Thank you for this giveaway!

1 week ago

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6 days ago

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Hello my friend, It seems I can't register game, it is not possible in my country :( ,POLAND. Code was not used. - in Polish I have that comunicat - Przepraszamy, ale ten produkt nie jest dostępny w tym kraju. Klucz produktu nie został użyty. Please reroll with restriction.

14 hours ago

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i'm very sorry about that :( thanks for being friendly about the situation. it's honestly my fault for not checking beforehand. it's from april's humble choice, and the sg thread states :

NA, Oceania, Africa, ME, India, Mexico: probably {sub/678813} - can be redeemed everywhere apart from RU/CIS, SEA, LATAM, Europe, Turkey

i have some other keys right now i could hook you up with if you wanna choose one to make up for this giveaway. i'll send you a steam friend request.

i put in a request for deletion so i can remake the giveaway, since i think it's too late to add region restrictions right now.

10 hours ago*

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