in my own sanity.

4 years ago

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Skepticism and the practice of critical thinking are both beneficial.

4 years ago

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i would only accept some sort of faith if i could reach some understanding -using logic- that this faith might ascend to be real at some point.

if i know i can overcome any hardship based on my perivious experince with myself, i'd then have faith in my own ability to overcome whatever to come and that is logical but if not then i have no logical reason why do i need to believe in myself.

that's how i connect faith and logic together.

4 years ago

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Any 2 civilizations can develop the same logical system without any interaction with each other. This applies to even any potential alien races out there. But developing the same faith system is very unlikely because unlike logic faith is just made up by people and taught to their kids as truth. Then every generation changes it to suit them better and you call this something that can't be mistaken or misled?

That's why attempted communications with aliens are using logic and math as a key to find a common language, not images of something imaginary nobody else would have no idea about.

4 years ago

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Faith has nothing to do with religion. Everyone in the world has faith:

You had faith that you response would be posted right away after typing.
You have faith you bed would hold your weight when you sleep...else you wouldn't just get in would you?
Neither do you test the ground each morning to see if its still there. You just jump out of bed.
Do you look outside when the time says its morning to see if its true? No because you have faith its correct
When you take medicine how are you sure what you're taking is what's in the bottle?
When you buy stuff online, how do you know you're getting what you bought without actually seeing it?

Without faith this world would not exit...nothing would survive, be made or invented.
Everything you know today, from planes to cars to sliced bread exists because someone had faith that it was possible.
Even when there were no facts or logic to prove it

Even if you say its based on calculations and principles...how do you know the calculator or your calculations are accurate? Because someone told you...and you believed the 'proof' and 'facts'. You believe in logic because you had faith your brain works.

Sadly it works in the reverse also. Even suicide victims, do so because they have faith that its all over, that no-one loves or cares about them...that their lives no longer matter

How do you know you are alive? can you prove it to me or anyone. You just have faith that everything you see is real.

4 years ago

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Are you sure you are not confusing faith with assumption?
Also, start post was about, I'm quoting, "having faith in God", and this has something to do with religion.

4 years ago

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Sure, you can just start using a world in such a general sense that it basically applies to everything and completely loses its meaning. But that's not how other people use the word faith.

4 years ago*

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This is why I said everyone...whether you are even aware of it or not.
Most people think its only about religion or special things. So check the origin and meaning of the word 'Faith' its a very old word
Basically it means 'to trust' or 'believe'...everyone believes something, or puts their trust (faith) in something or someone.

4 years ago

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I know what it means. But the context is always important. And I am sure you'll agree that in most cases when people talk about their faith, they don't mean that they have faith that the simpsons will be on TV this evening. And I am sure you'll also acknowledge that in many cases people actually do talk about religion when they talk about their faith.

4 years ago

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Faith- assured expectation of reality although not yet beheld...

Got to have faith to see the light at the end of the tunnel...

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Not rick-rolled but george michaelled... lol

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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"As per my personal experince, having faith in God"
i´m so glad, you are not talking about religion <3

4 years ago

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yes i'm not talking about religion otherwise name it, isn't bad to take about religions or anything else to begin with, is it?

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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there is no need to give something away here and a better ratio wouldnt make him a better person

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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BTW try giving something away for once...it might earn you a little more respect on this site.
I didn't say either of those things. I know there is no NEED to give things away here.

obvious contradictions, so you think if someone can't afford it to giveaway something would make him automatically one less of a human being who doesn't deserve respect? i also didn't know that there is a fee for me to use Discussions section.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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So you have faith that giving something away here will earn you respect...Now I get why you do it
I on the other hand have faith real respect cannot be bought...no matter what you give.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I wouldn't use the term faith to describe self confidence, self esteem or trust. For me they work much better in describing my attitude towards myself and others.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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[...] having faith in God was one thing [to] keep up a positive attitude when nothing else helped to serve that purpose.

I got you fam. I know exactly what you had to overcome. I can't name myself Faithfull (nor my family), which doesn't help a lot while I hit the bottom of the bottom. After about a year of existential nothingness, I found that friend which helped me overcome all that shit and get myself together, find a job, start dating etcetera (She helped me find faith in myself, helped to believe ain't worst kind trash, she did this, not anyone else).

Although I believe that I'm experiencing one of the darkest times ever, I know the worst is yet to come [...]

Nobody can go to the next day without faith in something, if this is a god, it's okay; if that will be some kind of guru that's okay too; but you have to always believe in yourself, without this, nobody and nothing can help you find your proper path to brighter future.

TL;DR: find faith is yourself first.

4 years ago

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I got you fam. I know exactly what you had to overcome. I can't name myself Faithfull (nor my family), which doesn't help a lot while I hit the bottom of the bottom. After about a year of existential nothingness, I found that friend which helped me overcome all that shit and get myself together, find a job, start dating etcetera (She helped me find faith in myself, helped to believe ain't worst kind trash, she did this, not anyone else).

thats's so beautiful, thanks for sharing it.

Nobody can go to the next day without faith in something, if this is a god, it's okay; if that will be some kind of guru that's okay too; but you have to always believe in yourself, without this, nobody and nothing can help you find your proper path to brighter future.

have no reason to keep believing in myself anymore so looking for other ways to keep me going.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

4 years ago

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it would be irreasonable use of Faith to think that immposible things can happen like having faith in toothache would be fix on its own without proper treatment, the way i look at faith is something that always push me forward rather than the easier choice which is giving up, the time you loos grip is the time you give up and when you give up cause you accepted the fact that nothing good around you is the time that ending own life is the only obvious and reasonable choice.

If Faith is an illusion, at least it helped me a lot and encouraged me to do harder and hold on tightly to life rather than giving up so at the end it's not bad.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

4 years ago

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while Etiology has a more common medical use, i like to apply it on everything in conjunction with logical causation, it's easy to judge other's reasoning to be worng but how can you prove it to be so?

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

4 years ago

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Without faith, HL3 will never come.

4 years ago

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HL3 wouldn't come just because we have faith but rather because Devs are willing to do it, that doesn't apply 🙂

4 years ago

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Faith in imaginary things is a mental illness. Faith in something actual is trust.

4 years ago

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saved me from commeting suicide cause if this life have no purpose, nothing for a reason, no hope of a better life, no one can apply justice at the end, cruelty is a trend, i'd rather end it and return to the nothing i came from cause it wouldn't be worth of anything actually but here we go, faith is keeping me going and trying to learn what else helped people to keep going with life.

4 years ago

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That sounds like you had depression or some other illness which could have also been cured with medication and therapy. Faith in imaginary things could never bring my life any purpose since it seem like the total opposite to me. Doing charity work etc are actual ways to improve your trust in your purpose here. Logic says that if there is no purpose to life then there isn't any reason to not have fun while alive either.

4 years ago

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Doing charity work etc are actual ways to improve your trust in your purpose here.

i don't undersand, when life has no purpose why would you make a purpose for yourself? anyway that example only applies to you since you can do charity but others may not be able to do so.

Logic says that if there is no purpose to life then there isn't any reason to not have fun while alive either.

your logic if you will.

4 years ago

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So if you don't have a purpose, you think it's somehow better to just accept a purpose from somewhere outside of you instead of making one yourself? Kind of defeats the purpose for me. It doesn't even apply that much to me since I only care about helping people I care about. Anyone can do charity, just go help an old lady carry her groceries or whatever you can if you feel like it.


Logic is universal, faith is subjective. If you find something wrong in my logic then please prove it wrong by using more logic. Tell me how I was wrong ?

4 years ago

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didn't say you were right or wrong, i was just saying that it was your own logic and how you see things.

Charity is good and can be done in a variety of ways indeed but not sure how that could help with keeping up personal positive attitude when everything goes wrong, feeling down due to unfortunate personal events is more of a natural reaction to it than depression but generalizing and escalating those feelings and making them the default is a different storry.

4 years ago*

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Yes, feeling down when something bad happens is natural. Staying down even if good things happen is not. At least charity is something actual that you're doing to give yourself purpose while faith is just imagining that you suddenly have a purpose without knowing what it even is. You could just as easily pick charity, hard work, sports etc as something to have faith in. The only thing required is to trust in that something yourself and this does not require blind faith in something since the things that give you purpose are there for everyone else to see as well.

Some people imagine they need faith to stop a life of crime and drug abuse as well, but then many people just quit without faith. You only need the trust in yourself that you can succeed, nothing more.

4 years ago

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you need Faith to play Mirror's Edge.

(i'll see myself out)

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Respect for voicing out your own opinion and beliefs, it takes courage to say something controversial.
Personally I agree with you, faith is very important, regardless if it's religious or not.
Many people want to kill their own faith because it's "childish" and they associate "childish" things as negative ones.
In my opinion that's a big problem because if you kill your inner child, filled with joy and innocence, the only thing that remains is your "adult you", filled with seriousness and only accepting hard facts.
This leads to decadence and overall feeling of despair.

4 years ago

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How is faith connected to childish innocence or joy?

4 years ago

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View attached image.
4 years ago

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If you personally don't know then you already experienced the thing I was talking about.

4 years ago

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Not sure what you mean. Faith is belief without evidence. Are you talking about things like believing in Santa and the Easter bunny?

4 years ago

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It's a shame how it happened to you.
It really is.

4 years ago

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You don't know me, mate.:) Why would you assume things, instead of clarifying your statements?

4 years ago

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I assume that if you don't know how faith is connected with childlike innocence and joy then you personally lack any kind of faith.
Rational though requires completely refusing to have any kind of faith. It is based purely on facts.
Faith however is more "forgiving". It only requires a bit of hope, which children are full of.
Adults try to silence their "child side" because it's mostly seen as a negative thing but it's one of the biggest lies.
People need to accept that listening to your child voice is import to not lose their more cheerful and untroubled side.

4 years ago

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I think you are thinking of imagination not faith.

4 years ago

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I think faith also requires some imagination, so I think what I said is still relevant to the topic.

4 years ago

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Sure, faith requires some imagination, since it's all about creating an idealized version of reality. Joy doesn't need faith though....

4 years ago

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Yet those with no faith are the quickest to lose happiness they possess.

4 years ago

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That's quite the claim!

4 years ago

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It is.

4 years ago

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I do not believe in anything spiritual or supernatural. For me I see every moment as a choice.

I cannot choose whether positive or negative things happen to me, but I can choose how I respond to the things that happen to me. I can choose not to worry about the past, but to focus on making better choices to bring me the present and the future that I would prefer. I can choose whether my actions have a positive or negative effect on the people and world around me, and I can choose whether I treat other people with kindness and respect. I can choose to put myself into situations where I have a better chance at a positive outcome.

Especially now, with so many things happening around the world that are out of our control, it can feel overwhelming and hopeless. My approach is not a head-in-the-sand or "Pollyanna" approach, but rather to just be realistic and don't stress out about things you can't do anything about. I'm not saying to be dismissive of large issues, for sure the large issues are often the ones that require the most work. But don't let it crush you.

Give yourself credit for what good you've done, no matter how small, don't judge yourself too harshly against other people. The world is not black and white, most things in life are in the grey area. As long as I am trying to make myself a better person every day, and trying to leave a positive impact on every interaction I have with other people, that is good enough for me.

4 years ago

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thanks for participating and for the positive energy boost.

4 years ago

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If you don't even have hope anymore, you are lost so no matter how hard things are you got to keep faith.
Not even spiritual but common sense, sobbing, feeling bad certainly never helped anyway so why not just hope for the best.

4 years ago

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this was the first music video I ever watched XD
Back in 1992 at my cousins house. He had mtv and this popped up.
I was 7 and fall in love with this music. Next day I went to the library and borrowed me all the albums on tape.
Also I bought VHS-Tapes from my pocket money and gave it to him to record some shows so I could watch these videos at home. :)

I wouldn't listen to bon jovi today anymore but it was def. a big influence for me.

4 years ago

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thanks for that.

4 years ago

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so beautiful, never heard it, thanks a lot.

4 years ago

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I didn't even know what "whiskey penis" was, thought it was some sort of cocktail.

4 years ago

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gratz for new piece of information 😁😁

4 years ago

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I was an angsty teenager and hated religion with a passion, then somehow through the work of L. Tolstoj I started developing a spiritual phase, which then degenerated into new age bullshit and eventually took me back to square one but in a kind of weird atheist/pantheist weltanschauung.

Something I think I learned in the process is that it's silly to juxtapose faith and reason, they are almost completely different realms. Faith (of the religious kind) is more of a feeling than a thought process, one can have faith with or without intellect, and it can come and go just like falling in love. I think I have lost mine, but frankly I don't miss it very much, and can still look at it cherishingly just like my first crush.

4 years ago

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thanks for sharing it.

4 years ago

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Whiskey penis is another form of bamboo sake?

4 years ago

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don't know what bamboo sake so i'd rely on someone else to answer you 🙂

4 years ago

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For some people, faith is a crutch. For others an excuse.

Faith doesn’t make anyone a better person, or a worse one. A good person will be good with or without faith. A bad person can use faith to justify their actions, letting them believe they’re good. I prefer bad people who acknowledge they’re bad.

4 years ago

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For some people, faith is a crutch. For others an excuse.

for me it's a reason to live and if it turned to be an illusion wouldn't harm, at least it kept me going to the fullist.

4 years ago

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sorry, I meant to include that for some it's an inspiration.

For some it's an inspiration, for some it's a crutch. and for some it's an excuse

4 years ago

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I have strong faith when it comes to death. I believe that we are all gonna die one day. Sooner or later our bodies will rot. Some necrophags will feed on us. Then they will die as well. There is beauty in meaningless. It brings me freedom. Nothing matters. There are no limits. That's what I believe in. Nothing. Nihilism makes me happy.

Ḥ̴̨̧̡̧̨̢̨̡̡̨̧̢̡̨̡̢̡̡̢̨̮͍̜̥͙̜̜̦̫͔̞̥̲̥̳̦͈̺͈̲̟͉̱̜͓̖̦̻͎̖̝̤̤̦̟̩̰̫̝̞̤̙͖̲͈̣̲̹̯͚̥͉̗̰̮̖͔͎͙͓͖̰̙̤̝͍͓̣̜͕͈̼̰̫̣͕̹͔͕͚͕͔̫̼̼͕̣͈̙̲͇̰͍̭̳̹̗͖̼̖͍͖̖̰̳̤̻̳̝̻͍̞͉͓̱͖̝̺͙̯͎͖͖̙̹͙̗͎̰̪͎̻̩̞̳̺̦̭̻̗̞̼̘̣̦̻̙͚̟͉͍̘͖̖̝̗̜͍̫̫̥̱͉͍̯̗̖̻̞̣̰͈̼͔̯͉͓̹̝̹̭̩͉̜̼͈̲͖̘̹̳̞̲͉̜̔̀̇̀̀͑̓̈́̉́̔̄̂̉̊̋̇͂̈̿͑̎̈́̈́̒̓̅̓̐͒̅͆̓̀̊͑͒͘͘̚̚̚͜͜͝ͅͅͅȩ̸̨̢̢̡̡̢̨̨̡̡̢̛̠͚̗̺̬̙͓̻̪̳̘͇̮̜͔̦̫̬̣̲̥̫̻̘̣͔̬̬̠̰̟̩͙͎̣̥͙̻̬̺͔͇͕͙̣̘͍͚̱̗̪̬̺͍̥͍̰̪̼̬̭̩̗̹̘͕̗̝̙̱̯͕̥͕̪̖͇̩̞̮̙̺̙̯̖͔͓̳̺̻͉͇̦̻͍̭͚̩̳̻̝̼̜̞̱͇̞̫̳͔̦͉̘̬̖͙̞̯̞͚̘̫̭̩͕̖̗̲̲͎̞̪͔̙̓̇̈́̃̓͐̉̈́̓͆̽͐̾̎̃̅͌̒͋͑͐͛̀̓͋͒͒͋̾̅̌̿́̈́͛̿̃̇̓͌͂̽̍̔̈́́̾̋̅̀̈̋̉͊̓͑́̓̿͛͌̓͂̿̿̉̏̐̽̏̉̾̊͘͜͜͜͝͝ͅͅͅͅͅͅ ̶̡̧̡̨̢̧̢̢̡̨̨̨̡̛̛̛̛̛̤̜̯͙̹̙̤̹͚̩̥̘̮̤̰͇̖̟̯͓̙̖̹̳͔̖͉͎̞̺͕̗̙͔̩̟̲̘̟͖̭̮͔͉̜͕̖͕͙̮̱͚̫͖̥̮̘̬̘͍͍̗̳̝̜̜̠͈̠̦̦̣͓̭̞͈̮͖̬͕̬̹̠͖̥͓̣͓͕͉̠̯̺͈̠͚͖͕̰̤̳̠͈̯̯̣̗̞͚̲͎͎̗͙͉̤͓̤̤̺͉̳̩̠̞͈̰̼͖̘̮̤̠͖̗̹̤͍̬̘̮̫̯͕͙͍̯͚͔̘̹̠̜̲͎̭̝͇̖̞͎͚̹̬̲̭̟͕̩̪͓͓̖̰̪̗͙͔͙̼̤̲͍͔͉͔͓̤͈̲̗̦̖̭͈̳̬̱̬͇̲̰̮̼̺̪̤̱̥̰̞̭̙̠̪͎̙̱͉̫̟̖͈̫̟̪̻̼̼̥̤͔̼̍̓̈̂͗̏̏͐̉̔̓͒͛̅̀̐͆̇͐̅͑̀͗̅̄̏͐͋̓͒̈̐͌̿͂̽͆͌͐̊̍̏͐̔̃̏͊́̾͐̒̀̈́̾̑̽͛͆̈́̀̊̔̊̾̿̌̑̃̾̓̒̀̾̐̀̀̽̓͗̔̎͑̈́́̓̈̽͌͑́́̏̔̋̋͒̑͗͒̾̔͌̓̀̑͂͐̒̈́̆̍̓̐̀͒̕̚̕̕̚̕͘̚͜͜͜͝͝͝͠͠͠͝͝͝͠͝ͅͅͅͅͅͅc̸̢̢̧̢̧̨̨̡̧̧̢̢̨̧̢̢̡̧̡̢̧̨̨̛̛̭̭̖̟̱̣̰͇̲̤͎̖̮͍̥̭͎̻̤̼͖͙͔̹̤̼̺̜̞̰͚̜̰̼̳̺͙̝̠̰͕̪̫̫̟̯̟͙͈̫̪̟͙͖̱̣̙̙̙̲̰̤͔̦̞̖̤̤̣͕̮̠̻̼͓̪͈̬̪͎̳̘̯̟̞̗̤̥͚͔͕̻̝̠͎̭̘͓͙̗̖͕̖̙̼̟̬̣̺̬̬̗̪̘͕̝̬̻̠͓͇̺̙̭̹̺̟͙͉̥͔͖̫̩͕͔͎͚͙͈̤̥̺̬͈̣̝̱̥̳̤̩̝̠̣͇̜̫͎̤̹̰̻͙͍̝͕̦̖̣̮̬̹͍̭̤̤̱͍̭̳̩͇̻̠̖̺̦̫̺͕̫̱̜̯̻̗̬̤̹͙̊͂̃͑͑̄̂͗̉̿̅́̒͋̔̋̉̃̒͂͒̋̍̍̀̂͛̀͆͆̑̇͂̃̾̐̓͐̿̊̈̍̐́̅̓͋̅̊̏̈́͒͑̑̿͘͜͜͝͠͝͠͝ͅͅͅơ̸̡̡̧̢̨̨̨̡̨̨̨̧̢̢̡̧̨̝̱̣̼̘̮̹̠̬̹̬͓̦͖̠̺͚̪̗͇͖̮͙͓̫̘̟̲̘̬̠̹̹̱̦͖͚͍̼̞̭͔̮̭̥̥̻̦͍̻̬͇͔̤̮̳̪͕̥̲͓͖͉̝͎͖̪̟͙̹͎͚̝̤̥̲̝͎̩̣̯͎͎̗̗͈̹̜̪̱̺̭͖̼͈̖̬̥̦̲̘͕̪͍̝̩̦͍̥͕̠͙̫̹͓̹̪͔͇̳̦̤̥̗̺̼͉͇̬̘̩͈̱̞͙̮͙̘̘͉̮͔͖̙̖͗̑̀̆̇͂͌̽̏́̔͑̀͂̒̓̆̑̈́̈́̂̽̄̏͊͒̔͗͂̒̆̉̎̌̌̉̑̌̋̌̈́̄̍͆̈̏́̋̕͘͘̚͜͜͜͜͜͝͝͠͝͝͝͝ͅͅͅͅͅm̶̨̧̢̡̢̢̢̧̢̨̧̧̧̡̛̛̯̩̘̜̼̭̤̥͚̱̬̗͈̮̥̺̹͇̤̯͚̘͖̗̦̥̼̰̤̯͎̙̫͔̞̭̰̯̙̖͕̰̰̤͍̥͎͓͎̱͈͈̪̲͇͓̞͔͔̣̞̜̰̻͚̞̲̬͖̝̱̖̘̗͉̤̤̲̰̙̖̳̪̘̲̬̣̼͙͚̟̘̼͎̮͓̗̣̹̥͈̜̙̤͔̦͓͕̲̱͍̗̳̱̮̺̼̘̮͎̦͈̫̬̲̱̞̱̮͇͖̠̟̹̞̭͙̬̩̱̗̹̳̲͔̖͖̗̹͓͈̦̟̬̠̙͕̜̖̟̩̝̫͍̞͙̜̖̪̟̥̺͇̥̺̜̺̺̿̍̔̊͆̔̑̆̋̎͂̇̐̔́̑̅̋̒͘̚͜͜͜ͅͅͅͅẹ̸̢̡̧̨̢̧̧̢̢̢̧̨̢̧̢̧̢̧̢̢̨̡̡̛̛̛̛̛͉͕͉͖̩̜̭̟͇͍̮̲͍̠̙̖̟̼͈̫̟͍̘̙͚̰̥͇͓͚̮͓̬̙̞̺͓̳̺̞̰̰͖̣͎͖̘̮̜̥̯̲͚̜̘̜̦̹̹̭̟̗̠̼͕̳̱̠̞̰͇̯͉̳̪̙̜͔̞̲͔̣͖͚̖̦͙̣̰̥͎͕̹͇̩͍͙̼̱̬̣̜͇͙͕̺̙͍̬̲̼͖̟̳̟͍̱̻̖͍̘̩͕͈̙̯͚̭̯͓͉̥͓̩̲͖͓̟͎̰̯͔͔̠̗̭̭̳̯̱̖̜͙͇̙̩̖̰͈̺̻͕̥͇̹̙̦̲͓͔͚̲͍̟̖͚͉̲̙̖̠̺̟̤̥͚͖̯̞̣͓̙̣̱͍͔̟͇̬̣͑̽̓̀̈́̓̆̏͋̈̉̎́̊̓͌̑͑̏̐̐͌͐̃̀͛̌̈́̀̓̏̇̓̉̄̊̓͐͒͌̔͑̎͂̆̆̉̽͗̈͊͛̏̂̏̓̈̾̇̃̈́̃̾̆̀͛̒͂͒̾̐̈́̂̈́̀̽́̏͋͑͛̌͐͒̈͂͂̅͋͆̇̍̀̓̀̾̿̅̎̽̏͒̿̾̀̔͐̀̒̉̊̀͑͑̔̑́̅̓̊̒͂̈́̐̒͒̀̈́̔͊̑́̀̀̂̉͛̆̿̐̇̽̾̌̈́̂̏̈͊̏͗͂͌̊̆͗̃̄͗͐̎̓̓̆̀͂̀̋͌̽̇͊̒̏͂̅͛͛̒͆̓́̑͑̀̔̌̀̍́̅̂̈́͊͋͒͌̍̄͌̇̄͒̌͐̈́̾̾̓́̽̏̐͘͘̕̕̕͘̚̚͘͘̕͘̚͘̚͘̚̚̚̕̚̕͜͜͜͜͜͝͝͝͝͝͝͝͠͝͠͝͝ͅͅͅͅͅͅs̶̨̨̢̡̢̢̧̢̨̧̛̛̛̛͙̥̦̼̰͎͈̰͙͈͚͓̖̼͉̖̦̙̦̹̥̯̠͔͎̱͚̺̭͕͓̼̲̤̗̲̥͇̦̘̬͕̮͓̯͔̼͙̩͚͕̥̬͓̭̥̦͙͇͓͎̰̖̹̻̬͕̦͓̜̼͈͎̘̬̻͖͖͍̙̥͉̖̗̠͔̞͎͇̲͉̹̭̠̬͎͚͍̘̜̪̝̞̫̞̦͈͈͓̣̯͉̭̗͓̝̞͓̙̣̗̭̺̼͍̝̥̹̭̮̯̮̗̬̰̞̮̝̮̠̥͍͖̤̼̰̯̟͓͍̙̞̯͕̲͓͉̩͉̭̟̬̹͚͎̲̰̲̜̥̜̣̳̬̪̝̳͙̱̫̩̜̼̰̣̪͕̥͙̻̜̙͚̺̭̱͕̙̝̳̬̍̆̇͗̓͐̽͂̄̇̍̃̅͛̐̿̍͂̏̇̿͒̈́̊̅̇̀̑͋̈́̇̓̃͛̒̈́̌̃̏̆̑̏͑̑̈̄͆̃̓͌͆͆͑̃͗́̇͐͗̀̾͛̃͛͋̆͆̄͒̇͌̇̈͋̿̐̔͒͆̃̊̃̍̉̒̐̄͐̍̿͑̊́̽̅̓͐͆̈̀̈́̅̆̆́̇̃͑̊̍̎͆̈̏̇́͑̈́̔̈́̈́͐̈̔̀͐͛̓͊̑̓̽̽̍̈́̾̔̀̄̽͗̈́̔͂̄͒̆̓͌̈́͐̀̓̃͑̂͂͒̾͆̒̍́̓̇̑̽́͗͗̈̐͒̾̋̏̀̓̓̅͂̈́̓̋͒̿̅̎̈̃̆́̑̕̕̕̚̕͘̚̕̕͘̚͘̕̕̚̕̕͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͝͝͝͠͝͠͝͝͝͠͝͝͝͝͠ͅͅͅͅͅͅͅ

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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and when myself fails?

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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When you fail, you ride that wave man, you just ride that wave.
Just follow the words of the prophet:


4 years ago

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my favorite streamer, thanks for sharing it.

4 years ago

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Originally went with an indepth answer and that ended up turning into a wall of text so let's try a different aproach.

TBH, I don't really keep a positive attitude, I just keep sinking untill the only option is to drag myself out and move forward. Faith got replaced by existential cirsis and constant doubt at some point, it's hard to have faith when you can logic your way out of it and into the awful realisation that it's just cause and effect. Faith is sometimes nothing more than a coping mechanism.
I guess that's pessimistic enough, my job here is done.

4 years ago

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TBH, I don't really keep a positive attitude, I just keep sinking untill the only option is to drag myself out and move forward.

If i let myself sink, draging myself out wouldn't be the only option and would be one that there is no reason for it to be choosen, ending my own life would be more reasonable at that point.

4 years ago

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Yeah, for me suicide has never been a realistic option, it doesn't really seem like a reasonable path since the think that I like the most about being alive is being aware of my own existence and over thinking about it and other stuff. Even if I sink deep into depression it always seem like an awful route to take, I'd rather just sleep to avoid facing whatever is bothering me untill the situation reaches its breaking point and I must take some sort of action.
However, I DON'T SUGGEST THIS COURSE OF ACTION, cos it doesn't lead to anywhere even remotely good. I just can't unstuck myself from this cycle.
In actuality, not being at all sure if there's something after death is a great way to disuade oneself from dying voluntarily. I'd rather squeeze every drop from this sour lemon than risk it with the promise of a sweet orange that might not come at all.

Ah, BTW, you forgot to click on "Reply".

4 years ago

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I'd rather squeeze every drop from this sour lemon than risk it with the promise of a sweet orange that might not come at all.

for me, i'd rather look forward for the sweet orange even if i have to scrifice the sour lemon but if i turn to be wrong about it, i wouldn't feel sorry about wasting the sour lemon actually, i would be no more therefor i wouldn't be able to think of anything.

Ah, BTW, you forgot to click on "Reply".

yea sorry about that, glade that you noriced the comment :)

4 years ago

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i had a chick named faith once...your better off without her.

4 years ago

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I don't bring the "Faith no more" joke...

4 years ago

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