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5 months ago

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This made me google Martha Wayne (Batman's mum). Turns for a few comics she becomes the Joker!!!
Would be cool, if movies adopt such mind bending storylines, rather than redoing the same thing 10 times!!

Edit: Hey come on! The Nolan movies were brilliant!

5 months ago*

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Yeah, that was when the Flash fucked with time trying to save his mother. The butterfly effect meant that Bruce died that night instead of his parents. Thomas Wayne became a much darker, more violent (and alcoholic) batman. Martha became the Joker.

Wonder Woman lead the Amazons to invade and conquer the UK. Aquaman flooded and sank the rest of Europe. And Superman was captured by the government the night he arrived on Earth. He spent his whole life in an underground bunker being experimented upon, never seeing the sun.

There is actually an animated film version, The Flashpoint Paradox. It's fine.

5 months ago

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That seems very interesting. I'll definitely watch it. Also the voice actors are good

5 months ago

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They are doing what the sheep want and the sheep want the same soup over and over but once called a burger, once called a pizza... it's still soup but they think they are seeing different movies... and then they bitch that it's not as good as The Dark Knight

5 months ago

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Dark Knight is one of the worst Batman adaptions, second only to Dark Knight Rises.

Fite me.

5 months ago

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I won't fight you. My gf dragged me to the movies to watch it and I almost fell asleep (and I'm an insomniac)
Most DC movies are sticking to the cartoon version of their characters without daring to follow the comics for some reason.
And the MCU is doing the same.

5 months ago

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I've got all my hopes pinned on the new Fantastic Four.

Seems like they're going full 60's retro-futurism, with total unashamed Kirby comics cheese. That is the best possible direction for that property. No idea what the fuck they're doing with Doom though.

5 months ago

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Well they had no choice since they locked the whole damn universe down with their poor choices in the Avengers movie and since they don't want to use the damn multiverse to do anything but basic doppleganger shit.
Too bad they can't do the same with the X-men and mutants.

No idea what the fuck they're doing with Doom though.

They needed an emergency villain and since he is voiced by RDJ now they're hoping to get all the "Avengers are the only true MCU" sheep back?

5 months ago

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This game was a real trip. Psychological horror is right.

5 months ago

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Thank you Oshyer for this awesome/generous giveaway and the rest of your contributions to the train! I look forward to playing this game soon. Hope the rest of your week goes well.

5 months ago

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Well thank you as well, hope you enjoy

5 months ago

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