I am 100% sure that 99% of the people who will enter for this never even saw a management/builder game in their life—or if they did, it was one of the super dumbed down mobile games.
Therefore, I do not expect the winner to get more than 2-3 hours of play time on this before getting back playing CS:GO, PUBG, or whatever no-brain multiplayer game he is wasting most of his Steam hours on; of course, assuming he is the 0.01% of level 0 winners who does not just farm the game for cards in-between playing CS:GO/PUBG/etc.
However, this is #1 on the community wishlist for a reason that is totally beyond me (since we are dealing with a niché genre that had its golden days before most of the user base was even born, in the barbaric times of the very late 20th century), so I am curious if 30 days is enough to get it over 12000 entries. I managed to do that only twice, and both required a 60+ key giveaway, so I am attempting it now with only one.
Oh, yes: nope, no links in this description. Sorry if you expected yet another member-whoring giveaway or some vague attempt at a popularity contest. I am one of those totally crazy and seldom-seen users on SteamGifts who puts up level 0 public giveaways because I still believe the site should be about giveaways such as these, not about virtual dick-waggling of CV comparisons. Wrap your mind around that if you can.
Edit: Took just a 9 days and a few minutes to reach the 12k target… give or take around two thousand people using this giveaway as a month-long point bank. Extended target goal of 16k can be possible then. We'll see what we get in the last-day rush.
Considering the game lost 4 places on the community wishlist since I posted the giveaway, it is a nice collection of entries.
Edit 2: Woohoo, new record, way above 16k!
328 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by medion
98 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by jojo1241
16,722 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by Vee79
391 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by SeefKroy
29 Comments - Last post 14 hours ago by scap
914 Comments - Last post 16 hours ago by wigglenose
37 Comments - Last post 16 hours ago by spodamayn
60 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by Deleted2137
1,367 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by Tucs
995 Comments - Last post 50 minutes ago by Arwiee
124 Comments - Last post 57 minutes ago by GeekDoesStuff
23 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by PatchmaN
52 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Ashtart
3,753 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by masterbubu87
Thanks Talgaby. City builders are one of my favourite genres so if I do get unbelievably lucky then I fully expect a good few months of playtime.
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Thank you!
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That description :D
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I agree :D
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Most cynical description ever! It's absolutely awesome
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Wonderful : )
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You're a good person. :)
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Dayum talgaby... Thanks for sharing. I also believe this one will get at least 10k entries. Well, fingers crossed
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10000 would be easy, a one-week version can do it easily. I am more interested in 12k and secretly hoping I can break my record of 15032 entries.
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good luck m8!! You definitely got my entry :)
Thanks for the awesome (And really expensive) wishlist giveaway! :)
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So it's a competition against yourself? I guess you can make 15.000. Will be hard jut you gonna make it once you reach T minus a few days. Most users probably don't look too many days ahead.
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Pretty much. I have to come up with things to entertain me on this site, there is not much else to strive for here. =)
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So you reached 12000. Whats the next? 15 actually?
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15032+ to be precise. That is my current record.
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Well, you could create another GA making advertisement for this one. 🤔
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No need, at the current pace, this should be an easy 16k.
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Awesome. Good luck!
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Could be a close one...
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Not entering (though I like city builders, my favorite subgenre in fact), but following closely to see whether you get the 16k. It looks very possible. Your record is gone in any event.
Edit: and blasted through 16k. Grats. ;)
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Yea, I wasn't sure. Glad you made it!
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11k so far, 15k is possible imo xD
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That description made my day XD
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2 of the Frostpunk giveaways I entered had over 12k entries so that should be possible.
Probably the winner won't play that game but thank you regardless for the giveaway!
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Your description was a good commentary on how a way too large part of the SG community works... made me chuckle though, you write in an entertaining way, good text! If I manage to be the lucky winner, I promise to be the opposite of those you describe. I did play the somewhat similar Banished for around 20 hours, also an SG win, so maybe I count as one of the 1% who enters and have seen a management game that wasn't a dumbed down mobile version?
Thanks for the giveaway, and being yourself.
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Try Kingdoms and Castles as well. Also, Lethis: Path of Progress if you haven't already—although that is a very obvious Sierra City Builder clone (mostly Zeus+Poseidon mechanics).
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That certainly has me intrigued, I'm the type who loves these management games so my eye has been on Frostpunk for sometime.
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Thank you for chance to get cool game!
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One of the best descriptions I ever read here. I chuckled ;)
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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.
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Not gonna lie, I've never really played any city building games (I guess The Settlers had some city building mechanics). And I really wasn't that interested in it until I saw someone play it. I think what makes it so popular is that, while it is a city builder at it's core, it's more of a survival game and also adds an actual story to the genre instead of just being an endless builder. At least that's what does it for me. It's also absolutely gorgeous looking. And let's not forget that it's made by the same guys who made This War of Mine, which is also pretty popular.
PS: I think the point of group and higher level giveaways isn't about dick measuring contests, it's about combating the exact problems you so clearly pointed out in your description
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Building a large wall and pretending the rest of the world does not exist is not combatting a problem. The notion at the core of the idea behind levels was a good one. In reality, level 1 excludes over 90% of the user base, level 2 increases it to 95%.
Also, bad seeds are actually in almost equal portion everywhere. Every single public group. Every single level up to 10. (Heck, level 10 is in some aspects worse than level 0, it is full of people who got there through megacheap regional pricing and 80%+ region-locked CV, yet farm region-free keys by the truckloads.)
If you want to give a game to someone who appreciates it, then you need to sit down and try to come up with rather elaborate and specific SGTools rules or start to manually filter and handpick people for your whitelist which you empty after each attempt.
I am doing both—the first one regularly, the second one only occasionally, since it takes a lot of time and effort to do a whitelist recruitment the way I want to maximise to find a winner who will surely play and enjoy the game.
Neither have a 100% success rate, but with over 50%, it is probably the best one can ever get on a raffle site.
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That's where groups like PA, PM and APG come in for me. Whether or not the users actually enjoy the games is another story but at least they'll give it a shot
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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Your 12% played and 9% achievement rate on your won games indicates the exact opposite.
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Oh boy that burns
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Speaking of which, I apparently have Dota 2 on my account and that excludes me from most of your invite-only giveaways. It's kind of funny and sad at the same time because I never played it; I have no idea what that game is even doing there (I think I must have misclicked it at some point over the years).
Kind of unfortunate, but hey, such is life. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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You can always just remove it then. :)
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I tried, but for some reason it doesn't seem to work. Maybe F2P games are different in that regard, or maybe it's just because it's a Valve game. Steam is full of mysteries. ;)
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Ever since it became a free game, it should have a Remove button next to it here: https://store.steampowered.com/account/licenses/
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Yeah, I tried that, but a CTRL+F for Dota returns not found. :(
I also tried going through Steam support, but there's nothing about removing the game there (even though it really should, I mean, it's there for like all the rest of them).
But hey... this gives me an idea. Maybe I should try installing it and then doing it all over again... that might actually fix it. This being Steam, I shouldn't be surprised... Let me try that.
Edit: or rather, let me first free some 15 GB from that HDD and then try that... Some other day. :P
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Thank you!!! ~♡
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this is a though managament game...if you want to cut off some of the PUBG players that will play this only as casual...maybe raising the GA level ?
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Raising levels won't accomplish that. Heck, probably the highest amount of hardcore "I mostly play just CS:GO" player concentration is at level 10 in terms of percentage of users.
This is one of the inherent problems in the user base, many have this strange and sadly completely false notion that higher levels have "better" users. The biggest "leeches" are actually all level 8–10. But there are numerically a lot fewer of them than among the 900k level 0 crowd.
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Thanks Talgaby
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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Well, the truth sometimes hurts. =(
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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Hello I have no idea what a building is but I like the name so I entered!
Joking obviously :P
Also it's probably on a lot of wishlists because of the Survival tag
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Respect for standing up to what you believe in regardless of popular trends.
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It´s on my wishlist.
Many thanks and have a nice weekend!
OK, 4 weekends ;)
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I'm old enough to having played SimCity 1, Capitalism, Transport Tycoon et al. back when they were first released, so I know exactly what you mean, despite having played a lot of Payday 2 over the last few years.
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Good advertising. I have seen add in two paper magazines. One was related to gaming and I ignored it. But then I saw it in magazine totally unrelated with gaming and that made me check what it was all about xD
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Thanks, Talgaby!
It's awfully generous of you to do these. <3
I love management games. Rollercoaster tycoon, chocolatier, even the long dark to an extent... fun stuff.
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I'd love to play this game after having been played through This War of Mine; A game by the same developers who made this game
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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.
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3rd paragraph hits home. Thank you bro. Anyway, I am someone who would spend around 30-50 hours on this game before moving on to a new one or get back to old ones.
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