
Previously, Not Sudoku | 3312 | Next time: A Brother and Sister's Epic Struggle for Peace and Freedom!

ON TO 4,000 CARS!

Please remember to mark as received!
I have no expectations about you playing this immediately--life happens, other games are a higher priority to you, etc. Play this when you get around to it (please don't totally forget about it in the meantime), and most of all, enjoy! :-D

Sorry for the mess, I used the wrong key and had to delete the ga and remake it.


6 years ago

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You know that you can just edit the key before you send it, right? Just sayin'. ๐Ÿ˜œ Hope that helps for next time...

6 years ago

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No, I did not. O.O How?
Thanks very much for the tip!
(I also remade it because it ended the 29th here in NA, not the 28th.)

6 years ago

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After the GA ends, your key has a "send key" link. But, if you drill in to the GA from the list, the key value now allows you to edit it. So, you can just change it to the correct key, save it, and then send it. You can do the same thing if you've created a GA as "gift" (so no key was provided) and then you can enter the key or gift link after the GA finishes.


6 years ago

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Thank you for the explanation! I appreciate it! :D

6 years ago

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