Damn. I forgot to say thank you. In my defense, I did got the notification around 5-6 AM and I was pretty much doing things without any conscious thinking behind.

Fortunately, my brain works in mysterious ways and I just recalled my unpolitness. So thank you, Lugum, and sorry for forgetting my manners.

Also, to be fair, I don't know when I will be able to play this one. My backlog continues growing (I don't even take in account Epic store games that are piling one over another...) and I am trying to play whichever game seems to be shorter these days, looking to trim a bit the list. And those usually means some free indie games that also have low computer requirements.

I have re-read this post and it sounds like saying that I am unable to watch Netflix because there are too many cat videos in youtube to watch first. Which has happened to me a fair amount of times, to be honest. But I assure you I appreciate every gift.

I'm going to shut my mouth before I dig myself deeper :P. Have a nice day and thanks again!

3 years ago

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Don't worry, there are plenty of people that don't even say thanks at all, so always better late then never ;)
And sometimes i forget (such) things too, comes with age.

And i usually don't mind if you someone can't play a game right away, i know all about backlogs, but i do always have atleast the intention to play it someday to whatever i enter, i hope you do too, even if it might be a couple of years (i hope i got a bunch left).
Some might say stop entering (same to me), but to each their own, i wouldn't judge, although apparently Hog's usually tend to be short (can't really judge, not really my type of game).

Anyway, nice day to you too and thanks.

3 years ago*

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