What, another one?
Yeah, why not? It looks pretty cool. If you already got your fill of this game in the other puzzle, all I can say is: it's cheap, and it probably doesn't suck. And I'm lazy. So if you want a different giveaway, make it yourself! :)
Say, has there ever been a game you regretted giving away? Maybe you bought into some pre-release hype but after you played it you just hated the thing? Or maybe the developer turned out to be Satan Jr. or something? Just curious...
Good luck! :)
Don't forget to bump that topic, or keep quiet so nobody else enters. Your choice.
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508 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Saivers
Well, this one was pretty trivial so maybe I should try to solve that other puzzle as well. Or maybe not - I'll probably end up buying this game sooner or later anyway :p
Wouldn't say I regret giving something in particular away, but I do have to say spending money just to level up when I discovered SG was a pretty stupid idea in hindsight - Never thought I'd hit level 6, let alone the current level 8 - and I don't even care about CV since like 2 years ago at this point.
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I'll probably end up buying this game too, just hoping for it to become available somewhere that sells keys, so I don't get burned with Steam's 10% too expensive region nonsense again... :)
Yeah, a lot of people get sucked into that, then trying to find the most efficient way to level up, looking for the biggest discount that gives the most CV, but not too big or it will go on the bundle list, etc. :) Or mega-expensive software/dlc/whatever from the occasional Humble Craptastic Stuff Nobody Will Ever Use Bundle... :)
They are only making giveaways for profitz, without a thought for the stuff they are giving away... But why??? :)
Good luck! :)
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Had the thread opened before you edited it to align the keys so I really thought they had nothing to do with the puzzle and was stuck until I reloaded the page. Thanks for another chance in case I decide to enter these.
Not because of the game but yes. Had a whitelist giveaway for a brand new game that was very hyped and well received, I specifically asked to enter if you would play it soon. I thought it would be fine with the whitelist but almost 2 years later that still hasn't happened.
Now I've switched to groups dedicated to playing won games, which was simpler than rebuilding my whitelist.
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Aha, yeah, I pasted everything in an old private giveaway description first and it looked ok, but somehow in the forum it was too wide. :( Had to chop off half the underscores. Oh well. :)
Hmmm, yeah. :) I've switched to not checking what happens with the games after people win them, it's just too depressing. :)
Once in a while though, someone plays the heck out of one, maybe even enjoys it more than I did, and that makes it all worthwhile. :)
Good luck if you try for it! :)
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Decided to give it a shot, just not completely sure about the kinetic part since all the VNs I played had gameplay elements too
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Good idea! It's probably not crap, and just pretend clicking next is gameplay... :)
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Or maybe the winner was someone I don't like...
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Oho, forgot about that. :) I have a vague recollection of wishing someone else would have won a giveaway, but it was years and years ago and I don't remember who it was, or even why. Oh well. :)
Good luck! :)
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Have 2 w8 4 lvl 8. 😄
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Bummer... But if you're interested in this game check https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/yChu8/anyone-tried-the-miskatonic-yet-now-with-more-bundle-leftovers - the puzzle may look familiar... :)
Good luck somewhere else! :)
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Sure will, but not today. Simple task as it is, my brain can't deal with it now. Tomorrow is another day. :)
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In that case, good luck tomorrow! :)
Thank you too! :)
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Nope didn't work. Spent over 2 hours on it. Did exactly the same as for this puzzle, even completed the sentences with the missing parts. Tried every which way, with punctuation, without, with spaces, without etc.
I feel really stupid now. This stuff is just not for me. 😢
Thanks anyway!
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Hmm, bummer... :( Without spoiling things...
It sounds like you've spent a long time on it, so I don't want to suggest you go back and beat your head on it some more... :) But unless you've been trying the answers in the wrong puzzles I'm stumped... It really sounds like something you've tried would have worked... :( Sorry... :(
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First I tried conventional order top to bottom & 1, 2, 3, 4 (if 4 is arithmetic then I can forget about that one), when that didn't work I started to mix things up e.g. first solution in no.1 then in no.2 etc. + all possible combinations, caps no caps and so on. The worst thing is that you have to wait 30 seconds between each attempt and you can't skip to no.2 while waiting for no.1 to get ready, because no.2 will say something like "you still have to wait 20 seconds after wrong answer" even when the wrong answer was in no.1. All that waiting time amounts to a whole lot. :(
Even if I managed to solve all 4 of them I would probably not win anyway with my kind of luck. I bet ppl who already won a lot of games will win all 4 of them lol.
So I feel like in my case it's not worth getting nosebleeds over. I'm simply too dumb for these type of puzzles. 😛
Hey no worries, I'm sure there are some easier puzzles or jigis somewhere on SG I can enter. ツ 💙
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Hmm.. maybe.. I recall giving 1 or 2 that ended up being removed, before I secured copy for myself, or I had to pay more for them later.. can't recall, long time ago; nowadays I only give bundle leftovers that my IRL friends don't want, no regrets there :)
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Aha, hmm... They weren't removed games, but I remember buying some games with a 90% discount for giveaways, and not getting any for myself. And then they never went on sale again, seems like the publisher completely forgot about Steam. :(
Oh, hmm, speaking of removed games I still have a Steam key for The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, that I'll probably never bother to give away. :( Sounds like some sort of drm-verifying server got shut down so the winner would need to download a crack to play it. :(
Good luck! :)
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I recall that was two times 5$ on gamestop in the past 4 years and never bought if for myself.. It was too much for me to get 20$ prepaid card for gamestop just to buy 1 copy of this for myself and couldn't buy it via vpn with my card :( I m afraid to ask you for the price now :D
Don't know about AoDA, but I did play EfBB (older one) with crack, and it was faulty, it was breaking game at the middle or something like that -.-
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Aha, yes, that's just where I bought mine, think I gave a couple away but it's been too long to remember... It used to be possible to do it via $20 gamestop cards/credit/something from Amazon, not sure if that still works...
According to this page the game is still in stock, but who's going to pay $20 for it? Lots of people will buy "real" removed games for $5 but $20 is probably a bit much for something that may not even work... :)
I think greenlight / steam direct / whatever it's called next have ruined the mystique of the "removed game" anyway - nowadays Steam's flooded with removed games, most of which aren't even games at all... :)
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Yeah, every one of them! Don't tell anybody... I want them ALL!!!
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Aha, here you go! :)
Good luck! :)
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Hello there.
I already have all Dark Souls, and am too low to enter this one :pNevermind, it was the remastered one.
FYI, after solving your first puzzle it took me 30 seconds to notice the secret code x)
And about the greek poem, did you write it and translated it with google ?
I'm wondering how are you doing to find all the game key that are making a sentence. Maybe you are God or something.
And thanks for the time you spent making the puzzle, must be reaaaaally long :p
A game I regretted giving away ? Something like I gave away a game but I felt like I shouldn't afterwards ? I don't think so, all the game I give away are either games I loved, either leftovers that I didn't want to play.
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Ahh, I didn't write it... :) Really it's just there for fun, or as a distraction. Nothing to do with the puzzle, as you noticed. :)
Well, if you buy a lot of bundles, you tend to accumulate extra keys for games you already own. With enough of those extra keys, you can find patterns or whatever. :) Making the puzzle does take more time than I'd like, but I'm too lazy to automate everything. Oh well... :)
Good luck in those other giveaways! :)
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Rip, Level 8.
Any non bundled game that ends up getting either not touched or idled for cards? (I'm guilty of taking forever to play some of my wins too tho, so I try not to dwell too much on it. It just makes me sad if it's a game I loved myself and gave away in the hope to make somebody else discover it).
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Yeah, it can be tough giving away games you loved, if you have any hope of the winners oh, I dunno, playing them. :) My suggestion is not to check. :) And if some game has trading cards, try not to notice when it gets 1.5 hours of playtime and no achievements. :)
No, really, just don't look. There's no benefit, you'll just feel bad. Most likely the winner is slowly going through their backlog of 500 other unplayed wins, and no matter how much you loved it your game is #501... :)
Good luck somewhere or other! :)
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Yeah that is why I don't check anymore. Actually I mind less if they actually plan to play it even if it's 501th, than people who just enter expensive games they know they won't even touch EVER just for the cards and the +1 in their library but meh, what can you do. Like you said, best not checking.
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I regretted giving away my last copy of Barbie: Dreamhouse Party after it left the Steam store.
But... eventually... I traded for a copy of Barbie for myself... and maybe someone else.
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Hmmmm, I didn't enjoy that game at all. Tried an hour or two, it just wasn't fun. :(
And the other one, umm, Barbie and Her Sisters Puppy Rescue? I completely forgot to buy it. :( Also missed out on The Powerpuff Girls: Defenders of Townsville, which probably sucked too... :(
Good luck somewhere or other! :)
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Ah ah ah, I am on a roll! I am here as well! You'll never get rid of me, f!
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Aha, so it seems! :) Guess these puzzles are all easy mode now... :)
Good luck! :)
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Box quote material right there.
And thanks for the giveaway! I knew literacy would come in handy one day.
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Somehow I doubt that quote will be featured on the store page... :) I really should buy one for myself and find out... :)
No problem, glad to hear someone's managed to get some use out of it! :)
Good luck! :)
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Looking at the number of people who couldn't even find the Bad Rats giveaway I'd say that ship has sailed... :)
Good luck! :)
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For me i have a case of the opposite, i redeemed a key I should have given away since the game doesn't really interest me the hype of the name took me by surprise, but when I really saw what it was I was really bummed :(
Not level 8 yet sooooo thanks anyways ^_^
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Hmm, that's too bad... Sounds like why I keep giving away the Monster Hunter keys, not sure I'd ever play it... Hopefully it will be fun in someone else's library... :)
Good luck in some other giveaway! :)
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...but I'll gladly enter this one ^_^
and to answer your question: well, I always try to keep a decent level of quality when creating giveaways, but some real steaming crap managed to pass through (namely, a couple of games that were even taken down from steam later on due to arsehole devs...)
ps: no music here??? disappointed :V
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I suppose you never know when some "developer" is going to have a meltdown, but it happens so regularly it's a cliché at this point... And clearly the straight-to-bundle "games" earn more than the $100 fee to list them, so I dunno what the solution looks like... :(
I assume the legion of dodgy entrepreneurs will find a way around anything Valve can dream up, I mean it's easier than working for a living... :)
Sorry, didn't know anything about the game, so I couldn't think of anything... :)
Good luck! :)
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thank you! ;D
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damn it took me 4 days to figure out this puzzle xd now that I got this one, I managed to solve the previous one, but got stuck at the last step of lvl4 puzzle:c
as for your question, I don't regret giving away any game, just feeling sad if winners don't say at least thanks, especially to the games that I considered good enough^^
but, actually, I had one unpleasant experience when the winner was someone who had me in blacklist (before winning and before double blacklists were introduced), luckily for me he had some not activated win and I was granted a reroll but still it was not nice to have someone like that entering in the first place
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Ouch, 4 days? That's rough... :( But the next time you see one of these it won't even take 4 minutes... :)
Now that you mention it, there have been times when I was really hoping for sgtools to find some rules broken... :) But you can't win 'em all... :)
Good luck! :)
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Yes. I gave away a copy of The Last of June. Regretted it. But... I ended up winning a copy... So the regret lasted for a few weeks. XD Ever since then I have been very careful to make sure a game is something I don't want before giving it away.
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Hmmm, wonder if that game was in a bundle recently, seems it's in my library but I don't remember buying it... :( That's a common story unfortunately... :(
Checking the store page, "A deep, interactive adventure about love and loss, beautifully depicted and offering an intense cinematic experience. What would you do to save the one you love?" ... Sounds like you have to be in the right mood, like watching Grave of the Fireflies I guess? Guess I shouldn't ask any details just in case I give it a try some time... :)
Good luck somewhere or other! :)
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Yeah. It was in the month they bundled dark souls 3. (ironic. XD)
I wasn't interested in it because of the name and description but then I saw the animation style and that triggered nostalgia. XD I became interested to know the story.
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Hey, there's the fourth one :)
No regrets for anything...
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Good luck! :)
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What with the Greek? You literally just copied and pasted Homer with no modification lol.
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Exactly, in this puzzle it's just meant as a distraction. Whatever you do, don't look at those keys, man! Look at this Greek stuff instead! Oh, ok, must be part of the puzzle somehow... :)
Once upon a time, i.e. here I did make a puzzle like that. One part of it (i.e. "Bundle Chain V, Part 4" if you're exploring) looked like copy and paste, but somehow eight characters were missing from my copy. Those eight characters pointed to the itstoohard thing with the giveaway inside. Fun if you're a computer person or a masochist, not so fun for everyone else... :)
Good luck if you find a puzzle that's still running! :) None from me, though, I'm trying to reply to comments so I can get started with the weekend... :)
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Yeah no thanks. Though I forget that people get plenty of time (weeks) to do these. I don't have the feels to go through and select specific puzzles. It's either I try the puzzle till the weeks end or bust. Yours just happened to be the one among the jigidi's that I wanted to figure out before stopping. Glad it was of the lesser sadistic ones.
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