dont see anything about groups but will look into that when i have some time later, thanks.
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i am at a couple thousand entries and have won about 5. I was probably at 400 entries before i won my first. It is hard to win because if there is only 100 people in the giveaway you have only a 1 percent chance. I know there is almost always more than 100 people in a giveaway unless it was only open for a few hours.
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my first win came after a 1000 entries it was than i started to do some giveaways as well
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Yes, I have won, 812 times exactly ;p
As for your 1st issue - you've entered exactly 284 GAs so far. You're level 1, probably entered only public ones having hundreds, sometimes thousands of entries. If you enter let's say 300 GAs each with 2500 entries, there's nothing wrong with you not winning, it's just pure statistics. If GAs you enter have avg 2500 entries it will take on avg 2500 GAs entered to win something, so 1/10th of what you did so far.
To win just either keep entering or if you want to win faster level up, lurk forums for puzzles, trains and hidden GAs, join GA groups.
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i guess at the moment i dont fully understand the level system, when i gave my first game away it went up, have given a load of games away but it hasnt moved, its a little wierd (its not the reason i gave loads away, i had a lot of games and knew others would like them, that is the reason i gave them away)
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Well, i can only say thanks for contributing anyway, if you had looked to other members profiles you would see its not that hard.
Even if luck isnt on your side, you're on the right track, creating giveaways and being active in the foruns will increase your chances of winning, its just a matter of time
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first of all there haven't been a single 50000 copies GA that didn't end with every user joining entering (except the case when person joined was suspended, you cannot win while suspended).
second - in these 3 years you entered only 1400 GAs, so your stats are not so bad. if you were active and ente3ring all this time you'd surely win more. you didn't so it's hard to win if you're not entering.
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Whatever. 25000 and i sure i entered 50000 giveaways. talking about numbers. I entered shit ton giveaways 3 year ago when there were like 100 times people less and still got nothing. Now the chance to win any public giveaway is 100 times less
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yeah, 25000, 50000 what's the difference? Also look - this 25k copies GA has only 14k entries - so anyone who joined it won it. And same goes for many older 25k copies GAs, and for every single GA with more copies. There are not enough active users on the site for anyone to lose 50k copies GA, so you are simply lying.
Also - 100 times more users? another lie.
Also also 1400 Entries is hardlya shit ton.
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I called you a liar and presented proofs. I didnt win in a lot of 50000 copy giveaways also that's a lie. there were like 100 times people less another lie. It seems like you're the one who don't know what you're talking about. That's pathetic.
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I joined 50k giveaways and didnt got a key, it's a fact, you calling me a lier for no reason as is. and 3 years ago Steamgifts was WAY less popular than nowadays so if i missed this 100 times people while there is only 87 times people more it's ok. You are just pathetic angry kid :3 as is
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and i explained you that there is no way that you joined 50k copies GA and didn't receive key. I gave detailed explanation why it's impossible. you call that you did - please - show the proof, what GAs (remember you spoke in plural form) did you enter that had 50k entries and you didn't win?
Oh and if you didn't win in only possible case - because you got suspended, well then it's your own fault. You cheated, got punished and it's not like you ever entered that GA - in that case it had nothing to do with being unlucky, like you tried to convince in your OP, but with you being punished for cheating.
You're the pathethic angry peasant here, pulling false numbers out of your arse to give a false impression.
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The problem with your "facts" is that they are false ;) And saying that "false facts" are lying is just stating the obvious, not being butthurt. If you were never suspended then you are confirming that you are lying about losing multiple 50k copies GAs ;) and one doesn't need to be suspended to know how the website works, just saying ;)
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it's your head that they are not false in. I gave you several arguments and proofs showing that what you tell cannot be right, you didn't show any proof, any argument, any example even when directly asked for. And I know why it is - you cannot show a counterargument, because you know there is none ;) And as any liar when caught on lying all you can do is trying to speak up louder how "no! no! I'm not lying! You are! Lalalalala, not listening to you". ;)
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Odds: Witcher 3 / GTA V 4000-6000 entries. Any random bundle game about 500 entries or find some puzzle on the forum and you sometimes come across something with even <100 entries. It depends what you are aiming for, and how you increase your chances.
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This website has a fantastic community behind it and can be a lot of fun. I've been here for about 2 years and have entered 1,624 giveaways and won 8 --- 3 of which were the multiple winner kind. On the other hand I've had 31 of my own giveaways so far and do not intend on stopping any time soon. I am in a few groups, but have not won anything from those yet...
What's important, I think, is have a good time at it - Chat in the forums, play peoples puzzles, hop on their trains, etc... and while you're having fun at these things, maybe a few games will show up in your win column. I don't have a magic formula for how to get a win, just hang out and have fun. Good luck !
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It took me 3 months and around 900 entries before I won something.
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If you wouldn't have been registered for only 6 days I would agree, but dude, 6 days.
Be patient! But it is good to see that you actually contribute to the community, not a lot of people do that. And by people I mean the ones that create threads like this. :D
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I get the feeling there may be an issue with bots here or people with way too much time entering every giveaway. I have since joining entered a fair few, always games that look interesting (and some that have been on my wish list) but havent won a single one. Had i not of given away my spare steam keys here i would be thinking winning is impossible.
have you won anything and if so how long did it take you?
I am bad at wording things, i got a lot of hate and flak for this discusion that was really ment only as a discussion on how long its taken people to win, and how to avoid bots entering your giveaways. sadly you guys dont know me well enough to know who or what i am so some of you assumed the worst of me.
by no means was it all of you ofcourse some of you certainly joined in the discussion and to you im sorry i had to close it but i dont like being called selfish or a whiner, just not who i am and stress that i do not need.
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