So, I figure if I'm going to say this anywhere, this is the place to do it. I get told I have a golden voice. I also get told I sound like Markiplier, though I've grown to find that being told I sound like him gets a bit irritating given the frequency I hear it in MP games. I got told I sound like I have and should have a YouTube channel way too often, so I made one. If you wanna give me thanks for this, just give my YT channel a gander:
Game is region locked, so it cannot be activated in Australia, China, Iran, Russia, Ukraine, Brazil, Cuba, Korea, Syria or Venezuela. This is marked in the giveaway settings, but I figure its better to list it down here again to make sure people don't miss it. Also, I've thoroughly enjoyed this game myself. If you've never played it before and happen to win this, I'd be happy to play co-op with you if you'd like.
Also, if you wan't to make things easier on me and everyone else giving things away on this site, please set your games to public. Steam's most recent privacy changes have made game visibility private by default. Making it public can help people make sure you've redeemed their gift, check for people winning a game they already have, etc. Its a quality of life change that helps giveaway creators and costs you nothing. Besides, sometimes people check games before sending a friend request to make sure they have games in common. Have a nice day, and good luck!
22 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by Adamdoodles
263 Comments - Last post 12 minutes ago by Adamdoodles
163 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by Wolveruno
16,703 Comments - Last post 8 hours ago by wigglenose
126 Comments - Last post 8 hours ago by Superefg
48 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by wigglenose
1,215 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by Carenard
17,428 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by MjrPITA
78 Comments - Last post 4 minutes ago by matsalkoshek
3 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by Oppenh4imer
391 Comments - Last post 15 minutes ago by Tewam
223 Comments - Last post 25 minutes ago by CSLocura
80 Comments - Last post 30 minutes ago by cynnix
15 Comments - Last post 35 minutes ago by Eugentles
Can I enter for DLC?
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I wanted to ask the same. :)
Regardless, thank you very much!
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Whilst you can, I'd prefer that you do so if you don't already have any of the DLC. Given the game's cost is doubled for the GOTY, I'm fine with people entering for the DLC. If the DLC doesn't outweigh or equal the base price, then I'd prefer to say no. If you'd like to know if there are any rules regarding this in other giveaways, I'm sure you could ask support and they'd be more than happy to answer your question.
Aside from that, 2 rules for entering giveaways from the help section are:
"Only enter to win games you do not already own, and do not enter to win DLC if you're missing the required base game.
Try to refrain from entering giveaways for packs if you already own the majority of the games contained within. The giveaway creator may request a new winner if you own a high percentage of the packaged games."
GOTY editions are up in the air most of the time, so enter if you'd like. Just be respectful of others and give them a chance to win should you have some of the DLC already.
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It's probably the "giveaways for packs if you already own the majority of the 'games' contained within", just in the case of GOTYs, it's the base game, the DLC, etc.
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thanks for this ^_^
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Can enter despite having all elements :/
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I'm a huge fan of the series and lack a good number of the DLC for this, was wondering if I was good to join on the plea that one of my good buddies is an even bigger fan and only ever gets so much time to play games, especially co-op, and BL2 is our go-to. I read your general take on it but would love to hear a definitive Y or N on my case. JUDGE ME!
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The GOTY edition on steam is $40, with $74.90 worth of DLC (If bought separately) and the $20 game making up the package. If it were something like Witcher 3 or similar, I'd say yes. If you already have the game itself and some of the DLC, I'd like you not to enter only because someone else may get far more out of it than you, given this gives them the game and all the DLC to make sure they enjoy it to the fullest. I completely understand wanting to play with your friend and need DLC, but I'd prefer to give the game to someone who, because they get this, they get to play with their friend whereas otherwise, they'd not get to play together at all. However I can't really stop you from entering, nor am I saying that you cannot. I just ask that you be respectful of others in their chance to get a new game, and if entering sits well with you, I'm not going to stop you.
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golf clap No entry necessary.
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I won't be entering then since I own base game + 3 DLC. Too bad one of the DLCs doesn't have a price set in my country thus making it impossible to purchase, so outside of this bundle, there doesn't seem to be another way of getting it. GOTY doesn't have a price either, but at least it's available through other stores.
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Thanks for clarifying your stance~
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Great, thank you!
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Good old bl2. if you have 3 regualar friends to play with, this is the game...
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Even if you just have the 1, it's a hoot for sure.
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Check the winner, bcs I have the base game and a few DLCs and I can still enter.
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That' some deep voice you got there.
Here is a subscription for you. 😊
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haha, this guy took my comment. Waiting for some vocal arrangement uploads in the future ;)
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Nice :D Thanks :p
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Thank you!
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However I have all of it, I can still enter . ^^ But ofc. I will not . ^^
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<3 <3 <3 <3
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Thanks for the chance, bro. Wish you a great day!! :D
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Wow!! quiero este juego!.. o el Borderlands!
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Hi, this is my first give away and not asking for pity but even if im not receiving the game, could someone explain how this site works?
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Every few minutes you'll get points you can see in the top right corner of the site. You can enter any giveaway you can afford with your points. Giveaways you cannot enter are those whitelisted, group only, invite only, or your level is too low. If you want to level up to access more giveaways, you have to make your own giveaways until you get enough contributor points. once you enter a giveaway, you're set as a possible winner. At the end of the giveaways timer (set by the giveaway creator), a random winner is drawn. Should you win, you'll get an email and a notification on the site. After receiving a gift, use the key provided in your steam client and then mark it as received on the same page as the key. There only limit to how many giveaways you can enter is how many points you can. Points cap at 400, so enter often if you want good chances to win giveaways. If you don't receive a key from the giveaway creator, you can make a support ticket to help solve the issue. Join some groups and browse the discussions tab at the top of the site to try and find even more giveaways. Good luck.
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For additional information, there is also the FAQ and the Site Guidelines. For anything else not covered, you can search in the Discussions forum.
Welcome to Steamgifts!
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thank you!!
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Youre giving away borderlands2 to level 0 users? thanks man!
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Thanks ^^
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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Thank you :)
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Grazie per l'opportunità che ci offri,
incrocio le dita e speriamo vinca.
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thanks for the chance!
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Gracias :)
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