294 Comments - Last post 48 seconds ago by TwixClub
24 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by Myrsan
115 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by wigglenose
2,452 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by Ch1cWolf
18 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by makki
71 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by vlbastos
322 Comments - Last post 12 hours ago by ManlyMeatMan
140 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by Mikurden
360 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by RePlayBe
724 Comments - Last post 21 minutes ago by Sofas
108 Comments - Last post 38 minutes ago by Kingsajz
147 Comments - Last post 49 minutes ago by shandyseggs
914 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by rufioh
1,598 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Ingrid88
thanks! :)
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No breaking up bundles is allowed. Reported.
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you sir are a dumbass, how do you know this is from a bundle
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Look at his other giveways
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I agree that this is more than likely from a bundle but for all you know that's just a huge freaky coincidence. You have no actual solid evidence that this came from a bundle.
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Wow, and yet you are dumber than me.
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Breaks the rules in order to bitch at others for breaking the rules
Calling out other users isn't allowed either. You're just as guilty of breaking the rules as he is.
Yay, hypocrisy.
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cant you give them away after the bundle is over anyways?
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No. Only as a giftable bundle. read the rules.
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As I said before, calling out other users is also against the rules so you're just as guilty. You're very selective of which rules you want to follow and have enforced, aren't you?
You're in no position to bitch at others for breaking the rules or to tell people to go read them when you take it upon yourself to act as rule police and repeatedly break them yourself in the process. You're being a huge hypocrite.
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Shut up and make a giveaway leach.
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Oh wow, what a brilliant comeback. I catch you in something you're not supposed to be doing and you know it, so you come back with an arguement that is completely unrelated to the issue at hand. Please, get off your little "I'm a contributor and therefore I'm superiour" high horse and explain to me how that's relevant.
I'll make a giveaway when I'm not tens of thousands of pounds in debt and struggling to even buy food you pompous prick. It's not as simple as "shut up and make a giveaway" for a lot of people.
By the way, it's very difficult to take you seriously when you spell a word simple as "leech" incorrectly.
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Can't buy food, has a computer and internet.
What a moron.
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Live in a duplex, share wi-fi signal with neighbour, got the computer a couple years ago.
I just proved your arguement about having a computer and internet completely invalid in 10 seconds. I like how I'm the moron.
I'm waiting to find out what the whole "make a giveaway" thing has to do with you being a self-righteous hypocrite by the way.
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Sell computer, buy food.
Glad I could help.
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Sell computer, spare the people of the internet from your dickish behaviour.
I didn't say I can't buy food. I said I was struggling. Learn to read, don't twist my words.
You still haven't told me what any of this has to do with you calling people out, and that's because you can't. It has nothing to do with anything. I caught you in doing something you weren't supposed to be doing and instead of growing some balls and owning up to it, you resorted to personal attacks and bringing up completely irrelevant things in order to give yourself what you consider to be some sort of upper hand in this little discussion. Grow the fuck up.
Have a nice day.
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You undermine him for spelling "leech" incorrectly but you actually managed to misspell "argument" more than once too. Drink a bit of camomile tea on your way out.
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Well that's a bit racist, as it's not misspelled here in the UK. British English spells it that way. Arguement invalid.
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Also I've been meaning to tell you, this "your argument is invalid" meme has grown old.
Edit: RACIST?? First you basically call the other guy unintelligent because he misspelled "leech". Maybe he is a foreigner. Maybe English isn't his first language. And now I'm racist (note: a much better term would be nationality prejudice) because of an alternate british spelling I honestly didn't know about.
Edit 2: Oh, maaaan. Look what I found. A sensible list of common misspellings. Brought to you by the very british Oxford: http://oxforddictionaries.com/words/common-misspellings
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Not using it as a meme. I'm not even sure if I knew it was a meme. You had an arguement, I rendered it irrelevant and invalid. Just stating a fact.
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I don't quite mean "meme" as what the internet transformed the term into, but as the Dawkins theory revolving around the transit of information. You surely heard it from someone.
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Well excuse me, if we're going to argue semantics, "nationality prejudice" it is. Whether you knew about it or not, that's what it was. I didn't say you were racist, I said that what you said was "a bit racist". Now you know. You learned something new today.
"First you basically call the other guy unintelligent because he misspelled 'leech'..."
What's the difference between that and you commenting on my spelling of the word "arguement"? You interjected yourself into something you had nothing to do with simply to comment on my spelling, with basically the exact same implications as my comment on his spelling of "leech". You're doing the exact same thing you're complaining about me doing, although at least when I did it I was correct (I know you didn't know though, I'll give you that).
Actually, I don't even want to know. I've wasted far too much time already.
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You have wasted too much time on this already. How much time did it take you to write all this?
And yes, I knew about nationality prejudice. It's a kind of prejudice that involves nationality. It's not that hard, really.
I wasn't on a hunt for semantic errors though. I wouldn't have complained if you simply said "prejudice", because it is correct that way. I just thought that calling that "a bit racist" was absurd because racism is a whole different thing.
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Those are just the American spellings.
It won't let me reply to your other comment so I'll say right here that obviously you know about nationality prejudice since you mentioned it. I meant you didn't know about the spelling.
Going clear out of your way to research this as a way of trying to be "right" is ridiculous. Your initial comment had annoyed me a bit but once you told me "oh I didn't know" I was fine with it. Now you're running with it and running with it and it's all very irritating. I'm dropping it, I don't care, do as you please.
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Meh, I just found "arguement" odd because I never read it like that, at all. So I googled it. I didn't google it to prove myself right, I did it to check if what you were saying was right and to learn a new way of spelling.
Still weirded out by it. Didn't find any page where it said that spelling was correct, except Urban Dictionary.
Anyway, let's just part ways. Get in the SG steam chat one of these days, meet the regulars, it's fun :)
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Thanks, I will have a great day. I'm gonna go order a pizza and beer that I'll have no issue whatsoever paying for.
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Oh look, the newb did it himself.
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Cool, thanks a lot!
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thanks good sir.
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Thanks :D
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Thanks! :)
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Looks creepy! Thank you for sharing.
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Thanks You Friend! =) :D 8)
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thank you :)
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thanks! :D
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