
Cart 2600

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11 months ago

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and this, kids, is why I bank points :V


11 months ago

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Careful with that. Last time I tried to bank points, I got blacklisted by DragonZeroNova and was unable to exit those giveaways. I didn't even find giveaways worthy of the points I banked. Never again.

11 months ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

11 months ago

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I believe you can always exit through the Entered page no matter if you are blacklisted or not. I'm not 100% sure but I believe I have done it before.

Either way, it's a very valid strategy to bank points since there's a lot of volatility in giveaway volume on the site in general. Usually there's a very low risk that people that you "banked with" happen to randomly blacklist you in the first place so I don't see it becoming any real issue. If you are worried about it, you can fairly easily spread your points thin across multiple lower point giveaways. Since banking involves regularly refreshing entered giveaways, it's unlikely that you often hit people who want to blacklist you.

11 months ago

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Sorry about that, but you should still be able to use the entered tab to get out of any giveaways that you've been blacklisted from. If not, then that would suck yeah. Also, I had no idea I ever did any giveaways worthy of being banked. Aren't those only done with 40 or 50 point games?

11 months ago*

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I wasn't aware of any banking strategies like that; I was just entering all the long-lasting giveaways that popped up at the time, even if they were only 1P. Honestly, I always suspected that was why you blacklisted me; would you mind sharing the reason since you're here?

11 months ago

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I'll be completely honest, I don't remember. Since I don't remember, I guess I might as well take you off lol

11 months ago

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11 months ago

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adam1224 after making the giveaways...

View attached image.
11 months ago

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11 months ago

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That's a great ride! Thank you very much!

11 months ago

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I made it, I survived until the end!
... now I wonder how many points adam alone just claimed from me.

11 months ago

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Wow, thank you for painstakingly curating this train of carts for all of us.💚

11 months ago

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what a ride man.. wow

11 months ago

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adam, thanks for this amazing section of the train. This immediately becomes part of Community Train "lore."

11 months ago

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What a ride .. :)

11 months ago

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+300 carts, ok ...

11 months ago

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Damn Adam, way to go!

11 months ago

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Holy hell.

11 months ago

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I hope you got a commission on all the points cg just received...

11 months ago

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my clicking finger hurts from SO MUCH CLICKING! :O

thanks for all of these giveaways though, adam1224!

11 months ago

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If you wouldn't already be on my WL, I'd add you now. Since I'm sure this will go down in history as the longest stretch of giveaways in a community train by a single person, I can safely say: I was here! xD

11 months ago

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It is the longest now, previously it was 120, I made a subsection of 123 but this kick the record way out of the park.

11 months ago

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Incredible, what a great addition to the Community Train, thanks for all the GAs!

11 months ago

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Have you considered making a skip button XD? I really want to spend my points but I only spend my finger =(

11 months ago

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Holy shit, dude! Thanks much for the many carts. We might actually make it to 3000 now.

11 months ago

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I thought I was safe for the record with my record breaking of 123, because no one in their right mind would do an even longer one right?
Well it seems I was horribly wrong.
GG for the record breaking, however tempting it is to go for a second record break attempt I'm all out of keys for now, so maybe I'll make an attempt in the next train.

11 months ago

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I will try and beat it next year... might take some effort as for starters I will need to get the giveaway slots >>
might take an additional year for that part.

11 months ago

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It was a nice run and all, but they were not in alphabetical order...



Seriously, this was an AMAZING ride! Cheers!

11 months ago

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Yeeeee-HAH! \o/

That was quite the ride!

Thx so much adam!!!

Blessings o/

11 months ago

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"And Adam called his train's name Eve, for she was the mother of all trains..."

Also, what's RSI?

11 months ago

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Wow! Thanks for the massive train ride.

11 months ago

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Thank you so much for all of the amazing carts :)

View attached image.
11 months ago

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Impressive ride. Huge thanks!

11 months ago

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