
Level 7 is sooooo close that I can taste it! :D

If everything goes according to plan, I should level up once the winner received this one. After that I'll be in the cool kids club! :D Don't worry though, I'm gonna keep on doing my weekly SEA giveaways for you guys, so keep an eye out! Also, if you haven't already, go check out my Level 7 Celebration thread for more giveaways! Enjoy and good luck :)

NOTE: DON'T enter just for the soundtrack. I'll check and ask for a reroll if necessary.

P.S. This is a Steam gift. I'll add the winner after the giveaway ends to send the gift.
P.P.S. Anyone flagged by SGTools, i.e. non-activated and multiple wins, will be blacklisted and asked for a reroll.

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