
Welcome to the twentieth week of the 52 weeks of Christmas!!! What is the 52 weeks of Christmas you might ask? I will be giving away a new game each week for 52 week. To make things more fun, I will be asking a new question each week also. I hope that by doing this I may brighten someones week. I even create a group on Steam where you can follow every giveaway(link at the bottom).I hope you will have as much fun as I do with this.

New Week, New Question

Violence in Video games has come under scrutiny over the past month. The argument at end is whether violent video game has any effect on people. Listening to the media, you would believe that there is a correlation between violent behavior and the consumption of violent media. Many people seems to believe so and would like a restriction or control on how these mediums can expresses themselves. Well is there a correlation?


My responses can be found at this link. It is fairly long.

Weeks of Christmas

God bless. :)


11 years ago

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Answer: sometimes there's a minor correlation, sometimes not. Depends on the person. There's more important things to worry about when dealing with the dark side of human nature.

11 years ago

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I agree. People will be crazy whether or not they play video games. It's sort of like saying, "Knives can stab people! Ban all the knives!" A knife is very useful in the kitchen, however. And is also very safe in the hands of "normal" people.

Thanks! :)

11 years ago

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Thanks for this chance!

11 years ago

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I'm not really sure I can say anything more or better than TB said.

You really can't single out video games in a discussion like this. It should include all media that has violence. So basically it should include all media. If a person can be influenced by video games, then they can be influenced by other forms. If influence would be true, then there shouldn't be a question about banning just one thing, but everything. That includes wrestling and boxing as well.

But there isn't influence either. For someone to commit a crime like a planned shooting, there has to be something wrong with the person from the beginning.

It should be the parents who are to blame. They are responsible for the well upbringing of their offspring and their integration into society. A parent should know their child and whether it is appropriate for them to be exposed to any kind of violence. You shouldn't let them play something too early, but there's no point in keeping them confined until they meet the age. You can't just say that maturity comes on the day of your 18th birthday. Just look at my avatar, you'd think I'm probably 12. (double it).
As with xamon, my parents didn't quite know what I was playing. I don't think I played very inappropriate stuff for my ages. Maybe except porn.

But really this is all just preaching to the choir. People just don't know games all that much and are looking for something to blame. In time things will change.

Thanks xamon!

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I don't really think there is a correlation. And AFAIK there's no scientific evidence that such correlation exists.
And I find it very dumb how media pictures it. On my local TV channel they said something like "school shooter used to play COD an by the way, Anders Breivik played it too!". Come on, COD is one of the most popular games, it's like saying they both liked chocolate flavored ice cream!

11 years ago

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Thanks a lot!

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Thankings, friend!

11 years ago

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Thank you for the giveaway :)

11 years ago

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Thanks I wrote an essay on that topic a few years ago for school. Here's the link:

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Tanks. :)

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Great game!

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Thank you!

games - violence - too complex a problem to discuss in just a few comments, but here's my two cents:

imho parents (should) have the most impact on a child's life. they are the ones responsible to spend enough time with their children, to try and explain to them these things, to help them process it. the main problem today is that they have no time for this, because after the long hours of work, they find it easier to just sit the kid before their own tv in their own room, so they can finally have some alone time. this is simply wrong. a parent has to make sacrifices in his/her own life, so that his/her children is properly raised.
I do not think that controlling the media is the good solution for this, it just makes it for the kid more exciting to reach these contents secretly without his/her parents knowing about it.

11 years ago

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Thank you for this awesome opportunity for the community!

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Thanks for the giveaway. )

I don't believe that video game violence leads to "real-life" violence. There are millions of people who play video games yet are not violent, and there are millions of people who are violent who do not play video games. The question that should really be asked is what impact violent video games have upon violent people? Is a violent person who plays violent video games more likely to lash out at others in real life, or do video games act as an outlet for aggression that would otherwise be spent torturing a live person? That is where we should focus attention.

11 years ago

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Have some oranges and orchidlade

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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