
Please tell me what your favorite nostalgic video game is and why.

Otherwise, I always welcome GIFs or funny postings of cats, animals or anything that would brighten a person's day!

Remember to pay it forward!!!


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8 years ago

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Thanks for sharing the smiles!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Well, ain't that the truth for most of the arcade games of the time period?!

They were after all, designed to consume mass quantities of quarters!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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That looks like my River Kitty!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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That's a hard question! If you can't tell from my name, I have a lot of games I love from back in the day.

Probably the one that I think most often of is Galaga (Arcade). I got pretty darn good at this game (and when I happen to find a machine I can still go pretty far on a quarter). This game was pretty amazing at the time - It blew Space Invaders and Galaxian out of the water. And who doesn't like getting two ships for double the firepower?

8 years ago

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I think that it was Defender on the Atari that was my favorite on that system.

8 years ago

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Well, given that my username is from a nostalgic game, I think I'm legally obligated to say Final Fantasy 6.

I do still have my NES copy of Q*Bert, though. And like most people, I never beat it legit. In fact, I only know of a handful of people who actually have, and they're all speedrunners.

8 years ago

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Final fantasy tactics, not even rose tinted. It' still incredible.

8 years ago

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Agreed! I still have it in my Playstation library for my PS2 and it is such a deep and rich game.

8 years ago

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As a kid I used to go to the video game store and look at the Ultima IV box and read it, and read it again and again.
Had to save $ for a lot of weekends to finally buy it!! Then i spent all summer playing it!
Had my grid paper to make maps and a binder for quest notes. Good times! thanks for sharing the game

8 years ago

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Yeah! That is a classic game!

Sadly, I have never beaten it. I tried to on the NES but I had a hard time keeping track of stuff in my head.

8 years ago

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My favorite nostalgic games were Wolfenstein 3D and Wacky Wheels :P
Used to play those all the time on the old 386, good times :)

8 years ago

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CanΒ΄t decide between DigDug (which was my first game ever played) Bomb Jack and Bubble Bobble, because they are all great arcade games, which also aged well.

8 years ago

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Deus Ex, it was my legit introduction to PC gaming. I remember replay it countless of times in my youth.

8 years ago

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