
The National Nightly News is live and you’re the brains behind the scenes. Beep the swears, keep the cameras on the celebs and keep the audience hooked in this darkly comedic game of televised chaos.

Thank you for the opportunity! :)

3 weeks ago

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3 weeks ago

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Omg I have wanted this game forever!!! Thank you so so much! Definitely gonna get baked and play this in a minute 🤣

3 weeks ago

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Sounds like a good time, hope you enjoy

3 weeks ago

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Hello, who was the "porter", how did you try to use the key, and what was the code you get? :)

2 weeks ago

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Hey, the porter, was a porta cipher, and the code I got was - NUALMGAK

It says 'bin' in the image text, so for a second I thought it might link to a pastebin... but I haven't found anything lol

2 weeks ago

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okay so a personal hint for you: it doesn't matter what his job is, but who he is (read the hint in the description) ?

2 weeks ago

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Ooooh, yep, there it is

Haha that's on me. I made the connection from 'porter' to 'porta' and didn't explore other options, even when it had been so cleverly connected.

Thanks for the assist. And I said already, but this is one of the best designed puzzles I've had the pleasure of playing, so thank you so much

2 weeks ago

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Thanks I'm glade you like it!

2 weeks ago

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