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181 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by hunggar28
1,046 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by Lep9six
1 Comments - Last post 43 minutes ago by hawkeye116477
0 Comments - Created 1 hour ago by Chris76de
2,276 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by MeguminShiro
46 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Inkyyy
25 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by ewoda
52 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by moonlightdriver
775 Comments - Last post 6 minutes ago by thejaff72
30 Comments - Last post 18 minutes ago by Skwerm
20 Comments - Last post 23 minutes ago by wigglenose
0 Comments - Created 24 minutes ago by wigglenose
17,312 Comments - Last post 24 minutes ago by Carenard
16,343 Comments - Last post 25 minutes ago by Carenard
Great looking game, good luck, et cetera!
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Nice leech.
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How do you mean?
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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.
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Could also make me someone who's unable to get funds on Steam (and someone who waited two years to play Fallout New Vegas, or Planetary Annihilation, just to give an example of the extreme amount of patience I have when it comes to acquiring things I want). Though, I chanced upon a wallet code, with which I made a purchase, which will allow me to use the community market in a bit less than 30 days, which will allow me to sell stuff from my Team Fortress 2 inventory for Steam money, which will allow me to buy games.
So if you have some patience... :P
Regardless, does it matter? I was unaware that this site revolved around never joining giveaways; I thought it revolved around, y'know, friendly people giving away things for free and fun and friendliness, and other people thanking them for it. Not a site of 'give and take', but a site of community and friendliness, if that makes sense.
So I'm unsure what you want me to do. Steal a credit card? Or just not comment, so that you can live on in blissful ignorance of people who don't have a 1:1 (or better) giveaways made:giveaways won ratio? But that'd detract from the community aspect, not? 'Sides, considering I have actually given away one game - which cost the full ten Euros, yes, not from a bundle or anything - doesn't that make me 'better' than most of this site's populace (then again, I maintain that it doesn't make me better at all, but going by this logic of obsessing over ratios...)?
And you know why I made that giveaway? Because here I was, using a site full of friendly people giving away games and all - and per chance I could contribute to it, so I thought, well, I can do that now, and it's bound to make someone happy, so, sure! This despite me actually liking to play the game. But something silly as such a ratio never entered my mind.
Funny thing is, years later, I got the game again (won it here?), so I could still play it in the end.
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You have more games won than given, doesn't that make you a leecher?
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Could also make me someone who's unable to get funds on Steam (and someone who waited two years to play Fallout New Vegas, or Planetary Annihilation, just to give an example of the extreme amount of patience I have when it comes to acquiring things I want). Though, I chanced upon a wallet code, with which I made a purchase, which will allow me to use the community market in a bit less than 30 days, which will allow me to sell stuff from my Team Fortress 2 inventory for Steam money, which will allow me to buy games.
So if you have some patience... :P
Regardless, does it matter? I was unaware that this site revolved around never joining giveaways; I thought it revolved around, y'know, friendly people giving away things for free and fun and friendliness, and other people thanking them for it. Not a site of 'give and take', but a site of community and friendliness, if that makes sense.
So I'm unsure what you want me to do. Steal a credit card? Or just not comment, so that you can live on in blissful ignorance of people who don't have a 1:1 (or better) giveaways made:giveaways won ratio? But that'd detract from the community aspect, not? 'Sides, considering I have actually given away one game - which cost the full ten Euros, yes, not from a bundle or anything - doesn't that make me 'better' than most of this site's populace (then again, I maintain that it doesn't make me better at all, but going by this logic of obsessing over ratios...)?
And you know why I made that giveaway? Because here I was, using a site full of friendly people giving away games and all - and per chance I could contribute to it, so I thought, well, I can do that now, and it's bound to make someone happy, so, sure! This despite me actually liking to play the game. But something silly as such a ratio never entered my mind.
Funny thing is, years later, I got the game again (won it here?), so I could still play it in the end.
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Could also make me someone who's unable to get funds on Steam (and someone who waited two years to play Fallout New Vegas, or Planetary Annihilation, just to give an example of the extreme amount of patience I have when it comes to acquiring things I want). Though, I chanced upon a wallet code, with which I made a purchase, which will allow me to use the community market in a bit less than 30 days, which will allow me to sell stuff from my Team Fortress 2 inventory for Steam money, which will allow me to buy games.
So if you have some patience... :P
Regardless, does it matter? I was unaware that this site revolved around never joining giveaways; I thought it revolved around, y'know, friendly people giving away things for free and fun and friendliness, and other people thanking them for it. Not a site of 'give and take', but a site of community and friendliness, if that makes sense.
So I'm unsure what you want me to do. Steal a credit card? Or just not comment, so that you can live on in blissful ignorance of people who don't have a 1:1 (or better) giveaways made:giveaways won ratio? But that'd detract from the community aspect, not? 'Sides, considering I have actually given away one game - which cost the full ten Euros, yes, not from a bundle or anything - doesn't that make me 'better' than most of this site's populace (then again, I maintain that it doesn't make me better at all, but going by this logic of obsessing over ratios...)?
And you know why I made that giveaway? Because here I was, using a site full of friendly people giving away games and all - and per chance I could contribute to it, so I thought, well, I can do that now, and it's bound to make someone happy, so, sure! This despite me actually liking to play the game. But something silly as such a ratio never entered my mind.
Funny thing is, years later, I got the game again (won it here?), so I could still play it in the end.
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I most certainly agree with that - why, it almost looks as if I wrote that myself, perish the thought! \o/
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Could also make me someone who's unable to get funds on Steam (and someone who waited two years to play Fallout New Vegas, or Planetary Annihilation, just to give an example of the extreme amount of patience I have when it comes to acquiring things I want). Though, I chanced upon a wallet code, with which I made a purchase, which will allow me to use the community market in a bit less than 30 days, which will allow me to sell stuff from my Team Fortress 2 inventory for Steam money, which will allow me to buy games.
So if you have some patience... :P
Regardless, does it matter? I was unaware that this site revolved around never joining giveaways; I thought it revolved around, y'know, friendly people giving away things for free and fun and friendliness, and other people thanking them for it. Not a site of 'give and take', but a site of community and friendliness, if that makes sense.
So I'm unsure what you want me to do. Steal a credit card? Or just not comment, so that you can live on in blissful ignorance of people who don't have a 1:1 (or better) giveaways made:giveaways won ratio? But that'd detract from the community aspect, not? 'Sides, considering I have actually given away one game - which cost the full ten Euros, yes, not from a bundle or anything - doesn't that make me 'better' than most of this site's populace (then again, I maintain that it doesn't make me better at all, but going by this logic of obsessing over ratios...)?
And you know why I made that giveaway? Because here I was, using a site full of friendly people giving away games and all - and per chance I could contribute to it, so I thought, well, I can do that now, and it's bound to make someone happy, so, sure! This despite me actually liking to play the game. But something silly as such a ratio never entered my mind.
Funny thing is, years later, I got the game again (won it here?), so I could still play it in the end.
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Thanks! =)
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Seems like an interesting take on the standard 4x game! Thanks
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Thanks ;)
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Your game?
It's definitely been intriguing me since it came on my radar.
None of the negative reviews seem to have been definitively objective, which is good, and the core content seems a nice change of pace from the regular straightforward, bulky space 4x mechanics.
While I'm not really a trading-game type on the whole, I'm a base-builder by nature, so the game could potentially appeal to me quite a lot more than most combat/expansion-oriented 4x games, if it plays out as it sounds like it might.
Definitely a game I'd like to try for myself.
Thanks for the opportunity :)
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Thank you!!
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thank you!
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Thank you .
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Thanks You (๑ ั็็ั ั็ ั็็ั ั็•็ั ั็็ั ั็็ั ั็ ั็็ั﹏ ั็็ั ั็ ั็็ั ั็•็ั ั็็ั ั็ ั็็ั ั็ ั็็ั๑)
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Great! Thanks for this!!! o/
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Thank You!
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Thank you !!!
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Thanks for the chance
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thanks for the giveaway
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Awesome, concept and the graphics look good. I always like playing games where you get to explore and deal with a universe that you can make a profit. I hope your game does well, if your looking exposure contact Who's Gaming Now?!.
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