Winter Killing Floor achievements should be coming soon, maybe the new unlockable skin will be similar to Frosty the Snowman? Hopefully they give those that missed the previous holiday unlockable "Badder Santa" a second chance to unlock it (like they recently did with Commando Chicken for Hallowe'en).

Anyway, the giveaway for the "PostMortem Character Pack" is here:

You must be a member of the official Killing Floor Steam group to enter (you may need to re-sync after you've joined).

More importantly:


Lods of Emone

L-o-d-s o-f E-m-o-n-e .

12 years ago*

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Steam Group

First time I try the linking.. lets see if it worked xD

Edit: Woo it did, for future Pr0n

[words] (link) without the space between the brackets

12 years ago

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I noticed that after going through the Formatting Help FAQ , thanks.

12 years ago

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No problem (:

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Pr0n.