I want to collect some people for my brand new whitelist. The thing is, I would like to have some idea about who is getting the keys. Also, I like collecting stories, it's kind of a hobby.

So here's how we'll play it:
Write a story from your life in the comments. It can be long or short, funny or sad, inspiring or weird, doesn't matter. The subject also doesn't matter - you, your cat, love, the city you picked to live in, school story, job story, travel story, pick whatever you want.
The only rule about it is that it would be nice if it would be a true story. I'll pick around 50-60 people for the whitelist.

Oh, yeah, one more thing - I don't care about your level or ratio, as long as you're following the basic rules of SteamGifts.

8 years ago*

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My younger brother (14 years younger than me) decided to play with my dads air gun while we were on a vacation 4 years ago. He wasn't allowed to do that, so while he tried to load it, I took it from him. But the moment I took it, he puller the trigger so that the pipe flew up and the small thing on the top of the pipe dug its way into my forehead half a cm from my eye. Started bleeding a bit and he got really scared, even if I tried to ensure him that it wasn't any big deal, but I still had to take the car to the hospital to patch it up.
The day after, a really rainy day, I decided to play football with my oldest younger sister, just for the hell of it. So I ran up to the other house to pick the ball, slipped and landed in a way that made me unable to walk on my right leg (for the following 3 months), so I had to go back to the hospital again. Once there, the doctor (same doctor as the day before) instantly started laughing when he saw me come in.
I was really paranoid the day after that second accident, wondering when the next accident would happen :3

Perhaps not a good story, but at least a real one :)

8 years ago

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What kind of lucky bird are you.

8 years ago

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A very lucky one xD
At least I could jump on one leg the week after when jumping to a death metal concert I wanted to see, before getting my crutch the day after that.

8 years ago

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It's nice reading through this.
When I was younger, I lost my Laalaa plushie and cried so much, my mom bought me a new one. :3

View attached image.
8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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"My life has nothing interesting worth mentioning."
— jbondguy007

8 years ago

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Very good idea and post.
My story? I'm from Barcelona, Spain, 33 Years old with a baby of 20 months Who is the center of my life, he changed all!
These days i have to work hard as account manager in a hospital, to pay the rent, bills, bills and more bills, but I have a lovely wife Who work very hard too.
Since the baby born, i haven't a lot of time to play games, but still wasting 1 or 2 hour every day front the screen.. But, sadly, playing alone because I have no time to play with my old Mmporg friends..

My break is o ver, i go to work again! See you!

8 years ago

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The girls like to friendzone good boys ....im talking about a friend,not me,im handsome ehem ehem... (ಥ﹏ಥ)

8 years ago

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lucky bastard...
both of you

8 years ago

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too much....are u too kitty?

8 years ago

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I once, in a miraculous feat of buffoonery, managed to accidentally trip over a park bench. To this day I don't fully understand how I managed it.

8 years ago

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Start my intern recently for my final year project. The office of my company is on 1/F of a office building, which the whole floor share toilets (1 for male, 1 for female) Soon I noticed that whether people want to take a dump, they always chose the first cubicle, even if the other cubicles are empty and someone just came out from the first cubicle, which means that the rim is still warm.
bad story I know, but true

View attached image.
8 years ago

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I was in college, in a small town in the mountains. A friend of mine had an apartment located essentially on campus across the road from the library and a small church. There was a small alley between the two that passed back into a parking lot.

Another friend and I were at the apartment for a small get-together, and we ran out of cigarettes, which at the time we were both aggressively addicted too.

Because the town was located in the mountains, we often had extremely foggy, almost Silent Hills esque, nights. This was one of those, and it was around 3:00 AM when we went out to re-up on smokes. We jumped in my car, I put it into reverse and started backing up. I noticed that my tank was on empty, and mentioned to my friend that I'd have to get gas when we are at the station.

Trying to back up through that fog was unbelievable - you couldn't see a foot in front of your face, let alone anything in the rearview - so it was almost inevitable when I heard a loud crunch sound.

We jumped out of the car, panicking that we had hit someone's car - we hadn't but we DID hit a bike rail of a car. There was no damage, and I was anxious to get moving before someone came out, so we jumped back, cranked it on andddddd - the car ran out of gas.

At this time, I'm really panicking - my buddy runs behind and starts pushing as I put it into neutral. We start slowly coasting back towards the parking spot, when suddenly the fog parts like the red sea. In the alley between the church and the library there is someone staring. Directly at us.

It is a man. He is standing squarely between the two buildings, his eyes are burning a hole into us. He is juggling three bowling pins. Suddenly he stops - grabs all three pins, tucks them under his arm, and walks away without a word.

This is 100% a true story.

8 years ago

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What about it, pretzel man? What's your story?

Well, for one thing, I am absolutely not Keyser Söze



8 years ago*

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Bumping this thread (after 8 years!) as my Whitelist needs refreshment.

Maybe other users will find someone to whitelist here too :)

6 hours ago

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