

Invite your friends to a fun multi-player (up to 8 players) RPG adventure where the only limit is your imagination. Use the GM (Game Master) system to lead your friends on a journey of heroic proportion. Don't want to worry about a GM, no problem.. Build a fully Co-op world of adventure and quest hand in hand! Take the battle to the next level by building Armies and battling to the death! Need more tactics.. Teams of players can join forces and fight for total domination of the Map with our Objective System. Can't finish the battle because real life gets in the way.. Save your game for later, players can drop in and out of saves easily with the GM Miniature Assignment System. Too much story for you.. load a map, drop in some miniatures and enjoy a quick and dirty battle. You make the rules, so any game system you have played in the past can be enjoyed in Battlemat's versatile multi-player 'Virtual Playing Space'. All these great game modes and any others you may make for yourself are played on Maps and Dungeons you create in AGFPro Basic or Premium Edition.

  • AGFPro Basic or Premium Edition is required to play this DLC

Multi-Player Adventures & Battles (up to 8 players)
Pen & Paper Adventures (With a GM)
Pen & Paper Co-op Adventures (GM Optional Co-op Mode)
Tactical RPG Battles (Including Team Battles)
Table Top Miniature Wars
Fight for Map control with Objectives (Teams or Lone Wolf).
Play with your old Pen & Paper friends Online (Multiplayer)
Save your games for later.
Make entire Campaign with NPCs ,Merchants ,Quests and Loot (Tabletop Style) (Multi-Scene System)
Use your own rules or make up your own games.
Share your Adventures & Campaigns with other Battlemat Players.

Use your Maps built in AGFPro Basic or Premium
Build dungeon dynamically using our modular Dungeon Tile System
Spice up your play session by dynamically placing anything you need on the fly.
Full Initiative System
Dice Roller System
Save stats in a Character Sheet for any or all Miniatures
Keep Notes and other information in each miniatures Note System. This system can also be used for conversations,stores,quests on an NPC.
Robust Character Sheet System
NPC System
Dungeon Tile System
Objectives System
Placeables System
Multiple Movement Systems Enabled
Multiple Camera Systems Enabled
A Randomizer..use it to choose Loot, Quests, Monsters and much more!

With AGFPro Premium and Unity3D you can turn any model into a Placeable or Miniature for Battlemat!
Don't like a Fantasy Setting mod your own world with the AGF Asset Packager (AGFPro Premium)

Thanks !

9 years ago

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If one of the codes here doesn't work say something and I'll replace. I think I may have used one of these 3 for myself, but not positive

9 years ago

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Thanks a lot! Activated and marked as received :)

9 years ago

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If some key doesn't work, mention it here and I'll send a replacement. I have this DLC activated on my account too, so probably like a 50/50 chance one of them is a dupe.

9 years ago

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Mine was a duplicate. I'll add you on steam.

9 years ago

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just replaced it on here.. already had one ready =p

9 years ago

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