Hey, another giveaway. Be sure to have your email all squared away, as it'll be sent there.
Unlike the usual, instead of one comment topic, lets have two:
Super serious: What are your thoughts on Steam's 15-day trade hold if you don't have a smartphone?
I don't have one for monetary, security and privacy reasons, so this little feature of theirs really bit me in the rear.
Not-so-serious: Any S.T.A.L.K.E.R. fans on here? What's your favorite faction?
Loner and Clear Sky for me.
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37 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by ceeexo
i don't like the 15 day hold... its shitty from all angles.. and believe it or not, i have not played stalker.
Thanks for sharing the game!
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Yeah, same. It's ridiculously excessive. I understand the need for 2-factor authentication, but this is screwed up.
Well, if open-world (sorta) survival and post-apocalyptic are your bag, give it a shot. The games are frequently on sale on Steam, GOG, Bundle Stars, and elsewhere. They're often buggy, but there's a lot of charm in the way things tend to go silly ("why are you guys all dead...in the firepit?" "Why are you all walking single-file into a deadly explody anomaly?" "Why is this injured guy walking back to his bunk all twisted in half at the waist, whereupon he floats through the bed?"). There's a fantastic modding community though, and the world and the music are fantastic.
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cool. thanks for the suggestion.. i'll add it to my current list of soon to play games.
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I don't like the restriction either, but I don't do much trading either way, so...
I LOVE S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (and METRO), I think I like the Clear Sky faction the most, Freedom is okay too, but they're too goofy if you ask me...
And thanks! The game looks interesting. ;)
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Eyyy, Stalker! <3 Yeah, Metro's fantastic too. I recently bought Last Light, need to get to it...
Aww, I like Freedom (until they shoot Loners)! Ashot and Yar arguing back and forth over base comms was one of the best things about visiting their base.
I used to do more trading than I do now, back before the Market was a thing. Eventually I was just selling cards to fund games for myself or giveaways (like this one actually).
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Valve is missing out on earning, like, 30 cents from me selling the summer sale cards because the trade hold lasts longer than the cards will.
I have a friend who loves the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. With as much as he's talked about them(a lot), I don't feel the need to play them myself. It's like I've already experienced them..
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There's that, though I'm not sure they're really making anything at all considering it's credit generated from cards they supply. I know what you mean though.
Let me tell you, there's a good difference between hearing tales and experiencing Stalker for yourself. I heard TONS about how awesome the games were but wasn't interested at all due to hating post-apocalyptic at the time; I associated it with what little I knew about Mad Max...cars...dry desert...boooooring. Then Steam provided a -75% coupon for Clear Sky, so I gave it a shot...then bought another copy and Shadow of Chernobyl from the awesome experience.
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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Yeah I agree. If it has to be more than a day, it shouldn't be more than a couple. Fifteen is just way too much.
Hm. It could be said that ALL stalkers are outcasts, really, since the Zone is supposed to be off-limits. For weirdos and interesting characters though, I'll point you towards Freedom. Got some fun people on their side. I like them over Duty, who are utter jerks.
You're welcome! :)
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it gets even better when you plan to sell whatever you're being traded. 15 days to get it, and then 15 days to sell it. : ) What a great system.
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Yeeeah, I was thinking of that earlier. It's kind of the death of a lot of the card and item trading sites, isn't it. :/
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Hell if I know, pretty much no one wants to trade with me anymore now. I have all these damn items I want to trade for games and I can't move a dang thing.
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감사합니다 ^^
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ty =)
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I don't have a smartphone either and I don't use the third-party options. I kind of don't want to futz with it and I kind of don't want to put my Steam "life" in somebody else's hands.
I have never played a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game, though I have Voice of Pripyat in my backlog.
Thanks for the giveaway!
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I think you're right. There's always a chance one of the third-party workarounds could cause theft. Smartphones themselves aren't the most secure items anyway.
Ahh, Call of Pripyat. There are a lot of neat things about that game, though to be honest I liked it a lot less (at least story-wise) than Shadow of Chernobyl and Clear Sky. You might want to run vanilla the first time through, but there are some great mods for that game. An interesting one coming up is Ray of Hope: http://roh-online.com/en/.
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Firstly, I want to say thanks for sharing this game with us Sabathius :)
Steam's 15 day trade hold if you don't have a smartphone is too long of a hold. I can see up to week at most, but not more. I mean, what's wrong with email 2 factor authentication for trades? I think that should be sufficient. Not everyone has or wants a smartphone.
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No problem! :)
A week is pretty aggravating too. Email could be a weakness, and apparently Valve used that as an example as to why it's not good enough for them. However, if someone swipes a phone with the app it's not any better than just having used email. I like the idea of a hard token (like a fob) which generates a one time password (OTP), but that's just me.
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The 15-day wait is pretty stupid since there are quite many people who don't have a smartphone or have a Windows Phone. Luckily you can use Steam Desktop Authenticator or WinAuth to circumvent that. I started using SDA since I had a Windows Phone until very recently. Now I have an Android phone but I still use SDA because I'm too lazy to type out the code when logging in.
Thanks for the giveaway!
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Yup yup, though apparently they JUST NOW released a version for Windows Phone. Third-party auth kind of makes my skin crawl, to be honest.
You're welcome!
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I should honestly just suck it up and get the steam desktop authenticator. Truth be told, with the very existence of such a app. That automatically shits all over steams crappy mobile authenticator system. If someone is truly planning to steal your belongings and has hacked your account or whatever. Why doesn't Valve think they're not going to use that. OF COURSE they're going to use it!!!
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I think it's great to encourage better security, but I think it's pretty shitty to penalize people who don't have a smartphone. Thankfully there's WinAuth. I have a smartphone myself but having to confirm each listing when you're trying to sell cards is so annoying that I plan on switching over to it once the summer sale ends, since I'll have to wait 7 days after removing and adding a new authenticator.
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Eeeeagh...it might be on the up-and-up, but it's hard for me to not think that a third-party program like that would be a great way to steal a Steam account. And that's the interesting thing: Valve has gone so far towards security on the sliding usability-security scale that it's just making Steam trading unusable, with the predictable result of people finding workarounds that aren't exactly secure. Someone wasn't thinking when they came up with this system. :/
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I know what you mean; I was very strongly opposed to using a desktop authenticator since that defeats the entire purpose, which is protecting your account should your computer become compromised. I'm okay with having to grab a code every time I log in, even with taking an extra step for confirming trades. However, having to confirm every single market transaction is a ridiculously huge hassle, especially since I have over 2500 games with trading cards. That's sadly where I draw the line, and it feels like the only two options I have are to stop selling cards because it's too annoying or to use something like WinAuth. If Steam gave me a confirm all button on the mobile app, I wouldn't feel the need to use WinAuth.
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Wow, that's quite a few. I can see that selling and confirming things one by one would take ages.
Accounts like that are fantastic targets if someone could get them. Valve had to do something to beef up security, of course. It's just...there has to be another way to handle this. Maybe allowing you to batch a bunch of trade requests then asking to confirm them all at that point with a one-time pad with a physical fob? I don't know.
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Thanks You (๑ ั็็ั ั็ ั็็ั ั็•็ั ั็็ั ั็็ั ั็ ั็็ั﹏ ั็็ั ั็ ั็็ั ั็•็ั ั็็ั ั็ ั็็ั ั็ ั็็ั๑)
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Being a Windows Phone user the authenticator thing is definitely annoying. There's an Unofficial Steam Authenticator in the store that works quite well, but I can't stop thinking how insecure that actually is. That's the main problem with Valve's stance: forcing stricter security many times actually weakens it (like enforcing long passwords basically deems users to write them down on post-it notes). Using third-party authenticators seems a weak link to me (as I can't be sure that it won't start stealing logins after a sneaky update; not necessarily because I don't trust the dev, but their security can be compromised as well) – so I'm still considering removing it after the sale.
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Yeah, that makes my skin crawl. Indeed, thanks to Valve going too far on one end of the security-usability scale, they've just resulted in making people look for less secure (but more usable) options (like the sticky-note solution you mentioned). Systems need to be secure, but there has to be a balance. Valve really overdid it here. I kind of wish they'd do hard tokens for one time passwords; that seems like less of a pain in the butt.
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I also hate the 15 day hold. I have a Windows Phone, an iPod, and an old beat up Android phone that has been deactivated. The unoffical steam authenticator on Windown Phone was great, until I had to verify I wanted to sell something. It locked up, and wouldent let me do anything. I had to recover my account just so i could set up the valadation on my iPod.
It's needlessly complicated, and there should be an official app on ALL mobile platformes. That includes Blackberry.
As for STALKER, I havent played that. It looked intreasting, but I never got around to playing it.
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Ouch! Well, there's an official Windows Phone app now, so there's an option at least. Isn't Blackberry kind of dead now though? Their last offering didn't do so well. Funny seeing such a well-used and popular device maker fall so far, though it sounds like it was totally their fault for not adapting.
Yeah, give Stalker a shot if you like open world survival and post-apocalyptic. The world is really neat, the music is WONDERFUL, and there are a lot of great mods, but I'd suggest going through the first time on vanilla (though I've heard good things about the bug fixing of Sky Reclamation Project for Clear Sky). The series tends to go on sale fairly often (see above), and if you get the GOG version you get the soundtracks too. If you go with Steam though, you can used GOG's Reclaim page to enter the keys and get a GOG copy.
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I just checked and didn't see an official app until I searched Google.
Its a little unstable, but it works well enough for a first release.
Thanks for the info.
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Yeah I only heard about it via some gaming news sites. You're welcome. :)
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I don't see the much use in the trade hold, but since I moved to programs doing my 2fa for me, it at least became easier...
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Yeah, but easy might not make it safe... super annoying doesn't make it safe either though. lol
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I don't really understand the need for a smartphone authenticator. It's much more easy to get your smartphone stolen than your personal computer, but people at Valve don't know how to count to 3 so you can't expect much brain power coming from there.
In your case, you can get a cheap tablet or get an emulator(there's some good ones around).
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Indeed, people are getting their phone stolen all the time. Considering what folks tend to put on their phones, there are far more distressing possibilities involved then the mere loss of a game account.
Yeeeah, the emulators might work, but they could be a hazard too. I really don't want to risk it. Thank you though.
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Serious topic: I do understand the reasoning behind the Authenticator but the implementation was poorly done at the least. I think I read somewhere today that they have officially launched a pc version today though so that should eliminate the "availability" complaint.
Other topic: Sorry, never played a STALKER game before ^^;
Thank you for the giveaway!
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I think you might mean the Windows phone app. I know they recently released one of those.
If you like open world, shooters, survival (kinda), and post-apocalyptic, you might like Stalker. The world and the music are pretty good. The games go on sale all the time too (see above).
You're welcome!
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The authentication thing has a sort of logic behind it, but was implemented very poorly, like almost everything valve does nowadays. I hear there are workarounds if you don't own a smartphone, but I'm not familiar with them, since I do own one.
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Yeah, I agree it wasn't done right at all. I don't consider the workarounds to be secure, and as much as I'm starting to not like Steam, I'd prefer to not lose my account. Thanks though. :)
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15 days is pretty excessive, but I think if the person has been on your friends list for some time (or something similar to that anyway, I'm not sure of the details), it goes down to 24 hours. So, while still a hassle, not quite as terrible when trading steam sale cards with... myself (which is pretty much all the trading I do anyway). Yes, I could enable the authenticator, but I'm just against that one on principle (oddly, security reasons)... it's very easy to lose or break (software or physically) a phone, and I worry about the recourse in those cases -- i.e. why bother having it at all if there's a simple recourse in that event?
Still working through the first STALKER... will get through the game eventually, but it's of a lower-priority within the higher-priority section of open-world "shooters" on my plate. I think the last time I played it, I kept trying over and over again to infiltrate someplace and they kept seeing me with some kind of ridiculously-aware bit of AI or something. Hard to remember exactly.
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Yeah, I just sent an automated trade request to a friend and it was only a 1-day hold, a surprise to say the least. Still, I like to sell my cards in the Market for extra credit for games (like this giveaway), so 15 days applies there unfortunately. If you don't like to use the official app (which I understand actually, the fewer apps the better, and indeed phones get stolen all the time), what are your thoughts on a hard token fob that gives a one-time password? That might be less annoying, in my opinion.
Hm. Stealth is kind of...iffy...in the Stalker games if I recall. I wonder where you were trying to infiltrate. When you pick it up again, maybe give a Vintar silenced sniper rifle a try if you weren't in a building yet. That was my go-to rifle on my playthrough, fantastic thing. Otherwise...quicksaving every couple of feet might help too (though this bit me pretty badly once lol).
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I have to play STALKER this summer
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Yes! Do! :D
Don't forget about mods if you do a second playthrough too; there are tons of good ones.
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Dammit Jim, I'm a... err, a person who enjoys games, not a... I dunno... expert on the Steam economy!
But yeah, I concur, 15 days does seem pretty excessive, although the need to implement it goes to illustrate the gravity of the account hacking/trade scam problem, I guess. Valve wrote a detailed post explaining their reasoning behind this when they introduced the trade hold, so I can understand where they are coming from. I just wish they could somehow come up with better ways of beefing up their security without inconveniencing legit users. I don't have any better ideas for now, but it's not my job either (like I said, I'm not an expert on these things - right?).
I've been meaning to get around to playing the Stalker games for ages. Maybe I should do it. Now.
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I think hard token key fobs with a one-time password would work better, but I could be wrong.
Yes, come stalker! Just beware... http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/699/298/ddc.jpg
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I have the mobile authentication going, and I find it really annoying that I have to individually approve each and every item I put up for sale. It would be alright if I could just approve them all with a single button press, but I't rather not have it at all.
I'm still meaning to get to playing the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games, but I've heard that they're good!
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Huh. Is it just a button press per item?
They're fantastic! The story is a bit loose, and the AI is goofy and buggy (though they make the Zone feel very alive) but it's really the world that makes it great. And the music. And the mods (though you might want to play vanilla the first time through).
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They give you a list of all the trades and sales you want to make, then you touch one and it has to open another window (which takes a second or two to load), and then in the bottom corner it gives you the confirm the transaction. After you touch confirm it takes another couple seconds for the app to reset the list and what not. So when you're trying to sell the card drops you got from a game, you need to repeat this tedious process for each card (I do a lot more selling then trading personally).
And I might have to give the games a better look since the sale is going on, since you're hitting all the right buttons for me!
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Ahh, I see. I sounds like it wouldn't be TOO bad if you could confirm it from the first screen with one press. Less waiting.
Sweet! :D
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Thanks duder!
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I guess it was needed due to ethe amount of people having their accounts hijacked. however, and this might sound jerky, people should pay more attention to what they do, what passwords they use and general account security. I mean, it sucks that we're having this kind of things implemented, and steam is being removed of nice features (remember /me) because people are stupid.
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I remember /me, though I never used it much. It's annoying that it got removed. Social engineering is a growing problem though, unfortunately, so it was probably a needed step. That said, Valve has really swung too far in the wrong direction this time. All it's going to do is push people to using less secure options to make things easier.
I'm watching the comments on the Steam Market Hold thread skyrocket (over 5,000 now). It really is a shame that Valve doesn't seem to care quite so much about their customers anymore. I mean, you could argue that the 15-day hold is supposed to be a boon, but I can't help but think it's just designed to lower the number of people their....err....problematic....Support has to deal with.
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I got the mobile authentication, but I had to change recently my phone because the app did became to heavy to be handle on my old smartphone (and the 4 other app that i use everyday thanks to google crap). But between a day a 15 days what's the point. Will it make any difference with people stupidity... If someone is stupid enough to put his ID/password/other stuff in the wrong place, 1 day is enough to see and fix it (unless it's a really really dumb person) Even my autistic 12yo know he can never give his ID and that he need to call us immediately if something is not right. A 1 day holding should be enough for everyone, it should be enough for everyone to react to scam (if you have a brain), the ways things are going today seems to hurt more regular users than scammers and long holding time won't change a thing for no-brainer anyway.
I didn't play it yet but it's planned for my summer time. I just don't know the one I should try first :D
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I'm not sure it's stupidity so much as not taking the time to think. To be honest, I've seen some REALLY CONVINCING phish attempts that would really screw someone up if they didn't know where to look. That said, most I've seen are just dumb lol. Yes though, like DRM, this just hurts the regular users the most.
:D Start with Shadow of Chernobyl, that's the first one. Clear Sky is first, timeline-wise, and I did start playing that one first, but SoC is really where you want to start. Then Clear Sky, and finally Call of Pripyat. There are TONS of mods too, but with the possible exception of the Sky Reclamation Project for Clear Sky to fix some bugs, vanilla is best for the first playthrough.
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