From Monster VR, Sweet Escape VR is a virtual reality experience where you "climb and race against your friends up and down candy landscapes".
Currently with Positive reviews.
If you wish, you can view my review of the game here.
Thanks to the Developer for the game keys and I know I'll definitely be writing a review for this game. All who win I also encourage you to write about your experience with the game, and for those who could not receive the game, if it's something you think you might enjoy; wishlist it!
Thanks to everyone involved and enjoy!
440 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by SirChrisSwan
89 Comments - Last post 25 minutes ago by devotee
12 Comments - Last post 44 minutes ago by ClapperMonkey
159 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by CR7CAMIAO
47,171 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Calibr3
8,604 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by FranckCastle
468 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by Wasari
21 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by Snake994
123 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by lext
14 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by Filipi
116 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by Vampus
219 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by ayuinaba
4 Comments - Last post 36 minutes ago by Lugum
18 Comments - Last post 39 minutes ago by IovoI
50 times thxs!!=}
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ty for GA hopefully i will win ^_^
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I hope only people with VR headsets join this. I won't enter the giveway, because I don't own one.
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This is weird position. It is like stating that people should not enter GA for the game they don't have rec. specs for it. Who is to say if someone wont get VR gear next week, or for that matter sell his/her VR gear that owns now...
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There are some work-arounds to playing this title without the use of the HTC Vibe, as well as some cheaper alternatives. I was able to play and review this title using said cheaper alternative, though it may not be for everyone. I also know there are some people that just want to fill their library with a new game, even if it's unplayable to them currently. I'm not here to judge, but whatever reason you'd like to have the game for is your own concern.
Goodluck all!
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This is not a weird position. This game is intended for people with VR gear. FirstSgtDan is saying that a good faith interpretation of whether or not one should enter this giveaway should hinge upon whether one has or intends to acquire in the very near future VR gear.
Look at the number of entries for this giveaway.
I wonder if the eleven thousand users who entered the giveaway in the last 30 hours all own or intend to acquire VR gear in the immediate future...
...or maybe it's mostly just the same leeching !@$s that just want another free game?
Dragoons is right. Dragoons can't be too concerned with whether people own VR gear. But that doesn't make hoping that people that don't have it manage to be considerate and stay out of the giveaway a weird position.
Surprise, surprise! Uhr has 46 games received and 0 games sent. No wonder you support the position it's "weird" to expect common consideration.
Normally I might worry about upsetting you and getting blacklisted but being on your blacklist is like having an imaginary friend--no one is going to know about it or care about it until you start talking (to) about it.
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I agree that most probably all those people that entered GA have no VR. But my position was that it is completely possible that some might get VR in near future, and therefore try this title.
And what about leeching for free games? I think You are missing the whole point of this site. Also there is a reason for having higher level GAs as well as white/black lists.
While mentioning black lists, no worries I would never put a person on such list for just disagreeing with me; however rude one might be.
And related to You checking me and how many games I won/gave, it is a weak attempt to discredit my position, only in the end showing that You are not really certain with Your own. Besides, who knows I might (or not) start cleaning my own bundle keys leftovers as well as promote various channels etc and quickly turn the ratio of my games I have received and sent.
And yes, Dragoons is right, since he recognizes how SteamGifts works; he even agrees that some people will enter GA only to add one more title to their Library. So he is not judging, but on the other hand You find Yourself called to advocate and push some personal self-imagined morality on others. Dragoons seems also not concerned if the winner of this GA has any titles given previously on SteamGifts since this GA is available to all to enter.
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And what about leeching for free games? I think You are missing the whole point of this site.
You mean where generous people give things and leechers take without ever giving? Is that the point of this site? (It isn't.)
While mentioning black lists, no worries I would never put a person on such list for just disagreeing with me; however rude one might be.
You missed the joke. The joke is that you don't give anything, therefore your blacklist is useless. Your blacklist is the equivalent of tits on a bull.
And related to You checking me and how many games I won/gave, it is a weak attempt to discredit my position, only in the end showing that You are not really certain with Your own.
No, I was implying a conclusion that I drew and expected others to draw: you don't give anything--literally not one thing--and thus it is unsurprising to find out that you have a pro-leech position regarding activity here. It's not an attempt to discredit your position. Your position is weak. Do you think FirstSgtDan was saying that someone who is wants to get VR gear, is thinking about it, shouldn't get this game? Do you think he is not aware of the rules for giveaways? What he's saying that maybe people who just enter everything without regard or consideration should take a moment to consider that maybe this giveaway best serves those who have (or intend to have in the near future ) VR gear. If this is a "weird" position to you it's because your "weird" position of taking and never giving has skewed your perspective on consideration such that none is ever required except by rule.
Besides, who knows I might (or not) start cleaning my own bundle keys leftovers as well as promote various channels etc and quickly turn the ratio of my games I have received and sent.
Here's the thing. You've been a member for three years. You've won 46 giveaways. You claim to have extra keys. You haven't given anything away because you don't want to. And that's your right. But you're going to have a difficult time not giving anything away ever and not being thought of as a leech. If you don't want to be referred to as a leech then don't be a leech. Don't get defensive. Don't start lying to us and yourself about how you might do something, you could, maybe, if. You've received 46 giveaways and given nothing. We already know what your role is on this site. Don't get mad at me because I happen to point out your role when you try to counter someone's thoughtful and considerate position on entering a giveaway.
And yes, Dragoons is right, since he recognizes how SteamGifts works; he even agrees that some people will enter GA only to add one more title to their Library. So he is not judging, but on the other hand You find Yourself called to advocate and push some personal self-imagined morality on others. Dragoons seems also not concerned if the winner of this GA has any titles given previously on SteamGifts since this GA is available to all to enter.
Who said Dragoons is wrong? Dragoons is entitled to give the keys away in any manner he sees fit. That's not what FirstSgtDan's opinion or my seconding of it was about. It was about consideration and thoughtfulness on the part of the entrants. It's separate from a generous giver not really caring that to most people the domain here might as well be
It has nothing to do with "personal self-imagined morality." It's mere consideration. It has to do with appreciation and gratitude. It's an area in which I absolutely know you are deficient. I know because you have given zero things away but clearly have the ability to do so, unlike some here who haven't given.
It's not that I'm some great guy, some great giver. I have a 2:1 sent:received and 5:3 real CV sent:received. It's nothing special, nothing to champion. I'm not a giving stalwart here. I'm just an opinionated level 4 asshole with a little too much free time and a little too much admiration for his own prose. But you know how I show my appreciation here? I give, sometimes. I give, even the littlest nothing giveaway. You know what you will find to be true of most of the people where who aren't leeches? They create giveaways to show appreciation. They do it with their last couple bucks, they do it with games they bought for themselves. They do it for and in spite of guys like you, and me, FirstSgtDan, and Dragoons.
You, on the other hand, at least as it relates to SG, know nothing about that. You are a taker. You are a leech. If this feels like an attack on you, a judgment, a derogatory remark, a slur, then you need to familiarize yourself with the bare and unbiased definition of what a what it means to be a leech. Saying that you are a leech is a statement of fact. That's all.
I did not attack you for being a leech in my initial response to you--I merely mentioned it because, as I said above, it plays a role in influencing your opinion on the matter of consideration. But you got defensive about it. Too bad. That's not on me. Now I sound like an judgmental asshole in this reply, yeah? Absolutely. And that is on me. That's fine. Because this is the reply you get from me if you get defensive and try to blow smoke up my ass regarding your role here. But if you're upset about it, shut me up by giving something. That will speak volumes more than any reply you have or will give on the matter.
P.S. This isn't a torrent tracker. No one is saying the goal has to be 1:1. No one is saying you have to give anything. But if someone (me) points out that you have been here three years; have received, received, received; and have given nothing--don't get defensive. And don't pretend like you had some keys burning a hole in your pocket that you were thinking about giving. It's insulting to the (my) intelligence.
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Hm, it seems You just repeated my point here: "What he's saying that maybe people who just enter everything without regard or consideration should take a moment to consider that maybe this giveaway best serves those who have (or intend to have in the near future ) VR gear.".
Related to rest of Your post; I am OK with it. It is your judgement on my character which is in reality baseless. Of course You have right to Your opinions, same as being wrong.
PS: There is no free lunch...
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Any intelligent parsing of FirstSgtDan's original statement included that interpretation.
Only someone defensive about their own leeching habits would think otherwise.
I am not judging your character. I'm judging your behavior. You are a leech. This is not opinion--this is fact.
P.S. The free lunch analogy doesn't work. You have taken and never given. For all intents and purposes from your perspective, there is a free lunch. You've been eating it for over three years.
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Can I adopt you? I wanna adopt you.
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We'll see. ;)
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I didn't even realize I generated such a discussion. lol
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I knew where you were coming from, agree completely, and did not enter this giveaway. Look at the number of entries. Come on.
Uhr entered. I didn't bother to actually ask him if he owned or intended to get VR gear. He's won 46 giveaways and owns 1600 Steam games. His motivation for entering here almost certainly has zero to do with whether he owns or will own VR gear. To me that clearly influences why he would think what you said was weird, tortured semantics notwithstanding.
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Thanks :)
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Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
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Thanks Dragoons =)
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Thank you!
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Thank you for the giveaway!
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Thanks for the chance <3
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thanks fot this
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thank you \o
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thanks :)
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Ty :)
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thanks :)
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