Umm, I tried playing this game for an hour or so, but got bored. :( So all I know about it is the $90 boobie dlc - not giving one of those away, sorry...
Good luck! :)
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There are reviews in the store, so someone actually bought it... :) It sounds like the sort of thing you'd expect from a cheat code, but I guess nowadays there are no cheat codes, only DLC...
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I've been contemplating this one for ages (the base game, not the ridiculous DLC). Thank you for the chance to stop. :-)
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Apparently it's a good game, but I just couldn't get into it for some reason... :( Oh well... :)
Good luck! :)
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"$90 boobie dlc" Just noticed it's not even a meme! O_o
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I buy a lot of dumb things on Steam, but so far nothing that dumb... :)
Good luck! :)
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90$?! Seriously?! I'm not sure if that's taking a joke too far or improvising a "donate lots of money to us" button. Either way, still interested in the base game but... WTF, 90$?!
Ahem... yeah... thank you. :)
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Every male knows boobies are expensive. This just confirms it.
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You know, I wonder if there's any achievements locked behind this dlc barrier... I know some people get worked up over missing achievements... :)
Good luck! :)
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Quickly checks for DLC locked achievements!
Nope, looks like it's clear. Still interested. ;P
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I can confirm that all achievements are obtainable with the base game. The DLC is more of a joke and has been said like that by the developers. Especially since you can get a near identical ability by playing through the game.
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No $90 Boobies DLC? I am disappoint, Son.
I have also been on the fence about this one for a long time. As a game concept, it seems to be right up my alley. A well-made FPS with a silly story. I always talk myself out of buying it, however, whenever I think about how they are utilizing a gimmick to separate males from their money. Of course, this is a chance to get the game for free, so there is that. I'm in.
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I hope it's fun, and not just a dumb boobie game... There's enough of those on Steam already... :)
I've been told it was a good game, so maybe I wasn't in the right mood for it. :( Or maybe I'm just terrible at this sort of game. Not sure... :)
Free is the best kind of game! :) So good luck! :)
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DLC is the devil, stopped buying Paradox games because of it. Thanks for putting this up fiftykyu.
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Hmmm, yeah... I recently noticed what Paradox's DLC situation has been reminding me of - it's The Sims... :)
I'd love to buy their games once and get the whole thing, but apparently that's only possible when the game is a complete bomb and they stop working on it. Yay. :(
Good luck! :)
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ill give it a try...
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Well, you're in the right place for it! :)
Good luck... :)
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I'd play it for the articles.
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Someone told me it was a good game, and not just one of those, so maybe it's worth a try... :)
Good luck! :)
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I found the game actually fun. And it has a lot of different routes you can take. Also every girl has a specific weakness. And it doesn't take itself seriously which is kinda fun. But it shows the double standards people have depending on your country of origin. I wrote a small article on BLAEO comparing the japanese Gal*Gun and the american Typing of the Dead. Playing the first one most people would look slightly strange at you while the latter one would be regarded as perfectly normal for most. Although it is overly violent and has constant cursing (justified by one stupid pun at the end).
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Interesting, it does sound like a lot of people enjoyed this, maybe I just wasn't in the right mood for it, not sure. If I didn't have so many games in my backlog I'd probably give it a second chance, but realistically I'll probably keep half-finishing new games instead, and forget about it... :(
Good luck in some other giveaway! :)
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sorry you did not enjoy it, I feel partially responsible, since I am the one who recommended it and praised it as well, prolly raising your expectations, despite knowing quite well myself that the game is otaku fanservice trash, filled with the regular stereotypes and cliches...and I can't deny being trash myself for enjoying stuff like that, but, I just admired the selfawareness in the game's design, and prolly the DLCs are the best example for it, I mean there's also a DLC that dresses up all girls in Grade Schooler Uniforms, can't say that the 90$ dlc doesn't belong to the theme of the weird humor (it could also be a way to target whales or just a generous donation button, especially since the DLC doesn't give you anything extra compared with what's already in the game, there is already an item ingame that lets you experience exactly the same thing at almost the same degree). It's all just a lewd joke.
On a related note, you probably noticed the second most expensive DLCs from the game, one that increases the size and another that reduces the size of everyone's chests. It's ridiculously brilliant. In a way, I think it is more of a statement that is trying to both bring awareness and satirize the culture of DLCs/microtransactions in which we live nowadays.
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Well, you can get bored playing anything, it's not always the fault of the game... I've even been bored playing Dark Souls, you know what I mean? :) It's possible I just wasn't in the right frame of mind or mood or whatever, or maybe I had something else to do and it made the game feel like an obligation instead of a game. Not sure... :)
Aha, I remember seeing those, and - sounded pretty funny. :) Didn't notice before... :)
Unfortunately it didn't sound like $20 worth of funny, so I'll have to skip them... :) If all that stuff were to have huge discounts I'd think about it, but think of all the 5 cent garbage games I could get with that money instead... :)
Good luck in some other giveaway, somewhere... :)
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Aye, I know what you are saying, the right mood for something can do wonders or blunders.
I am looking forward for a big (bundle-like) sale too, since I do find some of them interesting in certain ways, since I would not afford to pay full price in this life time any time soon.
Thank you for the wishes, it was the pure chance that I stumbled upon your thread again, I might have missed it otherwise.
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It was probably dumb dumping new giveaways in an old thread, but I just didn't have the energy for hundreds of comments in a new puzzle. Well, besides not having any new puzzle ready, I mean...
And besides, I needed to come back and write the explanation for why the puzzle sucked, and that people shouldn't feel bad for not finding the final giveaway. :)
Oh, don't forget the new public giveaway too! :) Thank you too! :)
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Thank you for letting me know, I would have probably noticed it too late if I wasn't careful enough. I saw the new Sakura game recently via a friend who is collecting all of those, I find it quite surprising they are still releasing iterations of this franchise, but, what can I say, 'sakura' is a common and catchy name, so ofc it would be popular, this can just as well be called the call of duty of visual novels, popular and everlasting, always finding a different theme and yet keeping it the same...and I too will keep falling for it :))
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Don't remember the last one of those Sakura blabla games I actually played, kinda got bored with the whole "not even trying" thing... :( Feels like they did, too... :)
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From what I remember, my last Sakura blabla game was Sakura Santa, played it on Christmas because I was sad and alone...and was also too depressed to finish the game so I left it incomplete to this day.
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Hmmm, don't remember finishing that one either... Maybe it would work better to play them for five minutes and imagine the rest of the game - you'll probably imagine a better story than they wrote... :)
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I am sure that some people need less than 5 minutes to finish ... the game ;) ;) ;)
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Worked great, thanks again <3
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No problem, hope it's fun... :)
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