I agree, just because I haven't immediately played the games that I have won does not mean that I will not be playing them. I have been having a very busy few weeks and have not had the time to play these games due to being busy with other games. I personally like to feel finished with a game until I move on to the next one.
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I'm just looking at it through the giver's point of view. If i were to be giving away a game for nothing in return, i'd want that game to go to someone who will actually enjoy it. If he has other stuff going on, and is saving it for late fine.
After seeing such thing, i am glad i didn't put up my copy of the Orange Box that i won on the holiday gift pile. I traded it instead, to get games i wanted. This sort of thing might make others do the same thing, and we'll see less and less games being given away.
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It isn't ideal, but I think most people giving away games are doing it for the sake of charity.
It isn't some social contract to sit in front of your computer and play a game. Ideally, the person who wins will play it, enjoy it, etc. But who knows, maybe they didn't pick it up because they weren't sure they wanted to spend money on it. So they win it, install it, try it, don't like it, and uninstall it.
Maybe they're going to install it next week.
I would discourage people from going out and e-spying on winners to see if they're playing the game because there is NOTHING to be gained from doing so. At best you'll find out that the person who got something instead of any one of the other thousand odd people who spent 0 dollars to try to get it for free is playing the game. At worst, you'll find out they aren't, get oddly butt-hurt, and cry about it on the forums. Oh... wait...
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same here, though my games haven't come from here save one, Terraria(and that was a group giveaway). The points on this site are a use them or lose them kind of thing, so you enter contests when you have the points for them and hope you win, not because you're immediately hoping you can play them. As long as you have the intent to play them, that's good enough. If someone posts Skyrim or Sonic Generations, and I'm in the middle of exams, heck yeah I'm going to enter.
Another thing, some people have weird cases, like I don't play my main single player game I received online. I'm tagged as having 54 hours played but I've actually played well over 110. Because when I'm online, I want to do online related things, maybe play other online games (like TF2). With a laptop, I prefer to play my offline game when I'm not attached to the internet. And a certain change in my wireless situation has kind of made this the ideal solution.
Now, I won't say every case is like this, but I'm just pointing out that you may wish to look a little closer. I try to at least make screenshots of my progress every now and then or inform the person ahead of time.
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In some games, I intended to play co-op with my friends. I even bought full Dungeon Defenders for both my GF and my brother after winning it and trying it for a while (and liking it very, very much). And guess what? :-) My brother has no time to play now due to his exams, and my GF's laptop overheats to 95 °C and shuts down after 5 minutes of running the game. I'm not going to go single-player without them, so now we're trying to get her a proper gaming rig, and waiting for the exam period to end. :-)
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agreed. I've won things and I've played them day one, and sometimes I win something and I won't play it because I need to clear some space off my harddrive. So I'll play other games that were 90% done and complete them so I can move on to the new game.
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yeah, the guy who won the giveaway i did a few months ago never even installed the game, he seems to have played every game except for the one i gave him. kinda sucks in that i wanted to give it to someone who would actually play and enjoy it, but it is what it is.
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I will buy a game and let it sit for 6+ months if its on sale, reason why is because I am not done playing the games I am currently playing. Why should I start up every game I buy/win right away, I would seriously never finish a game if I did this.
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Yeah. Buying it means you 100% definitely get it. Winning one in a giveaway? Your chances are incredibly slim. There's no guarantee you'll get it, which means it's even more logical to keep playing your current games. If I won Batman: Arkham City today, right now? I'd go to my Xbox and finish playing Halo: Anniversary first. I play as few games as possible at a time so I can actually get around to finishing them. If that means some really enjoyable game gets held back for a while, I would prefer that to having fourteen really enjoyable games being played one after the other and never finish any of them.
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Maybe so, but all of your wins but one come from private or group giveaways. Even if everone had those odds, there'd still be no guarantee. Even if I got a game I've wanted all my life from this site, I'm still on one of the best rides of my life with Halo: Anniversary, and I wouldn't stop that until I'm done with that rollercoaster of awesome.
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I would eventually play all the games I win/buy, its just I like to enjoy the games I am currently playing to the fullest, if anything thats a good thing for the person who gifted the game, what does he rather me play it for 2-3 hours and totally forget about it? Because thats what would happen if I didn't stick to what I am doing now. Instead I will get to it in a couple months and play through the whole thing, seems like a better idea.
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I haven't won anything but I'll be guilty of that if I do. Same thing happens with the games I buy. I buy dozens of games a year (on sales), and install a small subset of them. You mention Fallout 3, and it's one game I bought but haven't installed yet, and probably won't any time soon. I bought the game because I think I'll enjoy playing it, but I have so many games I haven't played yet (and the collection is constantly growing) that I will probably not get to it any time soon.
It's even worse with giveaways, because it not only appeals to the collector but winning is fun in itself. In fact, just the chance of winning is fun. There's a good chance that if I win something (and I haven't yet) I won't play it, at least for a long while. For example I enter all the Half Life 2 Episode Two giveaways. I haven't even played Episode One. I haven't even finished Half Life 2. I'm not even playing HL2 these days. I enter because I'd like to complete my HL collection (I have HL complete, HL2, HL2Ep1) and because it's just fun entering giveaways. HL2 is a good game, I'm sure I'll enjoy it if I ever play it again, so it's not as if that game is useless to me, but it will sit gathering dust for who knows how long.
The short of it, I enter giveaways (here or elsewhere) if the prize appeals to me and I can see myself using it. Doesn't mean I'll use it immediately, and there's a chance I won't ever get to it.
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I noticed too that most steam users have played only like 15% of their games and some of them they only tryed for less than a hour. Not same for me, if I have the game, I beat it, then beat it on max difficulty then try to farm all achievmants or play the multy/co op
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Exactly, I have bought so many games in sales that I will very probably never play them all. And I am not buying games which I don't plan to play. But there's not enough time. I am also trying to play one game thoroughly before I start another so it can take years before I start some new games which I've got recently. But it doesn't mean I don't want the games which I am trying to win and I am very thankful to gifters... or will be when I'll win something. :-)
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I can understand why would be upset but there could be a good reason why that person isn't playing the game they won. For example, I was given Amnesia: The Dark Descent during a Christmas exchange on another website and I haven't played the game yet. It's not like I don't want to play it, but I installed the game, tried to play it and realized that the game wouldn't even work with most Intel cards. So I'm stuck with this awesome game in my library until I actually have enough money to install a graphics card that doesn't suck donkey balls.
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Pretty much every reason given in this thread so far is accurate.
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The moral is don't assume. You don't know why that person hasn't played it yet. Maybe they want to but can't. Maybe they have a LOT of games to play and that one is just one on the list.
TF2 is the sort of game you can fire up quickly, play a few rounds, and then leave. Fallout 3 is a very long game that requires more attention, so maybe they were just reserving it until a holiday or something.
Keep in mind that in most parts of the world this is around the time school comes back in, so games can sort of pile up. I personally have over 100 games in my list of games to get around to play - in fact, I have around as many books in my list for pleasure reading, too.
Do some "game collectors" try to win games in steamgifts even if they have little interest? Yes. Should you assume that's the case outright? No. I have PLENTY of games I've never even played. I intend to play each and every last game in my Steam list, except for a few titles I got in bundles and publisher packs that I don't really care about. but persuing a business degree and other non-VG commitments means I don't have many opportunities of very long stretches of time gaming.
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Sometimes a big game like Fallout can take a while to install if you have bad internets... Ever thought about that?
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By the way, having a game installed doesn't mean it will get played. I won The Sims 3 this year (not here), and installed it right away because I wanted to see what it was like (it's not the kind of game I'd normally play). I discovered that I could spend hours micro-managing that virtual person's life, but decided that even though it's surprisingly engrossing that's not the way I want to spend my time. It's enough taking care of two real life toddlers. :)
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It's hard to say whether the game is played or not. People just can be offline or they can play it absolutely without Steam. If you look in my Library, you'll see many games I haven't played yet or played it just just for 0,1 or 0,2 hours. Does it mean that I'm only a collector? No, it just signify my computer can't run them. However, I'm sure I'll play them when I have a new one.
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I entered this site to have a chance to win games I'd like to play but if others don't or do not play the games right away it's possible they're busy or don't have enough time I guess...
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Or a "joke", a fascinating new method of conveying anecdotes or falsified tales to cause humorous reactions.
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It is very annoying. The first giveaway I created was won by this Russian guy who didn't seem to really care that he won the game. I later saw that he had taken the game, put it in his inventory, and given it away on Steamgifts. I am glad that he gave it to someone who may enjoy it instead of keeping it knowing he wouldn't, but I also felt like if he didn't want the game in the first place, why enter the giveaway?
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Well Russians are like that (Not all). They dont care about games because games in their country are damn cheap. Basically MW3 is like 10€ and all that. Even when i bought my MW3 then 70% of players were Russians and 50% of them were hackers. They just dont give a damn about games. They hack, they get banned and then they buy a new game and things go all over again.
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That, and every Russian has at least 100 fake accounts which they created to farm coal during the latest Holiday Sale event. Then they come here with those accounts, collect points and steal even more stuff that way, because let's face it, that's what it is. Makes you wish the Cold War had never ended...
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Wow... that's just... wow... that's really fucking ignorant.
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It's like saying all Chinese people are gold farmers in MMOs.
There is an element of truth here but it's still an incredibly stupid thing to claim.
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I hope people spreading this hate get banned, I am part Russian and I find this incredibly ignorant, I have 1 account and thats all, this is like stating every Irish person is a drunk, give it a rest, wish people would learn that race has practically nothing to do with a persons personality. Also if you seriously think that only Russians did the coal farming crap you are so very wrong.
Also to Zonitrol, he might have figured "Hey, I really didn't realize what type of game this is, not really my type of game after all, might as well put it back up on steamgifts." He probably should have just gifted it back to you but not everyone thinks that way, not like you/he gains anything from giving away here though so its not like he was trying to make a profit.
Much better then selling/trading it I would say.
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True, sometimes people miss the rules though, kinda like when people put up humble keys and then say "opps please remove this, my mistake".
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I actually won 3 games in one week and yes i havent played all of them. One of the game i won was Introversion Bundle and i just dont have time to play all of them. Its actually very good to have those games, because now i have enough games in my list to make gameplays. My fanbase on YouTube would love to see me playing all those games. But yeah i also have personal life AND problems so i cant play those everyday.
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It's actually worse when they only play it for a few minutes and then give up. I've entered pretty much every Hacker Evolution giveaway that has been put up so far, and whenever I checked the winners' profiles, they only had like 0.2 or 0.3 hours of playtime...
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Yeah, but that's Hacker Evolution. PC Gamer UK BLASTED it in their review and I honestly can't blame them from what they said. It came with a walkthrough of the first level as a tutorial that DIDN'T WORK. That's a special kind of incompetence and that's just what I can remember.
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Retarded assumption. I'm looking it through the giver's point of view. Give away a game to someone that will just let it sit in their inventory and never touch it, it's a waste. And could potentially prevent others from giving, and just simply trade their games.
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I myself am guilty of that, and I have to say I feel kinda bad about it.
I have entered giveaways for games that look good to me. Example: Company of Heroes. I love DoW, I love DoW2, CoH is basically the same game in a different setting, right?
I don't know. I tried, I really tried, but I could not get into the game. After 2 or three hours I decided that there's no reason to play a game I don't like, even if I won it, and just deinstalled it. I feel bad about it, I really do, but not bad enough to use my free time for something I don't like.
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I got 2 personal experience cases :(
You might want to really play the game because it looks fun but when you actually get it and play it you see that it's actually not or that you don't like the game. Unfortunate but happened to me before :(
Or my current case: I got a LOT of games during the sale, most of them gifted. So it's literally impossible for me to play all of them immediately because I want to finish one first and then moving on to another which might take a while.
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I myself have won Half Life 1 few days ago.
I haven't played it yet. Why?
Because I've got other things to do. I won the giveaway and am planning to go through the game (which I played already long time ago, before steam times).
If I won Fallout 3 I probably won't play it immediately if I won't have time for RPG at the moment. But I'd probably play few rounds of TF2, as it's not so time consuming.
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Every time you win a game that just sits in your library unplayed you're stopping someone else from winning it and letting it sit in their library unplayed.
Frankly I think that for most people the games they win here aren't at the top of their wish lists. If anyone really wanted one of the low cost games given here, they'd buy it. Even for something like Fallout 3, that was $5 in the year end sale. Anyone who wanted it (like me) could have bought it. And as I mentioned I haven't yet installed it, and probably won't do it in the near future.
So while I'm sure most gifters would like to see the winner play the game, realistically the odds that someone who really wants the game will win are low.
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You do have a point.
I wonder how many Skyrim giveaways went to people that have no intention of playing it?
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I was just browsing through my entries list, checking out the winners and clicking their profiles to see how much they've played the game they have won. I was surprised to see that out of 10 winners, only like 2 have actually played the game they have won. I don't know about the rest, but i only enter to win games i really want to play. If i won a game, i'd quickly install it and start enjoying it.
I saw someone that won Fallout 3, not even have the game installed. He was online and what was he playing? TF2! I'd be disappointed to see this if i were the one that gave away the game. I'd want to see the person that won, actually enjoy the game.
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