What should i do?
Whatever you feel it's best. There are lot of variables to take in consideration. If you don't want to lose her, if your relationship isn't that deep, if you're both in just for the physical intercourses and social status, then don't tell. But if you really love and care about her a lot, then tell her, it's the right thing to do in that case, because you'd always feel guilty looking at her, it's a great burden to bear. And afterwards if she'll still want to be with you that's great, treat her 100 times better, if not at least you have the hope she'll find a better guy. But of course this is just what I would do, it depends on the person, everyone has different values. You can also ask yourself, how would you feel if your girlfriend would cheat without telling you. Bafta frate, numai bine!
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you'd always feel guilty looking at her, it's a great burden to bear
In my opinion if you did something wrong you should carry this burden, not trying to transfer this burden on a girl who did nothing wrong. And after confessing the one who did cheat will have clear heart that he was forgiven, won't feel guilty looking at her and the one who is innocent will always look at the cheater - she will know it, she will resamble every now and then that he cheated on her. All the burden will be on her. So yeah, in my opinion it is way much complicated than it seems.
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Well in any other case I can agree, if you do something wrong then yea your should carry the burden but when you're in a relationship, you're both agreeing to commit to each other, you're basically making a contract / arrangement based on trust to be faithful to one another. It wouldn't be fair to the other person who perhaps was always faithful, to keep it a secret, would it? Also he will carry the burden after confessing too, as you put it, she'll look at him remembering but he'll know too, it will still be burden, it's not like he's transferring to her and immediately forget it. Keeping it inside can also turn a person into a worse version of himself and the other person in the relationship wouldn't deserve it. No one is forcing her to stay with him, if she still decides to actually stay, it's her problem she'll have to get over it. It's better to tell her now before they make a bigger step and marry or have a child, it's your opinion and I respect it but I think it could only cause more pain than it should to perhaps a greater deal of people.
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There's no universal answer to that. You'll have to figure that out yourself.
But please don't use the alcohol or drugs as an excuse. They make you less inhibited.
So you banged her because you wanted to.
No-one forced you to. Maybe your girlfriend is not that important to you as you think.
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But please don't use the alcohol or drugs as an excuse. They make you less inhibited.
Self control is a large part of what defines us, so I think that alcohol isn't just an excuse in this respect. There's obviously some lapse of judgement in this case, the assumption that being in a party without your girlfriend with someone you find hot and drinking heavily would result in nothing, but I can see how that could be an innocent mistake, complicated by how alcohol impairs judgement.
The important thing is learning from this.
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Woah, that's a difficult decision! But I think the point is, if you had a crush for another girl, maybe you don't love your girlfriend as much as you think you do. I think you should really consider what are exactly your feelings for her first, and then probably you'll find out the answer to the question you're asking us now too.
Also, a lot of people will judge you for what you did, but remember that we all make mistakes and the most important thing is to learn from them. Good luck in any case.
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maybe you don't love your girlfriend as much as you think you do
I wouldn't say that's necessarily the case. Physical attraction isn't the best measure of love or what makes for a good relationship, and I can certainly see how CristianMtfk's girlfriend can be right for him but he could find someone else (who's less of a good match) more physically attractive. It's not a great situation, but it's natural. Many (most?) people don't think their partner is the hottest in the world. There's always a hot actor or actress or whatever that people like, and perhaps might even fantasise about. The problem is when a hot person is accessible and willing.
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I was thinking about that feeling of having eyes for no one else when you're really in love with someone, but I can see your point. Feeling attracted to another person doesn't mean you don't love your partner.
In any case, one thing is finding attractive other people, and another having a crush on someone else for a long time, that's why I thought maybe he should reconsider his feelings before making a decision.
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I don't know, English isn't my first language either, so sometimes I don't detect these kind of translation errors.
If it's a real crush, it's more serious. If it's just physical attraction, then I agree, it doesn't have to affect his love for her at all.
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Don't ask me for advice, my life is a train wreck.
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Then we'll ask you "what would you do?" and then do the opposite ;)
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It is very hard for me to bump after knowing what you have done...
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What a douche . Stop drinking,learn some proper english and dont be a fcking dickfuck.
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This is a question no one else can answer for you. You have to decide what kind of person you really are. No one can decide that for you.
No matter what you decide, you should realize your relationship with your current girlfriend is doomed. I try not to judge or make assumptions, but if this was to happen to you it is easy to draw conclusions as to how you would feel about it.
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There is only one advice about relationships I know and it's
If it's not yours don't meddle in it."
On the other note, this is internet, so I don't think using real names, places and other information is smart thing to do, so I really hope that you protected Elena's real identity.
Also, none of your poll options are mutually exclusive.
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Be honest.
Being drunk or stoned doesn't exonerate you (or Elena) from your responsabilities. Maybe that will destroy your relationship with your girlfriend (and with Elena), but you'll also become a better person by learning that your actions have consequences.
Be strong!
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Born in Romania , Targu-Jiu September 16 . 1996, going to kindergarten at 4 yea.... who care about this? huh ? let's jump streight to the present.
Soo it was this night in May 14 when i cheated my girlfriend right in the day when we have done 3 years together, i was at this party a lot o people and girls a lot of girls, of course my girlfriend was home feeling sick... soo let's continue with the party it was this girl, Elena i have'd a crush since from 2013, soo the things have gone too far... i was soo stoned and she was drunk as well... and I slept with she...
Now.. i didn't wanted to do that... no no no, i love my girlfriend, she don't know what i've done... Elena don't know i slept with her, Thanks God.
Soo i'm the only one who knows, maybe now you wonder how do i know that, well i woke up and i was naked she was naked, bla bla..
Now what shoul i do?
Jump intro the train
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