Did you remember you solved this part? :)
So Nioh is something like Dark Souls, I guess? Not sure, but hope I remember to try it in a few days, though... :)
Oh, here's a question: what do you really think of puzzles? :) I mean, this one is starting to look like a complete waste of time, but what about puzzles in general? And do you prefer to have a large "PUZZLE INSIDE" sign, or is noticing the puzzle part of the fun? I'm too lazy to solve them, myself... :)
Good luck! :)
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Sometimes I visit SG and click on the puzzles section when I'm procrastinating and have time to kill. I try to solve puzzles if they look fun and don't take too long. The prize is another incentive of course. I tend to give up easily (like 30 min max depending on the rewards and how much I want to procrastinate) so I guess they are not wasting that much of my time. I won't be doing anything productive anyway :P
I rarely visit other sections so a "puzzle inside" sign would be nice, otherwise I'd miss them :)
I've already associated your username with "there is a puzzle inside with awesome giveaways" though.
Offtopic: Your username somehow reminds me of Go, are you a Go player XD
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Aha, I haven't tried solving any puzzles in ages, so I can't tell which ones are easy and which ones are not... :(
I was expecting more people to have found the Shadow of War giveaway, since it's not exactly hidden... Guess people got scared of all the numbers and ran away? Actually, I was expecting more people to have found all of the giveaways, but if nobody solves the final part at least I can re-use that idea for next time. I'm pretty lazy... :) Plus I won't have to buy the game if nobody wins. :)
Hmm, yes that's where the name came from, wasn't quite 50 kyu, but I was pretty terrible. :) Haven't played in some time, so I'm a lot closer now... :) Sometimes I think it would have been fun to learn Go instead of Chess, since I was still bad at chess, but less bad comparatively... :) Although, if I ever get a time machine, that decision is way down on the list... :)
Good luck! :)
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Puzzle is a waste of time if you make enough money to just buy the game in the time that you take to solve the puzzle. Otherwise, it's a good way to increase your chance to win games that you would need to spend an arm and a leg otherwise.
Was the former case previously, and now in the latter case, so here I am. [:-(
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Aha, I hadn't thought of it that way, but that makes sense. :) I've seen some people work on puzzles just for fun, even when they can't enter the giveaways - but not everyone... :)
Good luck! :)
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Puzzles have always been the most fun part of SG for me. Like most people, what drew me towards SG in the first place was the opportunity to win some games, but the Puzzle section of the forum was what made me stay. I remember being intrigued by them and that long Puzzle Bible thread before I was even able to create an account here. I like the great variance in difficulty, required skill, thinking outside the box that they offer, because sometime you're in the mood for a quickie and other times you want a challenge. When I say "puzzle", I mean something that requires you to think, come up with an idea and get that aha moment that ultimately leads you to the solution. I'm not a big fan of the jigsaw puzzles that gained popularity in the last year or so, especially when someone decides to play the sadist and make one with 400 pieces that is near (or literally) black just to mess with people. I also don't consider them a waste of time, I enjoy them most, when I learn something new from them. Can't say that I have a clear preference of out-in-the-open puzzles over hidden ones. Variety is the spice of life. I'm a little rusty though. I took a small break from puzzling, but like mgbnn said, I now associate your name with a cleverly-hidden challenge and just can't stay away.
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Thank you, that was interesting! :)
Yeah, I think puzzles were more popular in the past, with lots of people having fun with them... I haven't tried to solve any myself in a long time though, so maybe it's still going strong with different people involved? I think some people have stopped, or stopped visiting Steamgifts entirely... Oh well...
I assume the jigsaw craze is to ensure an actual human found the giveaway link, instead of some clown auto-entering everything with a script. But maybe some people use them as actual "puzzles" which seems extremely lazy to me. :)
I've seen a lot of clever puzzles around, don't think I've ever managed one myself though. :) Just a lot of busy work. :) I think a Dark Souls puzzle was the closest I ever managed to making a good one, just ran out of brain lately it seems. :) As you can tell from this thing. :) Still one giveaway hiding, I'll have to re-use the idea again if nobody finds it... :)
I hope this game's fun, downloading it now... :) Good luck! :)
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Oooh. A 0-point giveaway that I'm pretty sure is even on my stupid wishlist! Thank you. :)
I'm not very good at puzzles. I definitely prefer if there's a big 'PUZZLE INSIDE' sign, so I can tell whether I'm continuing to be not good at puzzles or just simply not finding the puzzle because it wasn't there in the first place. In the former it's my own fault for being crap; I'd really not waste even more time with the latter. :)
So ... how many puzzles were in your pi puzzle? I thought of a couple more ways to analyse it, but they seem to have turned up results that I can't map onto It's Too Hard or SG links, so I suspect they're not actually part of the puzzle. I wonder if I should spend even more time on it ... .
Edit: Hmm. If I'm guessing right there are still two more to find. Argh.
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One big hint for puzzles - check the person's profile. Usually if you don't see any "Invite Only" giveaways, there is nothing to find. :)
If you do see Invite Only giveaways, which ones match up to the giveaways you have found? And if they made six, and you found four, you missed two. Arithmetic to the rescue! :)
So using that method, it looks like you found umm, most of them? Did you skip the pity puzzle giveaway? Other than that one, I think you're only missing the final giveaway, but nobody else found it, either. The one the topic's named after... So don't feel bad! :)
Good luck! :)
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Well, actually I like puzzles. Well, sometimes they irritate me, when I have no idea even how to start, but anyway it's fun to try. And I like how you hid so many puzzles in one place, I'm starting to wonder how deep the rabbit hole really is. But yes, from some point of view - puzzles are complete waste of time, so I can attend to them only when I have enough spare time, that wasn't so recently. But now my vacation started, so your puzzle is just in time for me) And then again - any kind of fun is a waste of time, but come on, why do we need all those time if we don't have fun?
UPD. Forgot about second question - It does not matter if there is "puzzle" sign or not, if it even look suspicious - it's easy to check that user have a lot running private giveaways to make sure it's the puzzle. Unless the topic looks completely innocent of course.
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Ahh, it's not a very deep hole, unless I were evil and didn't create the giveaways yet. But I
didn't think of that ideawouldn't do that, so it looks like you're only missing the final giveaway. :)In the old days you could expect any really stupid topic to be hiding a giveaway, but lately it seems most of the stupid topics are just stupid topics, hiding nothing... Oh well. :)
Good luck! :)
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I still check (almost) every stupid topic... just in case... even when I don't have time to solve puzzles)
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I prefer the PUZZLE INSIDE sign, I don't usually check threads for hidden stuff... and I like puzzles for puzzles themselves, most of the games I play on Steam are puzzle games as well, it's my way of relaxing from work...
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I guess the fun of occasionally finding a hidden puzzle isn't worth the effort, especially since most of the time there's nothing to find... :) I used to have fun solving puzzles, but I'm so lazy... Now I don't even bother to look at the puzzle threads, which is a pity, since I could find a lot of better puzzle ideas from the clever things other people have done... Oh well... :)
Keep relaxing, the last one probably sucks anyway... :) Good luck! :)
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Look at that... Found it! 1 to go.
Puzzles are fun when you can solve them. If I can't solve them it hurts my ego.
I'll just leave this image here:
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Nice job, skeleton! :) Hope you didn't spend too much time on it, remember it's the weekend! :)
Yeah, sometimes I've tried hunting around digits of pi for something specific, but I always gave up... :) Just too lazy, I guess. :)
Good luck! :)
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Thank you. Solved it very quickly once I got down to it.
The one I'm missing only has 2 entries.
Does that mean that there's been very few solvers or is it a game that most of the solvers already own?
Do I own it or have it wishlisted? 😮
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The final game isn't exactly a secret, if you know what the title of the topic means. :) Nobody on my Steam friend list owns it, but it's only been in the store a week or so. I don't know if it's any good. Looks like it's not in your wishlist. Does that help? :)
Basically I don't know if it would be worth your time to keep hunting for it. :) Sorry... :)
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Well, I've looked at recent Steam releases and I'm none the wiser from it.
We'll see if I keep trying to find it or if I leave it as it is.
Thanks for checking.
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Hmm, did you check out the youtube link in the topic? Hopefully one of them isn't blocked for you... Anyway, "With the kids sing out the future" are song lyrics from the song in the youtube video. And the name of the song is... :)
Good luck if you keep trying! :)
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After writing up a whole bunch of notes (too many actually) on how this could possibly be solved and sleeping on it, I finally remembered some cheeky way of encoding binary I had encountered not too long ago. Lo and behold... At least I have some interesting ideas for my own future puzzles from all the failed options.
Still can't figure out how you have two more in there though, probably something else obvious I'm overlooking. But this GA is the only one of the more hidden three you made that I wanted to enter.
In regards to your question: I tend to loose sleep over trying to solve interesting puzzles, more so if it's a worthwhile prize. They give a chance to workout some brain-muscle and it's always great when that "aha" moment arrives.
I think noticing the puzzle can be part of the fun too, it depends on how the creator sets it up. Though I will admit, finding hidden stuff not flagged as such was part of the inspiration for my sniffer script.
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Hmm, yeah, I always think of better ways to do things, or hide more stuff, after it's too late. :) Don't think I've ever made a good puzzle, sometimes I have an interesting idea, but never seem to spend enough time on it. Guess I could say more once these giveaways are finished... :)
Well, it's probably obvious as soon as you think of it, but before that point maybe not... I don't try to solve puzzles any more so I don't know where the line is drawn between "difficult, but possible to solve" and "impossible, requires reading the puzzle creator's mind" ... :) If it's any consolation, none of the three people who found the final giveaway noticed a hint I put somewhere. So the hint wasn't even necessary.
Aha, so you made the puzzle finding script thing I've read about... :) As the puzzle stated, I was too lazy to troll it. :( Haven't even taken a look at it yet, but it might be fun to see how many people are using it with red herring old Bad Rats giveaways or whatever. :)
Good luck! :)
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thanks a lot, this should be a really cool game!
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Let's hope so! And if not, think of the fun you will have with loot crates! Those are cool, right? Woohoo! :)
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Complete waste of time :D
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The puzzle, probably. The game seems pretty good, though... :)
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Yes, I meant the riddle. Game looks good :)
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