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I give my permission to make reroll, since I enter this giveaway by accident. I dont need this game
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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.
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Hi. You recently won a few games in TalePlay. One of the rules of TalePlay is to play a win within 3 months. I've added you to my blacklist temporarily to give you a chance to play some of them. You do have 3 months to play them, so you can take your time. And you can ask for an extension if you need it too. Sorry if this feels abrupt. I do hope you enjoy the games and as I said I will unblacklist you after playing them. I hope you understand.
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I thought i would wait for your response on those giveaways where i commented, i asked on taleplay server how does the checking system work, do i need to write a mini review of what i played or not, people tld me that there's automated checking system
i was about to write smth about one of the three games i won first time from you, the one i played , but didn't find much wods except "well i can see how it has such review score"
alo from reading the rules that TalePlay requires 3 month timer and another group - month timer, i was sure i am safe to conplete the task of downloading and launching specifically these three games within the 3-4 weeks period, and not taking it too fast, especially considering how Myst is the game that seems to be such oldie that i would wanna fully properly dive into and not just starting and abandoning it after a few hours
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You have 5 wins so I'd like you to play 3 before I unblacklist you. Please take screenshots as you play and send me a message when you've finished a game (or finished all 3). You can take your time with them as you have 3 months, and if you get close to 3 months, send me a message and I can give you an extension too!
Spacebase DF-9 is played, so you're 1/3 of the way there.
Please share screenshots from the others as you play though.
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how can i contact you to send screenshots if this is the requirement? hat's your discord acc (i learnt about the taleplay group from their discord group so i suppose you are on taleplay discord server too like me)
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There is a guide here on sharing them on Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=181142704#149819
If you don't want to use Steam share, you can send me imgur links. I prefer the Steam sharing best.
You don't need a ton either, I'd say at least 3. Just a few as you play, and if you beat the game definitely a shot from the end!
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i played two games for a bit, in Crumble the controls and camera are just smth, it was painful to play/navigate, espesially the cases when i have to use tongue on walls, this jumping just does not work normally - aiming doesn't let me climb it normally, sometimes i'm just unable to climb this way
also due to game nature of the game it's hard to capture screenshots of some cool action moments
Planet TD on the other hand is just a classic (more or less) tower defence where i just need to grind all upgrades and achievements, hope upgrading system actually helps and isn't broken, so i'll be able to complete all levels (or at least all that required to 100% achivments)
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Cool stuff, please let me know as you finish one and both!
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i played more of one of these, uploaded a tota of three screenshots
so now all three games from the first pack i won from you are played, is it enough to be unblacklisted?
i'll play the other 2 this week if it's required to do within a week and not a month that the groups requirements tell
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Checked now and looks like Planet TD is played!
You only played Crumble for 33 minutes so TalePlay would not consider that played. Please ask in the Dicsord if you have questions on a game.
One of the rules of TalePlay is to play a win within 3 months. You do have 3 months to play them, so you can take your time. And you can ask for an extension if you need it too.
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wait, how long is required to be considered played? and do all winners fall into blacklist until they play all wins for a few hours each?
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For the requirements to consider it played, please ask in the Discord. It's not up to me.
I personally blacklist people that win multiple games quickly and have won more games than they've played. In your case, you won 5 games and had played 0, now played 2.
I do this because I've had people win 15 games from me, never play any for 3 months, then get kicked from the group. TalePlay won't kick people until the 3 months is up, but abusers can get lots of wins from me in 3 months! So that's why I personally blacklist people.
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ok, i understand your situation but it was really unexpected for unexpirienced me that i would be blacklisted as soon as i win smth more after 1 week instead of 1 month that Peaple's Pleasers group requiers - i honestly thought i had at least 2-3 weeks for the first 3 wins to play them
is by now 4 out of 5 games played enough to be unblacklisted, with the one still not played being won 2 days ago whilst as far as i remember from groups description, it is required to play it within 1 month after winning,
also by the time i won 2 more from you i have already played 1 out of 3, not 0 out of 5
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i've beaten planet td, all levels in all worlds, what's left to gather are grinding achivements
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so, ehm, can you please unblacklist me for now? i'm gona complete the task of downlaading the game and opening it as fast as possible just right after i found out i won smth from you since now if this is that much required
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i started the fifth and last game i've won from you
it's a hoi-like or whatever is this genre's correct name
i've started the tutorial which says from start on that it should take about 30 min - i probably already dwelled in it for this and only started 3rd lesson of 6
the tutorial is scenario where we pay as czechoslovakia from september of 1938
i looked around the map and as in like every freaking western made game that has a map of real world and specifically contains eastern europe in it, there's misspellings at the very least, and, for this game very minor and thus neglectible, misplacings of cities (it's not bad though like some other games):
for some reason Ternopol is called Tarnopol, i skipped over it as minor neglectible stuff
Malmo and Stettin are a tiny bit misplaced but i decided it's understandable due to nature of the game - just like plenty of region borders on the map being rather wrong from real ones - but again, Sudetenland's real borders are complex enough to be simplified for the purpose of the game
now, as we progress through the scenario, there's notification: "our enemies, Germany and Italy have formed the German alliance" - and you you know what pic is attached to it? photo of Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill from 4-5 years AFTER 1938, from either Yalta or Tehran conference in 1942-1943. what the actual hell??? kurwa, why? i was just confused at first even what alliance the game talks about. like, churchill isn't even prime minister during september 1938, it's chamberlen
ok, whatever. gameplaywise tutorial does perform it's task of teaching game's very basics so far
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ok, they repaid it later by writing the unironically funny line in treaties and alliances lesson (3rd out of 6)
after Germany declines your piece offering, you are told that Britain is the worlds most powerful empire, at perhaps you should try to ask them for help. The line "worst the UK can say is no" is perfect, i got very big lmfao from that - since i know history and that Britain will later betray Czechoslovakia and hand them over to Germany
seriously, lol'ed for a minute over this
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ok, apparently this photo of Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill is sameon on every alliance formed message in the game, i suppose
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ok so the tutorial scenario abruptly ended right after we asked France for help and they agreed to send us oil which's production we lost due to Sudets being seized from us
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i played and posted screenshots from all five games, can i be unblackilsted now?
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I asked the group owner, Vash, and he said
I'd expect at least 5 hours on Making History, with 2+ screenshots, and for Myst at least 2.5 hours.
Please feel free to ask in the Discord for further clarification on specific games. I just asked Vash and he gave me specifics pretty fast so yeah, just link the win and he or others can help out.
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when i asked in the server i got very few answers and not immediately, and these weren't specific
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ok so i told a really lot on the server about the process of playing all of these, Vash said Crumble can be considered played since i have so much trouble with it, i played the othe two and posted several screenshots with comments, wrote some notes about them in the sever, is it by now enough to be unblacklisted?
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I have not said Crumble is considered finished. I have said that if the game is causing you trouble inform the gifter. If you given the game a fair short, they can conclude that is fair to drop it. But you have to play Myst and Making History. Myst is ~5 hours long while Making History is 50+ hours. Now, considering Making History is a strategy game that can be never-ending, I'd be okay if you played half if not more of that time and take screenshots, throughout the game.
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i've completed to campaign scenarios in Making History, one even with first place in final ranking instead of middle (and that's on top of the tutorial scenario, o a total of 3... ok, 2.5)
wandered around the island in Myst, read all the books in one of huts, tried to press all switches and levers, it probably did smth since something changed here and there
Crumble is absolute pain in my hands trying to play in on keyboard, i tried to do what i can but sadly i dont have three hands to efficiently use wasd, spacebar and mouse simultaneously - i did though completed first world and half of second. also it did not registered the 'complete a level without jumping' achivement ad as i've read on forums other people also had such problem
Vash said to inform either him or gifter if i have problems with a game
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also, the aiming on walls in the tongue mechanic is absolutely broken, i spend several minutes on each shot wall that you're supposed to climb in few secs, i dunno if i'll be able to get speedrun achivement on any level
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Sounds like you played 3/4 of the games so I will unblacklist you.
Myst sounds almost untouched, and so you still must play it within 3 months or you will likely be kicked from the group.
Please only message me if there is an issue. Please post screenshots as you play. Thanks
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