
Welcome aboard the first wagon of this amazing train. I'm thrilled to have you on board. Each wagon will have a discussion question so we can engage and know each other better. Feel free to engage in the conversation. Each wagon will also have a fun fact

Discussion Question:
What’s your favorite game to play, whether it's a board game, video game, or even a classic like cards?

Fun Fact:
Did you know that the longest train ever recorded was over 7 kilometers (4.35 miles) long and had 682 wagons? It was operated in Australia in 2001! Source

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Hm the Fallout franchise has probably been my favorite but State of Decay is also quite enjoyable. Assassin's Creed is great but the whole must be connected to ubisoft client thing is just ugh.

6 months ago

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I enjoyed the first few Assassin Creed's but I've lost interest ever since Assassin Creed Origin came out

6 months ago

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Core Keeper has been a lot of fun. Bought on Steam but also on game pass.
Board game ... I think Sky Team. Really good co-op.

6 months ago

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My favorite board game was Excalibur or maybe Full metal planet

Video game.......That's hard to say, but the one that impressed me the most (story wise) was Dragon age 2

Cards game,mmmmh. That'smore a question for coleypollockfilet . Bud I'd say "crapette" , also called Russian bank

6 months ago

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Does anyone know the board games Paleo or 7 Wonders? Those are great.

6 months ago

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7 Wonders is good fun, and 7 Wonders Duel is decent for a 2-player version.

5 months ago

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I really like both actually.
As I am quite into prehistoric stuff Paleo (and Stoneage, Hoyuk and some others) have a special place in my boardgame heart. Too bad I mostly don't get to playing that much anymore.

5 months ago

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For Paleo you really need a group with strategic mindset that can handle to suffer or lose several times (espacially in the harder scenarios). We have most of the add-ons too. 7 Wonders is awesome for casual play. Even beginner can play with a short introduction. Also you have an amazing SG ratio ... I'll put you on my whitelist.

5 months ago

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Lately i've been playing board game called Harmonies a lot. As for favourite it's hard to tell. I tend to play different things all the time. Yes.

6 months ago

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Lately I've been loving Word games like Taboo and Codenames.

There are a quite a few all-time favorite video games...
Off the top of my head:
Vampire Survivors, Amorphous+, Portal (1/2 + mods), Peggle (All versions), Plants vs, Zombies 1, DROD (Deadly Rooms of Death) (all the series) , Crash Bandicoot (all franchise), God of War (only played 1+2, but I'm sure I'll enjoy all of them.); and well, many more, but let's stop here. :D

5 months ago*

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Haven't been videogaming as much recently but the last game I really enjoyed was Star Traders:Frontiers.
Star Traders:Frontiers

OTOH, board/tabletop gaming has taken up a fair bit of my free time. My partner and I recently enjoyed this one so much we bought it at Gencon:


5 months ago

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682 wagons? Sounds like a challenge.

5 months ago

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Hmm, I would have to say one of many tRPG systems. Videogames are cool, but they can't beat the sheer scope of possibility of tabletop. As for specific system, I can't really say as I didn't play that many. I think the people at the table and the effort you all put into the story matter more than the system.

5 months ago

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