Heres my FULL review for the herding dog game!
It can be found by this link=
Right now only, get 25% off for release sale!
Please know that what I say in this review may NOT be in the final release of the game!
Now that thats out of the way
Please ignore the hours, for whatever reason steam didnt wanna record them.
Hearding Dog-What is it?
Hearding dog is a game that is meant for a younger audience. Being myself as a 17 Year old male, probably didnt reflect to the fullest due to my age, BUT I knew that would be an issue so I brought in my brother to play the game a bit. Il get into that later.
Welcome to the dog life, where you catch birds. Chase pigs around and stop those pesky Fox's and Wolf's from harming your animal friends! Your dog has no name, this is where the creativity comes in for you or your child. Name your dog as you play. Make sure its something with meaning. If your kid cant remember what they named it write it down. Better yet, take an ingame screenshot from the pause menu and print it out for your child to hang on the fridge. As you or your child progreses through the game they will learn to bond with it. Even for me, I needed to make sure that I got all the tasks done and done right.
I played through it and enjoyed it very well. So since I knew this was meant for a younger audience, I called my little brother over, sat him on my lap and watched him learn how the game mechanics worked. We plugged in his xbox controller and it worked like a charm. His eyes bounced on the screen as his mind conquered the little tasks that the game asked for him to do. As the joysticks clicked, so did his mind! The ingame tips helped him here and there as he did'nt fully understand why the other animals were running away from him. I had to explain to him that you were supposed to put them there and so on. Then the in-game tip showed up and he understood immediatly, After beating his first level that required and used this game mechanic he squeeled with excitment and continued to play. Thanks to the easy and basic menu layout, he was able to travel to the next level with ease. Did he care that the map was a little wonky here and there? Not at all. He just wanted to play with spud (Thats what he named him after catching his first bird) again. He knew that spud needed him to complete the task, and (What I told him) spud needs my little bro to complete his task. The perfect duo.He completed multiple levels before I went up and made supper, when I came back down he was 2 level farther then before. Almost to the end I knew, so I got him off to eat. While we ate he talked about him and spud were able to get passed certain obsticles, and how spud was chasing the pigs around the house for awhile ( Level 5 I believe ). He honestly enjoyed this game I can tell. He asked to play more and I simply said " I need to tell more people about this buddy, maybe after if it isn't close to your bedtime"
So, from a childs perspective he loved it. Found it brilliant for his mind, and it definatly told him about loyalty and teamwork.
Of course I did not have this experience as a teenager at the age of 17, but it was good enough for me to play to the end right?
Teach kids about teamwork and self being
A fun and simple game meant for a younger audience, not many on steam!
Good gameplay and works well with a microsoft liscenced controller
You dont need a heavy PC to play this. I belive all the settings are auto configured for your PC
Ability to in-game screenshot
Simple yet affective game menu. Little bro whipped past it with ease
Spark convorsation with family, along with possibly getting a real dog for the adventures to continue!
Fun music that fits perfectly with what your playing
Achievements GALORE. Kids love seeing that pop up after completing a level!
Will lag a bit here and there, nothing to serious but may be something fixable
The world map when changing levels is a bit wonky
Chasing pigs and the other animals can become a pain due to them not going the right way, maybe have some sort of auto-lead to the objective or a closer pull in radious of some sort
Using the WASD keys has ALOT of input lag, would recommend only using mouse or gamepad
As I find more for the review I will add it in!
Please keep in mind that this is a PRE-RELEASE review and does not condone the full end game. When the game releases hopefully most of the bugs and issues here and there are fixed. Not many have been found!
I would also like to personnaly thank Juan ( The creator of the game ) for giving myself and my little bro the chance to play this game. He gave me the chance to review the game along with giving away a few copies for my group that can be found here
It turned out to be much better then expected and I hope to see some DLC come out of it!
Thanks alot for reading this ENTIRE review, as I hope to bring in more sales to this amazing Dev!
Thanks alot guys!
Make sure to check out my group TakeMyGames!
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thanks for the herding dog! :)
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Thanks. Looks like your group link didn't make it.
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Thank you :)
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Comment has been collapsed. Group link is right here, didnt come in in the review ;)
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tthe herding dog life , that is.
german shepherd dogs and the like
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Thanks for the chance.
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Thanks, this kind of reminds me of FLOCK a bit
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Thank you ;D
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thanks ^&^
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gracias la oportunidad bro
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.
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