The office is full of stuff, framed documents hanging on the wall, the desk littered with electronics. One of the walls have a small panel next to what looks to be a door to a safe room. What do you want to investigate?
The saferoom panel
The pile of wires
The electronic resistors
The Baconian painting
The Declaration of Independence, bigger version
The world map
1,073 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by diehard
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67 Comments - Last post 7 hours ago by nahemot
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60 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Noodles91
Reserved for hints
Hint 1: Connect the numbers. The red numbers symbolize the order. Fill in the blank with something that's not connected to anything.
Hint 1: Hue, Saturation and Brightness are important. Resistor 1, 2 and 7 are all different for example, and resistor 3 has 4 different colours.
Hint 2: Check differences in your decoding tables. There's quite a lot of difference in Hue, Saturation and Brightness from one source to another. Violet sometimes can look very pink, and sometimes very purple. Other colours may also vary slightly.
Hint 3: When you take out your looking glass you can see some fine-print on the resistors: "Electronics 2000 Resistor".
Clarification: Example, if you see a number as "eight" that means "8" in the code. The number is different on the painting. This is just an example.
Hint 1: Solve 1 -> 2 -> 3 and put them together. Solve them using the guide on the right, and the translation table on the left.
Clarification: Example, if you see a number as "eight" that means "8" in the code. The number is different on the declaration. This is just an example.
Hint 1: All you need to do is put the letters together that are encircled. Each circle has two numbers for each letter. The first is the word, the second is the letter in that word. "12 3" would mean the 12th word and 3rd letter in that word. If you have a hard time understanding which letter is encircled, check the 2nd number to pinpoint which letter you need. Some circles can have more than one letter in them. "12 3 12 4" would mean both 3rd and 4th letter in the 12th word.
Hint 1: Perhaps there are more instructions if you read the Route.
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Of course they are different, grey is different than white after all... We could easily deduct that without the hint... I still haven't understood to be honest what math/calculations you are expecting from us in this strange puzzle. Kinda crazy. Seems too much of a guesswork on that part and this pretty much goes for the pool puzzle too. :(
Even if you do get a bunch of numbers on these puzzles, how would we know what to do with them is what puzzles me the most cause I would need to be in your brain for that... I even tried --deleted--.
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Some hadn't seen the difference and asked about it, hence the hint. Sorry if you think it's about guessing, but you are in the puzzle section and I'm not going to give you a guide to all puzzles I'm doing. I mean, you even had problems with the painting, which has both a key and a guide, and on top of that written out examples. Perhaps you've done mistakes, perhaps you haven't.
Please don't write out all the different methods in which you've failed. It can both give hints and in this case even mislead people, because at least one of the methods you mentioned has been used at least once in one of these 9 puzzles. So by you saying it doesn't work on any of the puzzles, you can give people the wrong impression. So please remove that part.
All puzzles have a clear base. Base-2 for binary, Base-8 is oct, and so on. None is used that isn't ordinary, and just by looking at the results you get in these puzzles you should be able to deduce which is which. And if not, find a tool that can test multiple bases easily at once. I posted a link to the one I use the most in Mikalye's puzzle guide.
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Perhaps... On that case however it was easy to do mistakes due to all those tiny minor details required. But yes guide and examples on that indeed helped. And you can't expect us to always do 0 mistakes. :P We are people after all right? And people can make mistakes... naturally... However on few of the cases, it is not at all clear what you even might want and it literally requires to be inside your brain which can become a bit frustrating when we have to check so many ciphers/possibilities.... I don't expect a guide ofc, but a few pointers here and there "could" help. Getting just a picture with completely nothing else does not really hint on anything.... :/
And I deleted part of my answer as requested, sorry for that though the fact that it was misleading was of course on purpose, to avoid spoiling anything but you perceived it differently... Anyway thanks in any case.
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What I'm saying is, if you think you have something, but it's not working, it's probably a mistake and you need to recheck the values. If you don't think you even have something. Do research, or read everything again where applicable. Don't ignore details. You've already used different methods, compare the results with them. Does any of the methods share a likeness in how it's built up before transciphering? There are so many things you can figure out for yourself if you just stop and rethink. I have several solvers of the entire puzzle that never solved a case before. It's not a matter of getting into my head, more about getting out of your own. :)
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I don't even know if I have something, but I will retry perhaps during the weekend on a puzzle or two. :)
PS: This is definitely not your easiest case. You may think so, due to the number of solvers but the truth is that it is all a matter of timing and advertizing the fact that you got more people in this puzzle. March event is over, not many puzzles around in sg this period and the fact that your structure is more accessible here. Easy start, and anyone can try the puzzles in any order. All these help a lot and attract lots of new people. Which is obviously a huge success and I applaud you for that. xD Plus the fact that your puzzles are actual puzzles and not the boring quizes with google. Does not necessarily mean it's the easiest case though. xD
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Stuck on resistors + painting + map for now from those here. I think you are nuts. :P
And do we really need stuff from the mysterious note case? I kinda hated that one.. was way out of my league. :(
EDIT: Done the painting, and finally the pool too.
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Painting even has the guide on how to solve it in the image itself. :D
You don't have to solve anything from earlier cases to do this one.
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Yes I meant if it's needed at all for any of these... As for the painting yeah I got the way figured out, I just don't get the right amount of symbols to use anywhere. So maybe needs one more step...
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No more steps. But the group puzzle from the Mysterious Note case might give you a hint on the solution. Something was used there that is also used here. No puzzling needed, just look at the solution. And if it doesn't seem to fit, you probably need to recheck your bacon. It should be rather obvious.
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I had done a silly mistake on that one after all, on one letter... Nothing else was needed indeed... so thanks for your patience..
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What is a decoding table? :O I don't think I have any... :( Damn I'm still clueless on this one... Will ponder on it...
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Did you even google what it is you're trying to solve?
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Of course... Many times too. The problem is that there are various different sources on this particular subject and I have not yet concluded for certain what the correct one is in order to start calculating stuff... So I'm still lost in the woods as it seems.
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All of them are correct, there are no major differences. Only small differences as pointed out in the hint, like Violet are sometimes a bit more pink and sometimes a bit more purple, it is always called violet though.
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My eyes hurt.
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Ok, back for a quick peek :)
Bacon doesn't work, map doesn't work, great start :P
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There's even a guide to the bacon, and the map tells you what to do if you read the route instructions. ^^
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Yeah, silly me, the 8 letter codes are not the saferoom panel answers, solved them all now, next step.
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