
In memory of icaio.


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Let's take this to 1000, and beyond.

TL;DR - He gave me a Monster Prom 2 key for a giveaway, so now I'm giving away Monster Prom 3. Thank you, icaio.

I wanted to do this yesterday on icaio's cakeday, but got super busy and didn't have the time to. That made me a bit sad. This ends on Christmas; at 8PM CET, which is the time at which he created his account. That still works for the symbolism part, right?

I didn't really get to interact that much with icaio. I wish I did. He seemed like (and was) a nice guy; he added me on Steam, but we didn't talk that much.
Last year, he gave me a couple keys so that I could participate in the community Christmas train.
Those included Monster Prom 2, which is why I wanted to gift the next game, Monster Prom 3. It may be a bit dumb, but I thought it would be nice. Also, I didn't name him when thanking him in that giveaway because he specifically asked me not to.

We didn't interact that much, which is why, even though I was - and still am - on his friends list on Steam, I am not sure if I could consider myself his "friend". He barely knew me, after all. That is a large part of why I didn't send a message in the thread, because I felt like I would be out of place.

I felt sad when I read the thread, I think I saw it maybe 20 minutes after canis posted it. At first (when I saw the title) I thought it was just a bad joke because he's been offline for a while, but when I started reading I understood it wasn't one. I was sad because someone passing away is a sad thing, but I was also sad because I wish I had interacted with him more. It's strange, but the passing of this near-stranger on the Internet really made me think a lot. Like, a lot. I went to express to my friends and my mom how much they meant to me. If you're still reading this, go say something to your close ones. We don't know what tomorrow is made of.

Anyway. I didn't sleep in a while so I'm rambling, sorry. Take care, people. Drink water. Be kind. Tell your close ones they matter to you.

Riposa in pace, caio.
Grazie per quello che hai fatto.
Grazie per la tua eredità.
I hope Google/DeepL didn't make it weird.

thank you for writing such lovely words <3

2 months ago

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Thank you for reading. 😶

2 months ago

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It's a very nice tribute.I hope your words will reach him in any way

2 months ago

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Thank you, really. 😶

2 months ago

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Nice words. Good advices. Thanks :-)

2 months ago

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Thank you for reading. :o

2 months ago

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It's strange, but the passing of this near-stranger on the Internet really made me think a lot.

He was not so strange to me. We talked, a bit, but we did. He had the same problem as I do, and more people than you think: keen to give away keys, hard to convince to take one for him. I think we all were shocked by the sad news back then (and sometimes when I think of it, I feel remnants of that shock.)
But the part I want to remark is that the loss of a Steamgift legend also made me think a lot. Specially making me remember about my gf. (I passed page, but since no one has taken that place ever since, she's still "my gf"). For about a month I had these mixed up feelings hard to describe. He's still in my friend list, and I'll never remove him.
And yes, beautiful words.

2 months ago

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Ah no, I didn't mean to say he was strange. 😅 What I meant that he was practically a stranger (someone I don't really know), but even though I didn't really know him it still affected me quite a lot (which I described as being strange - the fact that it affected me that much, not he himself).

Glad to know you feel better about your gf. And, yeah, he will always have his spot in my friends list, and blue list.

Thank you. 😶

2 months ago

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This misunderstanding is my fault. In spanish, strange and stranger are the same word. With this case particularly, I tend to only use "strange" instead of "stranger" to refer to someone you don't know.

I understood yourself perfectly, and you confirmed that I did. It was just that sometimes, mistakes in translation aren't just something funny to look at, but lead to great misunderstandings. When I'm the culprit, it makes me want to strangle (not strange) myself.

Not particularly feeling better about my gf. I've been thinking of losing her too much this year. But with Icaio, those thoughts of loss became stronger (not stranger).

I've been told that I write better english than many native speakers, I've been told I'm english, I'm american, I'm from NY, even once I've been told, strangely (not strangerly), that I sound as someone from Texas. Not bad for someone who after the basics, basically taught himself ingrish. Me failin inglis? Dats imposibol!

2 months ago

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Oh, I see. So, you just meant to say that you knew him? 😅
Indeed, sometimes translations lead to misunderstandings... Just yesterday I got confused between "dreading" and "yearning" in a conversation with friends. Not quite the same thing... 😆 Happens though, it's fine! English isn't my first language either. No need to strang(l)e yourself.

Oh, I see. Sorry to hear. :(

You're ingris iz gud!

View attached image.
2 months ago

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icaio would have really appreciated this. It's precisely the kind of guy he was. Also, he would have liked the tie-in GA. He was sentimental and silly and totally appreciated any fun little thing like this.

2 months ago

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Thank you, really, it means a lot. 😶 I am glad to hear that he would have liked it.

2 months ago

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I hope Google/DeepL didn't make it weird.

don't worry, it didn't ;)

2 months ago

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Thank you. ;-;

2 months ago

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I think everyone who had some kind of relationship with him, even in passing, felt awful at the sad news. For me, I barely knew him but looking back at the August community train, he commented so many times and always was ready to add another gift to the train. I truly wish I'd been more active and had the chance to get to know him better but alas, alack, tis not to be.

However, like you, it reminded me once again that life is very short overall and none of us know exactly how long it will be. So be kind inasmuch as you can, tell the people who matter to you that you care, thank people who gift you and are kind to you... because you never know if you'll have that chance to say it...

2 months ago

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Very true. So kind, so invested in the community.

because you never know if you'll have that chance to say it...

It still stings me that I didn't get to play the last game he gave me in time to tell him about it. I almost wrote another paragraph in my OP to say something about this but felt like it was getting really long. I thanked him for giving me the key, of course, but I really wish I could have thanked him again when playing the game. :(

2 months ago

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Just remember that it made him happy to gift you... I hope you'll hold that thought and let go of any regrets.

2 months ago

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Very good point... Thank you.

2 months ago

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Well, I have experienced things like the illness and death of friends and associates over the internet and being gone the day after an earthquake.
I am sure there will be more groups of people to remember in the future as the years go by.😔

Sometimes I feel the days that come to mind and wish I could leave the good times unmolested.

As for icaio, I still often think of the warmth he gave me in the way he acted and behaved, enjoying and delighting in even the smallest things.
(He also gave me a funny game where he flew in the sky with his poop and told me I could have it even if I didn't have to play with it💩💨) Human Rocket Person lol

I still hope he is at peace, having given us not one or two but many, including those ridiculous stories.💐

Riposa in pace, caio.
Grazie per quello che hai fatto.
Grazie per la tua eredità.

Yes, it is.

2 months ago*

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I remember reading your thread about those. :(

True, he could be very chaotic sometimes, in a funny way.


2 months ago

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Added, thank you for your contribution.

2 months ago

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Thank you! And yes, even sad things can bring sometimes some good things, like the reminder to be kind and appreciate others while we still can.

2 months ago

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You are welcome, congratulations. Merry Christmas.

2 months ago

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