Hi everyone I am recently more active here you can say I am new here and when I was looking at the stats I saw a few people add me on their blacklist and a few of them on whitelist. Of course I am happy to be on people's whitelists because if nothing else I want to make friendly contact with people here :) But I wouldn't understand why people would add me on their blacklist I didn't even have much contact with people yet so I worried that if I may have offended people unknowingly

1 year ago

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This thread covers a lot of it:

1 year ago

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People will add others to blacklist for any and every possible and impossible reason.

1 year ago

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It's either based on your win:sent ratio, the quality of your giveaways or the content of your comments.

1 year ago

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Whitelist can be useful. Maybe that user likes to do giveaway only for whitelist. So if you are whitelisted by an user, you can then join whitelisted only giveaways meaning better chance of winning games.
But this is still an if. That user might never do a whitelisted giveaway. So being whitelisted is good if it happens but at least you lose nothing.

Blacklisted is kinda same. Why is it same? Cause it means you miss out joining that person's giveaway and that guy can't join your giveaways too. It's basically the twitter equivalent of blocking but for giveaways. But less useful. Meaning you can still talk with them in the forum and they can talk with you. The restriction of blacklist is just on giveaway. The chances are the only times you will find the person who blocked you is during the community giveaway train.
People might accidently block you while checking out your profile. There have been times where my total blacklist dropped after many days.
There is really no point debating why someone blacklisted you.
I could say "starfield sucks but I would play it if I win it here". And some dude might blacklist me just because. One time I had an argument with one guy and another user replied next day after the argument to tell me that he blacklisted me.

1 year ago

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lol @ "I could say "starfield sucks but I would play it if I win it here". And some dude might blacklist me just because."

So very true, I have found SG to be an odd biome or microcosm of oddness at times.

I have no idea how I've earned mine, but I probably said I like pineapple on pizza and that was enough of a trigger

1 year ago

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Because they can.

1 year ago

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Everyone has different perspectives and opinions on what's admissible and what's desirable. People might blacklist you because you put too often generic thanks on their giveaways; others because you didn't thank on your win. You might have won and have bad ratio, ok then to blacklist. You might have won, said thanks, seem active, good ratio, whitelisted. You might have made a comment that some interpreted as bigotry, blacklisted. You might have made a comment expressing an open minded opinion that some interpreted as not proper to their own bigotry, blacklisted. You might have put a wishlisted game in a giveaway, whitelisted. That whislisted game was not won by someone who wanted it, blacklisted. You said "hi" and someone was having bad hair day, bllacklisted. There are as many reasons to be blacklisted or whitelisted as SG users. No point on discussing which ones are "valid" and which ones not, because they're subjective and sometimes/often random.

I myself sometimes watch my stats and not often go to the white/blacklist graph and I wonder "what have I made in the last days to be blacklisted by three people?"

I tried to not use blacklist, but I ended having certain few specific personal rules that, if broken, lead to a blacklist. Sadly people breaks them pretty often. I also have a more open mind for whitelisting, just that sometimes forget it, and people who deserve it can go on until I realize "did I whitelist this one? Oh no, I forgot again, fixed".

1 year ago

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I see thanks for explaining :)

1 year ago

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My personal advice about blacklists? Forget they exist entirely.
You know how they say the best revenge against someone who wronged you is living well?
Well, same goes for SG. If you want to get back at people who blacklisted you, make lots of great GAs they will never get to enter (because once you blacklist someone, you can't enter their giveaways either)
but really, forget about them. They are not worse your time, worries or doubts. There is nothing you did wrong. And even if someone thinks you did, well, their GAs their choice. No need for you to worry about it.

1 year ago

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thanks :)

1 year ago

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I don't use WL because I don't do WL GAs. I only BL people that don't activate their wins, or don't communicate if there's a problem with the GA.

I have applied to some people's WL recruitment, because they do WL GAs. I have received random, and temporary WLs, presumably from comments? One WL was from a winner of one of my GAs.

I got a lot of BLs initially because people didn't like what I was giving away. I have also received some from people that didn't like my comments.

I only know who a handful of the people that WL me are, and have never found any that BL me. I doubt most BL affect your chances of winning anything. The right WL, just like the right groups, can make winning much more likely.

1 year ago

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I just wondered why they did that but apparently it is pretty common

1 year ago

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Forget about it. Its really unimportant.
If you do not want to get blacklists: do not create any giveaways, do not enter any giveaways, do not comment, do not create threads, do not create SG account at all. Some ppl will blacklist you just cuz u exist :D

1 year ago

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Millennials and Gen Z think this is reddit and use the blacklist as a downvote system. People will blacklist you because they don't like the games you share or your profile picture, they don't like a comment you have made, they had a bad coffee from Starbucks or it is raining outside. Not even joking sadly, I don't even pay attention to it any more. Most of the blacklisters don't share anything anyway.

1 year ago

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Please don't generalize younger generations.

1 year ago

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But then I wouldn't be filling my grumpy old codger role. I mean I could sit here and write a 5 page essay about societal norms, peer pressure and the desire to fit in but I'm kind of past all that. Instead I'll say this, if the shoe doesn't fit then don't wear it. Not everyone is the same despite the sheep mentality. I'm sure there are a few old duffers who blacklist everyone just because they can but let's be honest this is a younger generations way of thinking. Sorry if you dislike the sentiment but I stand behind it.

1 year ago

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There can be a lot of simple/basic things why people blacklist someone for "no reason"... Didn't like your comment, think your comment was "stupid"... For example, your last discussion some might think, omg, this is so simple, just basic math...(why ask so simple question) Some might not like you commenting under their giveaways saying "thank you" if you are not the winner..(not saying you do this, just an example) Even some might not like you commenting "thank you" if you win or if you don't write "thank you" when you win... People being people I guess...

1 year ago*

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You exist. It is as simple as that.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Today 2 people have put me on their blacklist and then I don't care😂

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago*

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I am on the very easy side,

I add WL

  • you were active in the community before 2014ish while I was active, in forums and Steam chat
  • I won a good giveaway,
  • I won more than one giveaway from you
  • you give away a game I wishlist or you giveaway I own already and loved (I think close to 20 ppl on this)

I add BL

  • I can say the only blacklisted people I have is the people that BLed me for the reasons they had. So it is their choice. ( I remember blacklisting some people for level abusing also but I think I reverted them all. And I might BLed some toxic guys from forums before they BL me but it seems I reverted back also )

It is up to you but life is too short to worry about other people. There won't be an end to things they offended.

1 year ago

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I can say the only blacklisted people I have is the people that BLed me for the reasons they had.

Makes sense only if you do giveaways lasting longer than seven days.

1 year ago

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You'll probably get added to a bunch of additional blacklists just for asking this question. A lot of users add others to their blacklists for the pettiest of reasons, and their targets often have no clue what that reason might be. I'm on very few blacklists, but most of mine came all at once, and I'm guessing it was from a conversation thread that has since been deleted, since when I looked back out of curiosity, I couldn't find anything that might've been to blame.

I whitelist people any time I win a game of significant value from them. I generally won't do it for a 1-5P game, but I'll definitely do it for anything worth at least 15P. I've also whitelisted a handful of people I've seen be exceptionally kind or generous in other discussions. From time to time, I've made whitelist giveaways to thank those folks, though less often than I probably should.

I've only blacklisted 3 people over the years, and each was for behavior I considered especially egregious... All three were added so long ago that I don't remember what the reasons were, though! 😆 I think one of them may have won and redeemed a game, but never marked it as received.

As others have said, don't worry about it. Just ignore it. I tried to look into my blacklist spike out of curiosity more than anything else. I generally try to be cordial and friendly, but honest, so if someone blacklisted me for something I wrote, I'm probably better off not associating with them anyhow.

1 year ago

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thanks I will try to let it go :)

1 year ago

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I'll try to add the people for helpful comments thanks for everyone!

1 year ago

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btw can I see who added me on their WL or BL?

1 year ago

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