Oh no, I gave away too many of these, I won't get enough precious CV. Maybe I can find some 95% discount garbage instead...
Umm, it's Dark Souls. Much more fun than Dark Souls II, if you ask me. But you'd have to play them both for hundreds of hours to be sure. Took me ages to notice, actually. Just stopped playing somewhere in the third DLC area, decided I'd seen enough. :(
See, I don't even remember the name of the place. Or the NPCs, or where to find all the important loot, etc. Being able to teleport everywhere from the very beginning was a mistake, I think - but the sort of mistake that seemed like an improvement at first. Like climbing ladders faster, that was a real improvement. But when you can instantly zap everywhere, you don't remember where places are, or how they are connected. And none of it makes sense anyway.
Dark Souls, look up, look down, look over there, it's all connected. And you'll be going there later. Well, most of the time anyway. If you see a message telling you to try jumping off - yeah, that's probably a lie. :)
Also, seems there aren't as many people playing lately, so the multiplayer stuff will involve a bit of sitting around before you get connected. And if you're trying at SL1 expect a very long wait. I suggest using the "PVP Watchdog" mod and just alt-tab out of the game. It will beep when something happens, eventually...
Hmm, if all that makes sense, you've already played the game and have no reason to enter this giveaway. Oh well.
By the way, this game has a 75% discount all the time, so if you don't win, just wait for another sale and buy it. :) Good luck! :)
81 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Adamdoodles
25 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by ZeawensGamingChannel
89 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by PikachuLee
123 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by cals7
32 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by Xiangming
2,415 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by vlbastos
16,696 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by BlazeHaze
81 Comments - Last post 6 minutes ago by Tucs
0 Comments - Created 12 minutes ago by KotoGames
17,416 Comments - Last post 25 minutes ago by MjrPITA
172 Comments - Last post 27 minutes ago by GeekDoesStuff
186 Comments - Last post 39 minutes ago by pingu23
6,617 Comments - Last post 44 minutes ago by Oppenh4imer
47 Comments - Last post 48 minutes ago by YukiLucky
I've still not jumped into the multi-player bandwagon, but I watched a friend play this for a while, and it looks awesome. Thank you for the GA ^__^
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You can play the whole game by yourself, but it's not as much fun. Maybe if you only play through the game one time, it doesn't matter much. But if you're going to keep playing with different builds, or try for all the achievements, or do the pvp stuff, it helps to have other people around. You will (eventually) always know what the computer enemies are going to do, but you never know what other humans are going to do. Keeps it interesting. :) Plus, you can play dress-up.
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Aha, puppy Sif, good luck! :)
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thanks man, really wanna taste the smell of my death once and once again xD
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So you came to the right place! :) Lot of dying in this game... :) Good luck! :)
But dying in Dark Souls doesn't mean you failed, the only way to fail is to give up. :) Dying means you screwed up and need to learn something. Usually it's "don't get hit." :)
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wow that is a detailed description. Thanks 50kyu!
I have seen a full gameplay for Dark Souls II and it was hard but funny, with a lot of exploration as I like ^^ And people agree that DS1 is better than DS2 in many aspects. It is a pity that the multiplayer part of the games die slowly once a second part of the game is released, many good games with no multiplayer these days :/
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Yeah, I wouldn't call Dark Souls II bad. For me, it was disappointing compared to Dark Souls. Compared to other random games in my library, it's great. And it still took me 300 hours to realise I wasn't having fun any more. :)
The dying multiplayer is unfortunate, since it's so much fun doing random things with other people in the game. Due to the way the multiplayer works in Dark Souls 1, if you want to play alone it's very simple. You have to actively want people in your game (by "reverse hollowing" at a bonfire) to get them.
I think most new people eventually try "reverse hollowing" in the menu at a bonfire and discover it lets them summon help for a boss fight. But it also lets other people invade your game. So beginners try it, get killed in 1 hit by the invader with the fully upgraded everything, and decide to play the rest of the game alone... Good luck! :)
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fortune favors the bold, and so i entered ..... thanks :D
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It's a lot of fun, even for the timid... :) But good luck! :)
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You had me at "Much more fun" :)
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Well, that's just my opinion of course. :) Some people may enjoy Dark Souls II more than this. But some people are silly. :) Good luck! :)
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Thanks again, I still don't have this game because of GFWL and region restriction bullshit which died a few months ago, now that I have money on Steam it won't go on sale. :(
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This one was from the Humble Store, but yeah if your money is on Steam that doesn't help at all... Good luck! :)
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thanks for all the lvl 4 ga!!=>
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Still trying to decide the eqivalent of "$30.01" i.e. "spent actual money, not just a few $1 bundle tier leftovers." :) But I guess there isn't any such thing in V2. :) Good luck! :)
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Thanks for the chance! :)
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Umm, good luck. But I bet you say that to all the giveaways... :)
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Yes, I definitely like to show my appreciation for those who are kind enough to post awesome giveaways! :)
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Better than those lazy people who say nothing at all, or write the same comment to everyone... :) I can't think of anything to say when people do that... :)
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One of whishlisted :) Thank you for a great GA!
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Well, if you don't win, keep watching for a sale, seems every month or two it's got a 75% discount somewhere... :) But good luck! :)
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I would like to play dark soul, but it doesn't discount very much on summer sale QAQ.
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There's regularly a 75% discount somewhere, you can install the "Enhanced Steam" addon for your browser to show any good deals you might be missing and so on. Good luck! :)
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really? thanks for the information!!
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If you haven't tried it before, Enhanced Steam is great. It adds many useful things to the Steam pages in your browser. For example - what is the current lowest price for a game? Sometimes a game has a small discount on Steam, but is also in a bundle right now. Buy that bundle instead, get 5 games and save money! :)
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Good luck...
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i guess i'll have to die
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Yes, that's how you learn things in this game. And as long as you keep learning, you keep progressing. If one way doesn't work, try something else. :) Good luck! :)
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thanks!! it's as brutal as the reviews say? (I mean, try and error)
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Well, it doesn't suffer fools gladly... :) As long as you pay attention to why you died, you should be fine. For example, if you run into a room full of enemies and die, maybe next time you go slower, and only fight one at a time. Or maybe you run past all the enemies, ignoring them all. Or maybe you keep doing the exact same thing that got you killed before, over and over again, until you quit in frustration. Don't do that. :) Good luck! :)
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that reminds me of what I did with emulators and save states xD
thanks for the explain and GA.
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Thank you for the chance, I've been wanting this one for a while.
I usually hate games where you can die but this one just calls for me to beat it xD
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Yes, dying in Dark Souls is basically the whole point. It wasn't the RNG killing you, you made a mistake, so go back and make a different mistake next time. Eventually you run out of mistakes. :) And as long as you can get back to the place you died, you don't lose anything. Good luck! :)
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Thank you, I'm holding my fingers crossed ;D
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I'm not gonna lie, i have finished this game, I have finished its dlc, but I am still gonna enter this giveaway cause this is my favorite game ever and want to play it at 60 fps even though i have a mac and have to run it through wine... thanks for this... even if i don't win it will just be as good as playing the game, you try once just to get better odds the next time!
and I'm a bit drunk right now and Imma a let you finish but... Zelda Souls would be the best game ever and Hidetaka Miyazaki should marry Fumito Ueda, Hideo Kojima and Shigeru Miyamoto and have babies together and everything would be great in this world. ever. EVER. E....
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Hmmm, I wonder if the mods work on a Mac? You'll need "dsfix" to get 60fps, and read the instructions because it's off by default. And you'll have to disable it in a few places because it breaks some things. You might also want the "pvp watchdog" so cheaters don't hit you with various cheat things... Good luck! :)
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Thank you
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Good luck... :)
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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.
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Oho, I see you've already won some great games, hope you find time to play them all... :) Good luck! :)
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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.
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Hmm, that reminds me, I never finished Bioshock Infinite. Reading all the reviews and descriptions and whatevers made me expect something amazing. So when I finally started playing, yes it sure looked nice. Loved God only knows, didn't know what it was doing in there though. Some sort of time-travel stuff I guess. And then... It's just another fps, and I'm murdering everyone I meet. Yay.
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i like hard things :v
but srsly i love RPGs and challenges, wanted to buy it on Nuuvem becuase of the GFWL things was not on my Steam store, and then Nuuvem changed ahhh, anyway, thanks xD
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Not sure if buying things from Nuuvem works any more, I've heard they changed something recently. Don't know the details, though... Good luck! :)
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This is one of the most wanted game as for me, thanks for chance! :3
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Well it's not going to be a very big chance, lot of people try to win these public giveaways... :) But good luck anyway! :)
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level 4 is still a bigger chance than no level restriction :P
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thank you, you won't believe it, but I've read the whole description :p
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Why wouldn't I believe it? :)
I mean, you won't believe it, but I've read the whole thing too. :) And I've read all these comments. :) Don't ask why... :) Good luck! :)
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Thanks for this game, i always wanted to check this one but got other games musthave to spend my money on:) hope i win:)
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Well it's not at the top of everyone's wishlist, since everyone likes different things. And if I hadn't won a copy I never would have known it existed. Yay for stumbling upon a forum giveaway... :) Good luck! :)
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Thankies for the wishlister. Reading your description made me want to go back and wishlist it again.
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Well, it's good enough to be in your wishlist twice, if you can find a way to do it... :)
Unsurprisingly, it's easier for me to write about games I've played... :) I never know what to say about that Riddick game. And someone will probably be helpful and explain it all to me again. And I'll thank them and forget the entire thing in a week or so. :( Good luck! :)
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Thanks fiftykyu
I'm hestitating to buy game, because it's difficult and I'm not experienced in this genre, but if I win...
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Don't worry, it's just like csgo... :)
But really, the game is fair. Unless some cheater invades your game, every time you die in Dark Souls it's because you made a mistake.
It wasn't some impossible dungeon you weren't supposed to explore yet, where everything kills you in 1 hit, and you can't do anything about it. You can always do something about it. :) It was something you did (or didn't do) that got you killed. For example, an enemy held out his arms in a way that means "I'm about to grab you and chew on your brains" - and you stood there, wondering what he was doing. :) So you died, but you learned something. The next time that enemy holds out his arms, you will know what it means. :)
Good luck! :)
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Thank you :D
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No problem, good luck... :)
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