If you like to you can tell all of us about a good deed you've done recently.
Best ones are going to get invited to my Whitelist (including active GA)
Have a great day
262 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by stertyr
163 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Wolveruno
19 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by KjaerBeto
16,703 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by wigglenose
126 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by Superefg
48 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by wigglenose
1,215 Comments - Last post 7 hours ago by Carenard
91 Comments - Last post 12 minutes ago by CultofPersonalitea
384 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by Vee79
910 Comments - Last post 22 minutes ago by Kappaking
13 Comments - Last post 25 minutes ago by xurc
138 Comments - Last post 28 minutes ago by HustlaOG
187 Comments - Last post 33 minutes ago by herbesdeprovence
73 Comments - Last post 34 minutes ago by HustlaOG
Maybe it's nothing special but there was a wedding of my friend on Saturday. We were going on this wedding with my girlfriend and two of our good friends (let's call them Adam and Martha) that used to perform improv with me (we had an improv group together. Adam's wedding partner couldn't show up because it turned out she had to stay in Warsaw whole Sunday – I do not know the reasons. Adam has told me that we could invite a friend we'd like to spend time with on the wedding as his partner, doesn't matter a man or a woman. I've figured I know some really nice, beautiful, intelligent and friendly girls though and maybe one of them would like to go on the wedding as Adam's partner. Some of them were on holidays so I've picked two girls I was sure we'd have fun because they are so awesome. I've told Adam a little about them and asked him which one I should ask first. I was sure he's going to choose the theatre-girl cos he's learning to be actor as well but it turned out he'd rather have a break from talking about theatre so he has chosen singing-girl :) I've seen her only once in my life on my friend's birthday picnic but I've had a feeling she's a fantastic, optimistic and friendly person and that she'll say yes, if she'll only have time. So I messeged her and of course she said yes. We went to the wedding together, she blended with the group reaaaally quick and we all've had great time :)
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I gave my workmate McDonald's vouchers, as I don't go there but I know he likes to!
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My neighbor (a widow) was going though cancer treatments recently. After a bone marrow transplant she couldn't go near her cat's litter-box due to concerns of diseases. For a few months, I went over there daily and scooped her cat box for her.
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I'm not looking to get in your whitelist but am replying simply because you asked and I think it's polite to answer. I can't really recall any good deed in particular I just try to be friendly and help people whenever I can and look out for people that I care about. lovol (it's an owlface :p) is an actual nice person who deserves to be whitelisted though, if my opinion is worth anything.
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Just helping my family out when they need it. Like doing dishes and stuff while they take care of their kids.
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Just treat other like you wanna be treated by other and you don't have to brag about a good deed at all 'cause you're constantly will be doing good deeds while inspiring other to do the same. And in case you [the reader] is a masochist - forget what I said, please.
While I most likely reply to any non-standard Description to cheer up the creator I feel a bit sad that you try to make a competition about good deeds 'cause in my opinion that contradicts a good deed. If you have to talk about a good deed what tells that about all your other doings?
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People could tell you some really sweet storyes that never happened in reality, you know that, right?
And, yes, normally people won't tell everyone about ther "good deeds". Such things just happens and it's normal. People supposed to help others 'case they want to help. Nor because they want to show everyone "how good they are", nor because they they want to win some random games in such "competition".
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i know, and you are right. But if this GA would only inspire, through reading the good deeds of other, one out of the 886 people who currently entered it to do a good deed in the future, than I don't care if 885 are getting whitelisted by me just so they could potentially win another game. Also I like to give the folks here the opportunity to tell about something good they've done without others starting to blame them.
I hope this is somehow understandable, as I'm not too decent describing my exact thoughts in English on a Monday morning.
Have a great day.
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U described what your intentions were perfectly. So don't worry :)
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Does giving away games count?:D
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sure, why not ^^
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Yay! Well I subscribed for annual plan at HB (choosed all money for charity) and now GA games that I don't want or already have
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No whitelist-material here ^^" sorry.
I'm socially awkward, so I rarely interact with people... but when I do, I try to be friendly and make their day better. I greet them, smile, be patient, all these small things. Sometimes, I seem to be the only one who greets and smiles at the bus driver, for example. I hold the doors for other people, I pick things up if they drop something, I empty my seat if an elderly person, or someone with a small child can't find an empty seat.
In general, I try to be a friendly person and make the lives of others better, but like I said, I'm socially awkward, I avoid people usually and these things I've mentioned do not even count as good deeds since this is something we all do every day :3
It's nice to read about the good deeds here, but honestly, just like our garbage collectors, bus drivers and cashiers are important but rarely get a thank you, I think that the small things we do everyday, without thinking about it, are just as important as a really good deed every now and then.
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sorry but you are wrong. to me that's WL worthy!
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I haven't really done anything noteworthy recently, but a small thing I did was buy my sister and my brother-in-law a Blizzard as it was her birthday.
Regardless, it was nice reading the good deeds that others have done. There are far too many bad things happening in the world, it is a breath of fresh air reading about the good things we do for/to each other rather than the (far too often) bad things!
Even though he has unfortunately passed away, I got a lump in my throat when Devonte Hart held up the sign offering free hugs. Even though the times were strained with regards to police officers due to the situation(s) in the US right now, he gladly gave a hug to the police officer who asked for one. Devonte was a kind person, and while his time on this world was far too short, he did make the world a happier place when he could.
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I run an underground railroad for pillbugs and spiders at my workplace, so to speak, as the vicious civvie degenerates there desire nothing more than to destroy anything innocent, alive or not, that does not subscribe to their idea of reality. Also, I hadn't killed any of those...society's representatives to date, so that gotta account for something as far as conventional goodness goes, right? It's not like I don't put a lot of work into it, too ;p
Eh, being a cynic is basically the definition of doing good to people, whether they like it or not, am I not right? And I'm far too altruistic for my own damn good, on top of that. No, really, I may not have any material resources at my disposal to share, what with living in a country that basically amounts to Sheol, but pretty much what Soraiah said, I'm just being decent when someone deserves it (:
So, overall, thanks for the giveaway and not judging my acute angles and spikey bits too hard x)
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Well not sure how much someone would consider it a good deed as opposed to just doing the right thing... but last month my fiance got 302'd. As in, he had a major depressive episode and we called an ambulance and he was taken to the hospital. He hadn't hurt himself, and at the time we didn't know he had been drinking and was having a bad reaction with his meds and the alcohol. The hospital ran blood tests and refused to tell us (family, and even me who was listed as his next of kin) what was wrong until we signed the 'admission' form. Which was actually to commit him to a psychiatric hospital (literally the worst in our state) not the actual hospital (which is what they told us before we signed it). Long story short, I spent the next 10 days fighting that shit tooth and nail until they released him into the care of his actual psychiatrist.I barely slept for a week straight learning the laws and reading case files from previous patients and hearings. I got two lawyers involved, multiple doctors, the FBI, and a reporter. The original hospital is currently under watch for falsifying forms, and the psychiatric hospital, which was already under investigation for fraud, has even more ammo against them.
Unfortunately my fiance now has PTSD, and nightly nightmares and flashbacks about the hospital. He doesn't like to talk about it, but I know from talking to other patients and ex-employees that abuse and medication mismanagement is huge there. One thing he told me was that they withhold clothing from patients, and the social workers don't tell patients their rights while they're in there. The only reason he knew his rights was because I had a nurse and a phone operator sneaking him phone calls from me because they wouldn't give me his room number, and they wouldn't give him more than 3 minute phone calls.
So long story short, I got a shady hospital put under investigation, and got evidence to the FBI about a second shady hospital. It's now my own personal goal to do as much as I can to get the second hospital shut down (which isn't as outlandish as you would think. The parent company that owns it had had 24 shut down within the last 4 years, literally every single one they've had that was under investigation).
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Took a bunch of older computers and components and "mashed" them together to make a somewhat better computer for my little brother. Got him Stardew Valley as well, he's been playing that thing nonstop for the past week. Not sure how healthy it is for him, but he's happy and having loads of fun : D
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I try to be friendly and smile and appreciative of others. I help people even strangers whenever i can. I feel doing something nice might get someone else to do the same for others. I give away games whenever im able. Thanks for the giveaway and i feel u expressed your reason for asking us this question pretty clearly.. Have a fantastic day everyone!
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I try to be nice to my GF's family, especially her 9 years old little brother who I always buy little toys and games for whenever I come to visit them. I hope I always stay welcomed and never seen as just a stranger coming to "steal" their sister from them. Hopefully I can get spare laptops so that I can give it to them and let them enter the PCMasterRace :)))
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thank you all for sharin ^^
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I'm a teacher and since teaching something is the best thing you can do for someone... there. ;)
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Gracias ^_^
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I'm hoping that at least half of what I've read on this thread it's true, It'd increase my faith in humanity at least a little bit.
I think that you should make good in silence, without showing off, and that you don't need great acts to be a good person: just try to be kind every day, goodness comes in small deeds time after time.
But I read your explanation a few comments above, so I see your point.
There was this girl at my university. She had to study and work at the same time, so she had little time to prepare her exams. So I decided to give her my notes and my summaries each week, after the classes. I also prepared a nice paper with all the most important question for her to help her out.
She passed the two exams, but few months after, I found she was selling my stuff on a student group.
I'd do it again, nevertheless, I was a bit disappointed by the final outcome.
Sorry about my english, my alarm clock rang 40 seconds ago.
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You want to hear my last good deed?
I have better to offer, a way for you to witness it!
Yes, because actually, right now, I am answering you, leaving that post here for eternity!
And so you can be amazed by my awesomeness!
Now you're happy, I know it.
I did something good today!
My job here is done.
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Thank´s a lot =)
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