36 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by Chris76de
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111 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Bohemius
16,702 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by mjy
1,212 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by ngoclong19
52 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Fluffster
33 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Spartaaaaan
332 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by LinustheBold
1 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by ahar010
133 Comments - Last post 4 minutes ago by CheMan39
18 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by Raggart
204 Comments - Last post 9 minutes ago by TheMuzo
13 Comments - Last post 19 minutes ago by Virgilio
28 Comments - Last post 36 minutes ago by gus09
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Not at all. Why would it be fake?
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Thank you for creating the giveaways, and I think I can explain why prvs1256 was suspicious.
When a game is given away for free (such as The Bureau on Humble Bundle or the next 17 hours), we get a flurry of people trying to give away the game. To avoid that (so we're not swamped with freebies), the game's taken off the list of games you can select. Since they don't find it and don't get a message explaining why, some people think, "Strange, I'll just pick the next most similar title..." and choose the DLC or soundtrack or a deluxe version of the game. That causes all sorts of problems, as the site relies on integration with Steam to make sure the winner redeemed the game to their Steam account and give people credit for their giveaways.
The result is we get a lot of people seemingly giving away DLC or deluxe versions, but actually giving away the free game. However, it's very much against the rules to accuse someone of that and doing so will often get someone suspended for a day or two.
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Yeah, I can understand why that would be a problem. I just kind of assume people gain levels to keep their account. :)
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Thanks IncoherentLight for explain my doubt and sorry if i offend you is not my intention.
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It is no problem at all :)
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Well, there's no risk of losing one's account outside of bad behavior resulting in permanent ban or suspension (and that takes some doing, from my perspective - the bottom of the roles page as a list of things that can lead to suspensions). The site has approximately a million users now, and though many of those accounts are inactive, those who aren't are mostly people who have moved on - they should be able to return and resume winning and giving away games if they decide to come back to the site.
Levels offer some advantages, with the main one being it allows you to enter giveaways that have a higher threshold. You'll hit level 4 soon, thanks to your giveaways, which you may notice opens up giveaways that won't have been visible by default. Levels can also be a requirement before you can enter some groups (groups have a smaller pool of participants - fewer giveaways, but far fewer people entering to win).
SG levels also have a minor social aspect to them, too, in that high levels show you made giveaways, which contribute to people enjoying the site, so people tend to appreciate that. Ratio's another aspect of this - having won much more than you've given back can be viewed in a negative light. However, like levels in Steam itself, how you conduct yourself carries more weight than how many games you've bought.
The Discussions section of the site is where much of that social activity goes on. Public giveaways like this one have a high number of entries, but things like puzzles or trains tend to have far fewer (since you have to find them in the discussion forum), improving your odds. Group giveaways have even better odds. In fact, more than once I've seen giveaways not meet the minimum 5 entries required for the giver to get credit on a group giveaway (this is to prevent someone from giving a game to their friend, and vice-versa, just to boost one another's level).
Speaking of groups, if you find you're not winning as much as you like in another six weeks, take a look at the Unlucky-7 group. It's not open immediately to new Steamgifters, but for people whose luck has netted them 7 gifts or less by then, it offers a way to improve your odds and keep people from getting too frustrated if they seem to be giving and entering but still not winning.
Feel free to message me if you've got any questions about the site, or in the Discussions area, you'll see some people with the (moderator) flair by their name who should be helpful in getting the hang of the site. Cheers!
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Thanks for the very detailed information.
I'm not all about winning games though, I like the idea of this site, keeping games from bundles you need and give away the others, instead of people selling it for money on other sites.
I've been passive on Steam for several years, but decided to focus on building up my game catalog there now after I upgraded my PC and reinstalled it 8 days ago, and now also soon getting fiber (living in the middle of nowhere)
But of course I am trying to boost my level a little to improve the chance of winning something I like later, so perhaps I should look into joining a good group :)
Thanks again and have a great weekend.
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Thank you!
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Wow, after the game goes free you deliver these giveaways. Thanks and whitelisted :)
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Awesome, whitelisted!
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Thanks for the DLC. Going to enjoy it!
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You're most welcome. Enjoy! :)
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