This key comes from Humble Bundle Masterful Modern 3D Platformers. I'm not aware of any region restrictions and key should work flawlessly. In case of a problem, I'll politely ask for a reroll or deletion; winner is not forced to accept, I know the rules.
This is part of my weekly giveaway(s), I'll try them to last at least 4 days, but a full week whenever possible. They'll all be invite-only for level 3+, ending on monday around noon GMT (with exceptions extending duration). You might find them in the Don't Like Bots thread or in the Positive Thread (and participate/contribute there if you like). Or somewhere else.
Outside weekly giveaway(s), I also routinely check and even make gibs in the following threads which I also want to make you peek at and maybe participate/contribute:
Community Word Game! [2023?]
Cozy Gaming Corner ⊰with cute GAs⊱
Back at work, how I hate to wake up at 6am... But being back there has stabilized my mood and reactivated me after the horrendous August I had.
I actually talked with my therapist about this thing of buying games but not playing them. Well, it's actually two problems: one, can't stop buying games. Two, I don't feel like playing them (even if sometimes I do feel like playing but I launch the game and 5 minutes later I want to do anything else...)
We did a little, simple and easy exercise about the first part, and it lead to huge discoveries about myself. People, this therapist is gold; but while it's positive making self-discoveries and understanding better yourself, it's hard to digest and assimilate this ginormous change of perspective about certain things that I've had "for sure" for so, so long.
If you think you might need help with something, don't be ashamed or afraid of going to a mental health professional. Specially men are reluctanct to go to one, even when they admit they have a problem they can't cope with... And it's something cultural, nothing else. Since kids we've been said "boys don't cry", "be a man", "don't say that, it makes you look weak" and worse things. We've been raised in strange ways and some have a hard time overcoming certain prejudices. But if you find the right professional for yourself (not all are adecuate for each one, there must be a good connection), that emotional work, money, bad moments and things that will happen, will be the best investiment of your life.
...Besides entering my pyramidal scheme.
110 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by DaveFerret
4 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by Pareidolistic
341 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by IronKnightAquila
224 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by rasLivity
294 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by GraVe23
34 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by Formidolosus
16,725 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by Kenruyoh
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112 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by ClapperMonkey
110 Comments - Last post 26 minutes ago by popocho
10 Comments - Last post 31 minutes ago by Lachdanan
4 Comments - Last post 44 minutes ago by Doches
4 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by windkit
This motivates me, thanks for sharing such an intimate detail about therapy. Wish you well!
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At least for me, the habit of tracking my game times and completions has been a fundamental method of improving my will to get through my backlog. It makes it satisfying to complete the games I own knowing I get to check mark something on completion. Also, it helps me realize how much time I'm spending on a game, which is useful when I make the decision to drop a game and realize that I shouldn't force myself through something if I'm just not enjoying it relative to the time it takes.
I'm good about not buying the newest, shiny looking games, but my problem is more about wanting to get games "on a good deal" and the potential that I might some day want to play it, but it'll be more expensive. Maybe tabulating the cumulative costs would help with that, not sure though.
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You're talking about the FOMO effect; "Fear Of Missing Out". I still cringe when I see that a game I wanted was on historical low or a bundle, and now they increased the price and never got back to the old discount levels. There are several interesting articles about it (and some include advices on how to fight it) so search if you're interested on the concept.
I don't care about the newest games either, I can wait for them to be on HL, heavy discount (if I see it's probable price won't change or HL won't come back), or better, be bundled. But then I have a hard time not getting them when I know I might not touch them in a year, or two. It's part FOMO, part something else (hard to explain and private).
I've tried to set a fixed amount to spend on games monthly (except for winter and summer sales), but it doesn't work. There's always something that "I can't miss this chance". So I try to pass as many bundles as I can, not look at my wishlist's discounts too often, and maybe the spending might be somewhat under control, while normalized at the same time... Even when I already feel guilty before pressing the "purchase" button lol
About playing, as I said it's a different trouble (talked about it in my blurb this past week) and I think it'll need more study before I can get the mental tools to manage it, as it extends to other forms of entertainment.
Sure your answer was interesting to read, others' experiences are always good to see things from other points of view. Good luck with your backlog and enjoying destroying it!
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Thank you!
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Congrats on the win, enjoy this great game. Have a nice week!
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