
This giveaway is sponsored by the [>NF<] Noobs Forever Game Servers Steam group. Most of my giveaways are restricted to my whitelist and the [>NF<] group.

NOTE 1: it's not advisable to spam thank me if you haven't won the giveaway. It's even less advisable taking a long time to activate a key.

NOTE 2: if you believe there's a high probability that a key might be invalid, you should NOT be using it in a giveaway, PERIOD. Problems with keys should be the EXCEPTION, not the rule.

NOTE 3: members of the Steam group Delete giveaway if key is not working will be REMOVED from my whitelist and the [>NF<] group FOREVER.

Some strong statements there Pedro. Not that I have anything against that, quite the contrary, I can respect a person with strong convictions - even at the times when I don't agree with them.
But to clarify a few things just to not end up on the shitty end of the stick:

It's even less advisable taking a long time to activate a key
What do you mean here exactly? When do you get upset about this; After 1 hr or after the 7 days the rules of the site allow?

Problems with keys should be the EXCEPTION, not the rule
Agree with you wholeheartedly, can't fault this at all. However.... I actually think it it already is the norm, keys are usually correct/working.
I just think that some people worry too much about the fallout IF the key should turn out to be bad so they insert a sort of statement to that fact.
And the comment doesn't actually do anything, it is not allowed by the rules to force this through anyway - if the winner actually doesn't agree to delete then that is not grounds for a re-roll or deletion, so there's that.
Which sort of brings me to the second part of this: I think you've missed the mark with that request; It's not the people requesting it you should be annoyed with, it's the ones allowing it, no? The rules do not say requests on a GA must be followed, so the requests themselves are really inconsequential. It's the allowing of the deletion you should really object to as that is the real culprit in those cases, if I follow your intentions correctly here?

Read through the comment here after posting and realized it's written a tad like I'm getting up in your face about this, I'm sorry about that - don't mean it that way at all. Just actually asking, trying to understand after reading this several times in many GA's, and having had a few glasses of wine.

1 month ago*

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thank you!

1 month ago

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Thanks a lot! ;-)

1 month ago

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Thank you for the chance.

1 month ago

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О, спасибо!!!

1 month ago

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