Do you believe bots deserve to be discriminated?
Happens quite a lot, in first Metro Redux game, I didn't knew that you can re-charge your night vision googles, so whenever I found myself in a dark environment I had a real struggle with the level :D
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Yes, the first time it had a big inpact for me was a month ago. While struggling with the very last level of Luxor HD I've accidentally found out that if the current ball color doesn't work for you, you can switch it with the second ball in the queue by pressing RMB. I'm pretty sure it wasn't explained in the tutorial and even though I must have clicked LMB many thousand times during the game I've never thought that RMB could actually do something. If I knew it from the start I would probably finish the game in 11h instead of 16h (or something like that)...
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Yea, I was also shooting balls off the screen, but since I played on hard difficulty and you have to wait until the ball you shot leaves the screen to be able to use the next one, I couldn't beat the last hardest level with that technique - it was just too slow...
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The first thing that comes to mind is me realizing there's a button to run away from fight in Coin Crypt (awesome roguelike game with coins) only after playing it for like 10 hours. I could have avoided some deaths during those 10 hours if I realized it's possible to escape sooner.
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Edit: So there is, and it's enormous. Like an eighth of the screen D:
Hahaha, I know right. I felt like a complete idiot for not realizing it's there for so long given how big the button is. Makes me feel better when I know I'm not the only one it has happened to :3
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yes its happened but its more like theres to many damn things and i use the same beginner skills to force my way through the games. played football game with younger brother the other day, forgot i could run didnt get told/remembered until the second half!
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Hmm. I usually forget about things that make my life easier. Does that count? :P
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Styx: Master of Shadows. Thought the final amber skill only showed objects through walls and enemies like it stated. Turns out it showed the EXACT location for the damn tokens even if they were far away. I spent more time looking around for them than I needed.
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Hmm. I usually forget about things that make my life easier. Does that count? :P
As it turns out i not only forget. It actually happened to me as well. :P
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And that reminds me of Styx: Shards of Darkness. In the middle of your 5 skill trees there is a skill that makes your amber regenerate when your are not invisible. Oh man that makes the game so much more easy. Ofc i found about that when i was left with 2 pure quartz,at the end of the game, wondering what their purpose was. :P
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Had something just recently in Dead Rising 2:
The way Combo weapons were explained via cards I thought you could only make them after getting the card...turns out you could always craft them just wouldn't get the double-xp effect the combo-card gives.
Thus I never made knife-gloves and those pesky psycho-fights were damn annoying/hard.
After I crafted those gloves once near the end, the psychos just kept dying...such an OP weapon (and worst it's even one of the easiest to craft items because both "ingredients" are near the starting craft-table)🙄
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So many games but the most recent one is the game Hover. The game doesn't explain much of anything past the basic tutorial. My friend and I took 15 hours to beat a 6 hour game because we didn't know there was a button to show objectives. Also we didn't know there was a button to create energy so we didn't have to run around like idiots trying to build up the energy. Needless to say, we found that out in the last level lol
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Playing Saints Row IV, decided to hack all 34 stores near the beginning of the game because they were just logic puzzles that did not require me having a high level or upgrades or anything.
Immediately after I hack the last store, I play a mission whose reward is...
"Hacking Reward" -- Function: Increases cache and XP from hacking stores.
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Divinity Original Sin.
I had no idea that I talk to an NPC with one character to change and lock their line of sight , and then use another character to sneak into guarded areas , steal items from around the npc, and even pick pocket the NPC.
the game was way easier when I found out about it.
even better than the Skyrim bucket.
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I'm lazy so I purposefully seek these opportunities but there were probably times I missed something, I just can't remember.
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Just curious, have you ever been in a situation where late in a game, you find out about a skill, item, or game feature which, if you had known about it before, it would had taken you less time to do stuff or you would have wasted less money and/or items? Because it happened to me quite a bit, but for some reason, right now I can't remember any specific instance... XD
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