
I hope you all have a blessed day.

As per usual, I hope the winner enjoys it and I don't expect them to drop their life to play this Game. I hope it gets played, but at the winner's pace and as their life and backlog allows--I won't demand they play it immediately. (Not that my demanding would do any good anyway. 😛) Mostly, I hope the winner doesn't forget about this and enjoys it when they do get around to playing it!

A "Thank you" if you win is always appreciated, but not required, and I never mind hearing it from others. Those who have a history of very rarely saying "thank you" etc when they win might be blacklisted.  (ಠ_ಠ)  Please don't be that person.

Thanks for the giveaway! I really like when GA-Creators state their intention for the giveaway :)

12 hours ago

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Glad to help in that case :D

(I also noticed a typo in my original description. 😳)

2 hours ago

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Thanks a lot for the giveaway mate!

9 hours ago

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Thank you for the chance! <3

5 hours ago

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so if i say thx going to be in ur blacklist? O,p

3 hours ago

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No, the opposite: If you win--and don't say "thanks"--and I then check and you habitually do not say "thank you" when you win, I might add you to my blacklist at that point. But I won't bother to check so long as you say "thanks" if you win a giveaway from me.

Is that clearer? I hope so, and if it isn't clear, please message me again. I'm mostly just trying to encourage courtesy. I'm also trying to find humans who read descriptions (compared to those who use the website and never say anything). As you sent me a unique message, I know you are a human :)

2 hours ago

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but i'm bot, everyone think that lol

2 hours ago

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4 minutes ago

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