
Normally I'd go through the blocked countries manually, but there were so many that I just said "fuck it" and decided to set this GA to NA only. Enjoy, fellow Americans and Canadians.

If there's a problem with the gift link, please tell me so that I can try to get it sorted out as soon as possible.

Song of the moment: Area51 - "The Vampire's Agony"

"Normally I'd go through the blocked countries manually, but there were so many that I just said "fuck it" and decided to set this GA to NA only."

Lol I like the way you think right there. Also thanks for doing it this way cause this means that we won't have a whole bunch of freaking "Russian Federation" and other foreign Steam users trying to enter this giveaway all at once (and if one of them would win a giveaway, it either becomes a huge pain in the ass trying to contact the winner and/or it would be a long wait for one of them to even redeem the game and mark the giveaway as "Received"). Fuck all that crap.

6 years ago

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