
What you think about suicide?

It's not a good thing, I know. But is it really that bad?

Do you think it's wrong to choose when and how to die?

good luck btw


12 years ago

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… I'm just here to win the giveaway … Er, thanks!

12 years ago

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Thank you!!

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Thanks for the giveaway.
Unlike what most people that I know, I think that suicide is not a cowards way out, suicide is the end of what in most cases horrible mental scars and pain, I've know 4 people whom committed suicide, I know why they did it, I don't like it, but I accept that they chose that way because they could not see any other way. The act itself is not bad, just how you do it can be, especially if it effects a lot of people like jumping in front of trains or blowing yourself up or blowing your brain out in a public place.
Well, that's my view of it anyway.

12 years ago

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I have almost the same point of view.
Thanks for being honest and good luck

12 years ago

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Same here, what Alderus said.

12 years ago

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I agree. It's not a cowards way out, but I'd never do that.

12 years ago

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I will never say suicuide is a good thing. And it is a cowards way. How do you call dying on purpose, what means losing most precious and beautiful thing that you ever received, just because you don't try to find a power to pull yourself ? There is always hope. Always. Finding hope in your soul and trying to change your life is hard. It is damn hard. But if you refuse to go through danger of life to try find hope because you don't want to be sad, you are a coward. A coward and a weakling.

12 years ago

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It depends on person and situation, I think.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

12 years ago

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I would rather kill myself than commit suicide.

12 years ago

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Suicide sucks. It doesn't just affect the person that does it, it affects everyone that loved them. They have to live with it! So, don't ever do it!
Of course, there always exceptions. I mean, if I was paralyzed from the neck down I'd want to do it. I'm sure I could think of many other horrible examples, but I'd rather not.
So, if you're just sad/depressed, get help.

12 years ago

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Not even sure someone will notice that I died.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts

12 years ago

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There is always someone who will notice, has to clean up after the fact. I do think suicide is a selfish act; you don't care which effects it will have, it's all about you. And after effects will not be dealt with by the person who died and who killed her/himself without caring what the consequences will be or the legacy left behind.

But it is understandable, logical that they are selfish. If someone thinks about suicide, they are so far gone, that they are solely focused on themselves, their own suffering. They have such anguish, that all they can see is themselves and nothing else.

I don't think you should look down on people for that though. It really depends on circumstances, if it feels somewhat understandable or comes across as full blown selfishness. However, if people would hang in there, things will get better (unless they are terminal..). It may take some time, but it will happen, as long as you hang onto life and want help. Besides, there are a lot of people who have gone through some serious, terrible stuff, but they survived and have a good and happy life.

But if someone is really thinking of suicide, always, always find professional help. There is no shame in wanting to better yourself and people should give themselves chances, oppertunities to make improvements. So whenever you feel cornered, find professional help.

12 years ago

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Maybe you're right and it is a selfish act. But the world is full of selfishness. There will always be people who care only about themselves. So I don't think that I'll be worse than the other. For my opinion, there are situations when suicide is the only way to fix the life.

I don't know what to do next.

Anyway, thanks for your time.

12 years ago

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fix the life and suicide are contradictory. suicide does not fix, it ends, and that does not fix. i am sorry you feel this way. i am very willing to talk to you about this. please friend me on steam. i would very much like to talk. i can offer first hand advice. please seek me out.

12 years ago

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I agree. Suicide does not fix things. It leaves things unfinished and for others to clean up (not just family, but anyone else who knows you or has to deal in official ways by your death, because it is part of their job...and don't even think that it never affects those people, even if they are strangers). And I don't think that because others are selfish or commit suicide that it makes it okay.

I won't go bare my heart and soul in detail, but I have once been so depressed, that I felt nothing. I just went numb, couldn't care or feel motivated for anything. It was pretty miserable, because everything was meaningless.

It is a bit hard to describe, because I was more or less a shell. I was just waiting every day for the time to pass. Nothing was of interest. Not even the "fun" things, like tv, books, games, etc. If you are emotionally numb and if there is nothing that interests you even a bit, you just live because your body happens to keep you alive. I don't think suicide is the way (imo, if you have hit rock bottom and can't go down any further, you can only get better), so I hung on and after many months, I slowly got better, bit by bit.

It did not mean that I wasn't feeling very down (or depressed) before or after, but never again like that.

If anyone feels for whatever reason severely depressed or suicidal (doesn't matter what the reason is), get help. Professional help.

12 years ago

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I'll think about everything I've read here today.

12 years ago

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Thanks... Suicide is bad mmkay.

12 years ago

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Mr. Mackey?

12 years ago

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Thanks... Suicide is bad mmkay.

12 years ago

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OMG i was just about to say that hahaha

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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that was interesting

12 years ago

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Well then, that's grim for 10 AM...

12 years ago

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Thanks and you should talk to someone else about this

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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not actually i think, sometimes it's something good too, as long as you don't know why the person suicide, you can't judge if it's right or wrong. if someone feel everyday of his life are tutore, or someone get a disease which will never be cure, instead to afraid and worry which day the death will come, why not?

12 years ago

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thank you

12 years ago

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thank you!

12 years ago

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Thank you~!

As for me, I will keep it short - ZETSUBOUSHITA!

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Suicide is taboo ..different cultures see it different other look it as a bad thing others as honor and retribution, also religions as well most forbid and "curse" you when you commit it.people who led them shelf's to suicide from depression for instance, believe that there's no hope and cant change but the truth is most of them didn't try to change.

12 years ago

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I don't even know how to start changing something

12 years ago

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Thank you

12 years ago

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Cheers. :)

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Gracias :3

12 years ago

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Socrates once said that he knows that he knows nothing, and is therefore the wisest of men. His line of reasoning is that the more you learn, the more you realize how much more there IS to learn, so the only person who thinks he has it figured out is the guy who has no perspective of how much stuff there is to figure out

What always bothered me about suicides is the perspective: It's a pretty finite decision, and needs careful consideration. However, anyone thinking he has enough knowledge/data/experience to make a decision like that is almost certainly the person that has the most to experience in the future, and has no clue about what he's about to do.
It's like when kids say 'girls are yucky' or 'boys are gross', and then end up [REDACTED] five years down the line XD

12 years ago

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Interesting opinion, thanks

12 years ago

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