We better get something for already having the game before it went F2P...and not just a stinking hat like the people who owned TF2 before it went F2P got...
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While I admit that the proof of purchase hat totally sucks ass and it's meaningless anyway because you can still get it with the orange box at any time, I have to point out that you're not actually entitled to anything at all if the game goes free to play.
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If there will be items, those will be purely cosmetics, like in Dota 2. Not p2w, like tf2.
CS:GO needs to preserve his competitiveness. And ofc, it's the CS legacy. I'm pretty sure adding +10 damage items to CS is an extremely huge risk, even for Valve.
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I would appreciate it if you could please explain how TF2 is a pay-to-win game.
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How on earth is TF2 pay 2 win? No item in specific is better then default and even if they were its possible to get all items from random drops. If you dont want to wait for that you can craft any weapons out of other weapons you dont want or can trade with other players. The only thing you pretty much need money to get is hats, which do nothing.
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Simply giving a huge discount to buyers of the game does not make it "almost f2p". Free to Play is a business model based on the idea of granting free access to the game while offering players micro transactions.
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I don't see the point of creating smurfs in CS... There is absolute no point in it... If you are talking about the cards, they will still need to actually buy the game or something, like TF2 and Dota2...
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I know someone who has likr four banned CG:GO accounts. And he paid for all those. Imagine if it was F2P
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DOTA2/MOBA is somewhat different genre than FPS, so being F2P doesn't have that much impact on it, at least yet. But in the end, it depends on what actually will be as buyables in CSGO. All those balance issues in TF2 killed it becoming any major esports game, with new items appearing every month. Same might happen with DOTA2 in a year, since old players will be killed by newbies who know how to use some OP items.
Or Tournaments might just go "vanilla only", which will make all players ditch F2P part of CSGO.
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OP items for Dota 2? That won't happen, as all the stuff Valve brings in is just cosmetic gear that has no effect on the game at all apart from appearance changes.
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Well, all I remember is a text where someone wrote that there's an axe every DOTA2 player (who play as that character) must have, because bonuses it gives are WAY better than cons.
Don't know if he didn't exaggerate through... Or if Valve didn't changed those stats.
Oh, and OP doesn't really must mean atom-bomb that wins you whole game. It can be a sword with just +5% to damage - but that means he wins every 1vs1 with enemy using same character but with default. That kind of items are totally rebalancing game.
On the other hand, MOBA are different than FPS - one rely on tactics, other rely on muscle memory.
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It is an in game item, part of the game and it is not comestic. I helps you cut down tree with low cool down, increase dmg to creeps. (25% to melee, around 15% for range heroes, I'm not remember the correct value). Getting that item is a waste on range hero. Only carry/late game melee heroes need those in order to farm faster and able to farm over constant harass from enemies. It does not increase dmg against players vs players in any form.
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he wrote it wrong. it's an in-game item bought from in-game store for in-game gold. like slippers of agility. i never thought id have to defend DotA 2 by actually having to write this. it's like saying that Killing Floor is P2W because you can buy a grenade from the merchant :)
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It was probably an axe you buy as an item(http://dota2.gamepedia.com/Items), it has no correlation to real money and everything you buy with money is purely cosmetic
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Well, it really depends on what they want to put as things to buy, through. TF2 didn't became major e-sports game because it change every month with lots of new addons. If CSGO goes same way, it will go back to old CSs, because main players can't spend months learning new tactics just to learn Valve added new items completely obliterating it.
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Practicing for months and then everything changing is how the rule of competitive trading card games works. Each season, sets will switch out, meaning the money you spent on the deck is now for pretty much nothing, and you gotta start practicing with a new deck that you'd have to pay for. It may not be a model that could work in eSports, but it's not a model that doesn't work at all.
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I think it works in cards because they are all about new tactics and luck, while computer games are all about skills.
In Magic you can win or lose just depending if your deck will "work with you" or just throw you land after land.
In games all that matters is if your muscle memory is better at aiming in head than other people - and if one patch makes gun behaving in slightly different way, all your training goes to shit.
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"All your training goes to shit" So is that why the Lead Developer of Black ops II got Death Threats for slightly changing the AN-74's stats to balance it out? :p
But card games are more about skill than you think. I mean, you can't rely on luck to have a Constructed deck defeat a deck made by someone who plays it competitively
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They don't care. They have dota 2 and that's all they need. Also, does cs-go really have an e-sports scene? And I mean a serious one, not like TF2's.
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Valve wants to transfer the scene from the older games to CS:GO, and maybe even try to make it larger.
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This would make me very unhappy. I'd request a refund.
TF2 is a joke imo. So I hope this is not true.
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Good point. The game might suddenly be inundated with douchebag traders. Ugh.
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Meh, could go either way, it's not instantly "bad" if it goes F2P, they have to screw over a few things when making it F2P to actually cause any problems.
No one takes the "I demand a refund!" people seriously anyway, that's the least of their concerns.
The Game could use some more players, and half of the existing ones were whining about the removal of the USP and M4A1 because their CS:GO counterparts don't have Silencers(The CS:GO community is kinda funny that way, crying over something as stupid as that...)
Now they seem to get their beloved Silencer Weapons back.
The only concern i have, is actual weapon balance, i'm not sure how well that is done in TF2(i don't play it) but if you screw over weapon balance in a CS game then you might as well just shut off the servers right there.
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Well you won't get it back. You played the game already. Presumably only to get the card drops, but you still played it. You can't get a refund now.
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Well they took my money then ruined the product on delivery, I've only had this for the past week or two. If not I'll take it up with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and file a complaint. And I'm also requesting for a refund of the copy in my steam library.
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you cannot get a refund for an item you've used for over a week or two and the BBB will agree with Valve
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True. Balance is everything in CS. the win has to depend on personal reflexes and some amount of teamwork as opposed to a super weapon that you can have if you pay $XX.99 :)
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in TF2 most weapons are balanced, and they keep trying to balance 'em even further, so that's not much to worry about. And i agree here with the insta-bad, i like TF2, i wouldn't have played it if i had to buy it, yet now i play it and supported valve by buying from the ingame shop.
Also: this game is too "fast-paced" for people to just trade on a server, they will probaly do it on forums etc, so you don't have to think you will get dragged in to the trading when you don't want to.
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I did not care when it happened to TF2 and I don't care now. I still like to play TF2 once in a while with friends and CSGO is not more than a fun little game I happen to play from time to time. Making if ftp won't mean its less fun, at least thats my opinion.
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Voted no on it too. Not just out of spite. But because it looks like a newgrounds game.
If they want to advertise they should make it worth our while with a big giveaway for the game and not begging for votes and and asking for votes in random places like this thread.
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Don't worry maybe we will make developer giveaway if our game get greeenlit later and I need you to spread about my game for your friends...
I don't mean to begging vote on this thread because sg community is great and friendly...
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i can safely say this now..... if cs go goes free to play then its going to die a slow and painfull death and valve will loose some ground where confidence in them from customers are concerned some people will stop buying valve games all together in the hope that valve will make all their games that matter f2p and you know what happens then.... just my two cents oh and btw dota 2 was always planned to be a f2p game and was designed from the ground up for that purpose cs go on the other hand is another story
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I agree with you, personally if this happens I'll never buy Valve games again. Don't care how amazing there games will be.
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I hope this doesn't become F2P. But if it does, instead of making hats for the game, they should make helmets and other related headwear. But seriously, it wouldn't be a good idea to make it F2P. The game is fine without microtransactions imo.
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TF2 shouldn't be the second most played game on steam then....
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