
Cart 308
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Thank you very much!
I'm currently in a long roadtrip and will write you a more personal thank you message in October.

11 months ago

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Enjoy your roadtrip! :)

11 months ago

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Dear damianea the 103th,
I love neon style cyberpunk and I love couch gaming with friends. I hope I can start this at a party in the next future.
Thank you very much for this nice game.
Best Regards, Sir Myr the 13th.

11 months ago

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Hope you had a great trip! :)

11 months ago

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It was amazing and stressful. We had a very tight plan. Like this: Getting up early (5 am), visiting nature's wonders on 3-4 different locations and traveling 100 miles west, eating in the car ... sleeping in the car and repeat.

11 months ago

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Sounds pretty fun tbf haha, i have a similar plan for a roadtrip i'm planning too, hope it works out as well as yours :D

11 months ago

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