Dude, everythyng is answered in this topic http://www.steamgifts.com/forum/91wob/faqrules-and-guidelines
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How very odd. I just read the FAQ, recently, and every question you asked was answered within it.
Just to be clear, people on this site will point you to the FAQ because your questions would seem to indicate that you haven't read it, yet, and you need to do so. The FAQ is full of information you should know if you wish to use SteamGifts.
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I never understand people like this. You'd think people are lazy...but no they take all the effort to write a new topic instead of opening the FAQ with a little help of ctrl + F
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Do you mean Steamgifts.com?
"its 300 points free each day?"
No, you receive points when people make a giveaway. Everybody gets 5% of the value of the game in the giveaway in points. So if somebody makes a giveaway for a game that costs $20, everybody gets 1 point. If somebody gives away a $50 game, everybody gets 2.5 points. If somebody makes a giveaway for a $5 game, everybody gets 0.25 points etc. etc.
"and how do i know when Award ends?"
The giveaway? It says "ends in xx days", "ends in xx hours" or "ends in xx minutes" on each giveaway.If you mean the award of points, that nevers stops. You will always get points as long as people are making giveaways.
"how do i know if i won? i recive the gift? code? or automatly in my account?"
The person who made the giveaway will contact you on steam or send you an email. You will also see a green bar telling you you have won here on Steamgifts on the page with all the giveaways on it. When you receive the gift you must click "yes" to say that the person sent the code to you.
"also i canceled one Entire Giveway having 300 points, after i cancell i still had 300fg, why?"
I'm not sure what you are asking here, sorry.
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He wonders about the refund. He had 300 points and wonders why he didn't get a refund for removing his entry.
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He didn't read that part of the FAQ which states that 300 points is the maximum except in special cases.
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I would try to reply in your native language if I knew it well. Unfortunately, I don't, but here's a link for a Spanish version of the FAQ. You can find the link for this in the FAQ post to which you've already been linked.
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-You get points when people make giveaways. When someone makes a giveaway for which you need 10 points to enter, everyone on this site gets 5% of 20 points (so everyone gets 1 point)
-When the giveaway ends, the winner will see a green bar with the text 'You won a giveaway, click here to mark as recieved' (something like that, I don't know the exact text.If you did not win the giveaway, nothing will appear.
-The maximum points you can have is 300.
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Ese nivelito de inglés, picha.
Venga, voy a ser buena gente y te voy a ayudar:
-Cada vez que alguien crea un sorteo (paso de llamarlo giveaway) a todo el mundo le dan un porcentaje de los puntos que cuesta entrar (creo que es un 5-10%, así si alguien crea uno que cuesta 100 puntos, a todos nos darían 5-10 puntos).
-Esto no tengo ni idea de qué quieres decir, ¿cómo sabes cuándo acaba? Cuando creas un sorteo, te da la opción de poner hasta cuándo quieres que dure y cuándo quieres que empiece.
-Cuando ganas un sorteo, te aparecerá una barra verde o azul en la página principal, justo debajo de la "featured giveaway". Luego, la persona que haya creado el sorteo se pondrá en contacto contigo por email o agregándote a steam, y te mandará la clave o el regalo.
-El máximo de puntos que puedes tener es 300, si entras en un sorteo y luego sales, o borran ese sorteo, esos puntos te los devuelven, pero sólo puedes tener un máximo de 300.
Como veo que tienes poca idea de inglés, o que simplemente has pasado del FAQ (porque todo lo que has preguntado viene ahí, por mucho que digas que no), te voy a decir un par de cosas más que tienes que tener en cuenta:
-Los juegos que ganes tienes que activarlos en tu cuenta, ni regalarlos, ni intecambiarlos, ni volverlos a sortear aquí.
-Cuando crees un sorteo, si en la lista para seleccionar el juego tiene un asterisco al lado del nombre, eso significa que ese juego ha estado en un pack a un precio muy barato (tipo humble bundle), ha estado gratis o han robado claves, por lo que regalando esos juegos sólo conseguirás un máximo de 30 dólares de contribución en total. El resto te lo irán dando poco a poco cuando dés juegos que no lleven ese asterisco (un 20% del precio del juego).
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i dont understand at realy, i have 300 points, and i Enter to some GiveWays all ok. I spent all my points last night, and i connect today and i have again 300 points.
My Dudes:
its 300 points free each day?
and how do i know when Award ends?
how do i know if i won? i recive the gift? code? or automatly in my account?
also i canceled one Entire Giveway having 300 points, after i cancell i still had 300fg, why?
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