Wall of gibs because reasons™
Also, if you own and would like to revisit the Darkest Dungeon, maybe try convincing me to join the giveaway in the picture below o.o
16,703 Comments - Last post 40 minutes ago by wigglenose
162 Comments - Last post 52 minutes ago by Trancephyre
18 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by JavyX
126 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Superefg
261 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by DaveFerret
48 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by wigglenose
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42 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by Kyog
80 Comments - Last post 6 minutes ago by wigglenose
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7 Comments - Last post 17 minutes ago by snbac
5 Comments - Last post 36 minutes ago by Rapt0rz
Off the top of my head, Owlboy, Towerfall, Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap, Wonder Boy Returns, Syberia 3, Bayonetta
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I played Darkest Dungeon and I liked it..up to a point. Anything regarding artwork and sounds/music is amazing but gameplay-wise..it got quite grindy after a while and (not sure whether it was bad luck or by design) very unfair.. I kept struggling to gather money for upgrades and I kept losing it to dead fighters and illness. If you can convince me it's gotten better or that this is an interesting DLC to get me back into the game, I'll let you add me for it :D
an effort was made..
PS. Well, I like the title of the new expansion..(oops, sorry, DeeEl-Si)
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If you thought the base game was too grindy, then Color of Madness is definitely not for you :p The main point of the DLC is probably the Endless Mode, where you're supposed to reach the highest kill-streak you can before retreating, so it's very unlikely for you to enjoy it.
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If it's geared towards more grind then I'll likely agree that it'll find a better home to someone who enjoys that.
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I only have 80 hours of the base DD game so far, and I would LOVE to play the new DLC.
Grinding is so much fun!!!
̿'̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿
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Added :)
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I was just playing it a week ago, DD is pretty awesome. I keep starting new runs whenever people start dying though... got three runs and not sure sure which ones to play every time. It's still great fun though.
Honestly don't think having DLC will affect much since I'll be playing it anyway. I don't even want Crimson Court since apparently it makes the game even harder and I'm feeling enough difficulty in my game so far.
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Yeah, Crimson Court definitely turns the difficulty up a notch. Starting over is probably the reason you keep dying, as you don't get to enjoy any form of upgrades to help you in your journey.
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Ahh, that makes sense. Then I shall do my best to actually clear a game without restarting.
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not very far in the game, but having a lot of fun stats
I'd really like the chance to win this, but you can deem me worthy or not ;)
Have a nice day ^_^
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I love the atmosphere of Darkest Dungeon, but I find the game too punishing - but it seems that every progress I made, the game keeps crushing and punishing me all the time, that it feels like I never have enough progress. After a few hours I always abandon my save, start a new one... only to see the same thing happening. Even the Radiant mode didn't help much on this for me, lol. I love the game, their approach on psychological stuff for the characters, the narrator and many other elements, but unfortunately I couldn't keep my motivation up to keep playing it religiously for a decent time.
I'm used to hard difficulties and being punished from my mistakes (I love roguelites for this), but in Darkest Dungeon it seems it's all just a random flipped coin and all goes bad pretty quickly, like in FTL, but well, much with a much more grim outcome.
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Refer to this comment.
If I could give you a tip, I'd probably say that the majority of your success chance comes from the moment you step into the dungeon, not only what you do in the run. If you're not prepared properly (party-wise and consumables), you will be at the mercy of RNG most of the time.
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Yeah, I'm aware. Usually I fail when I go for a higher level dungeon or don't spend enough money on consumables or something else. Greed comes in the way. Either way, I only do that because playing safe also doesn't feel like I'm progressing enough to feel rewarded.
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is enough if i say i have played moar than 250 hours on the base + dlc crimson? i finish the game ( i have the achievements proof) and i do a decent review on steam with more than 1k likes, so maybe can i enter on that giveaway? if not no worries, probably im buy the dlc soon, after the steam summer sales. Thanks for sharing!
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Well, that would definitely be enough, but you have a private profile so I have no way of checking that information :p
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Sorry i have it "only friends" by default, now is public :)
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Confirmed & added. You can change back to private if you prefer it that way :3
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Thanks for the chance buddy!
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Never Again!!! But wait... I still want to revisit it! 😹 Ancestor, give me strength!
still regret that I did not manage to defeat the last boss without deaths >_<
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I'd advise people to ignore the spoiler I wrote below, if you haven't beaten DD of course :3
That's probably the hardest feat in the game, considering you need to do like 30-40% health damage in one hit to skip the first sacrificial phase. I've seen someone manage it with 3 plague doctors and a leper (Plague Doctors damage buffing the leper and then hoping to get a crit)
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Yeah, I used same tactics in last fight, but was impatient and did not prepare well. To be honest, I can't say that the game is difficult. Cold math will beat anything ^^
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I played over 250 hours in DD and had 100% game before the new achievements poped up :3 I am going to buy this DLC for sure during the steam sale so if you want to give it to someone who can't afford then don't mind me :P
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I just want the winner to revisit the game and play it - don't particularly care if they can afford it or not :3
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Try convincing me... hm....
You want give me the chance because of REASONS (Reasons are always good)
Ok you looks closer.... i understand
Then you get now the truth:
I need a motivation kick to jump again into it and beat the shi* out of the enemies that always come back (ok a good part are undead ones... so yeah...clear that they come back^^)
So long story short: YOU can be the hailbringer to all this victims, by letting me help them again :o)
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Seeing as the DD dlcs are targeted at people mostly at people that beat the game/have a lot of experience with it, I'm afraid I'll have to pass on adding you at the moment.
Even if I'd like to have you help them return to the earth :3
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That secret cut dlc tho, I like what you did there.
I don't have darkest dungeon yet but it's been on my wishlist for some time.
Really tempted to grab it atm.
A shame that the recent failed Korean translation caused their review score to drop though.
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I beat darkeat dungeon, i barely came together ovet the course of playing and then when I finished it, I couldn't bslieve I wanted more. I would have to prepare mentally for the challenge of the dlc which I refrained from buying because I was uncertain whether I was ready to be sucked by the heart of darkness into another cycle of violence that would befall on my family
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Seeing as you seem to have just used SAM or similar software to unlock the achievements in DD, I'm gonna have to pass.
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Thanks for the giveaway, I like bears <3
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Thanks for the train! Got into a few interesting ones I did not had :)
I really need to get back to Darkest Dungeon and finish it >.< It's one of those games I keep stalling because I feel I should be in a right mood to get around it and be able to do some good progress.
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I'm not asking you to enter on this ga, let the chance for another.
I just played the vanilla, do you recommend me any specific dlc to go after?
I love the art and style of DD. I want to play it again but for now I'm holding myself to don't get so frustrated again.
With some time I will buy a dlc and revisit this game.
And thanks for the GAs!
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I just bought Darkest Dungeon and soo far I think it is a nice game. I will surely play it more in the future.
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