I don't though. I wear a sock over you know where because I'm shy
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Can't say honestly. I only compulsively buy games. I'm excessively stingy with money offline. For instance, it took the bottom of my ancient, cheap sneakers literally falling off while I was walking to get me to give in and buy another dirt cheap pair.
I can answer the bit about having 1,700+ games (on just Steam - I hoard, I mean collect, games elsewhere and for consoles as well) and not regretting anything, however.
edit: I have one regret I just remembered - that frigging Tomb Raider reboot (and to piss me off further, I bought DLC on sale because it was cheap despite not having tried it yet). I've loved the series from the beginning, and this was such an abomination, destroying everything I loved about the gameplay, story... and worst of all, Lara. She was so brave and fearless, I looked up to her as a kid. Now she's such a whiny shit, I swear I tried to reach through my screen to strangle her every time she opened her mouth. I have never wanted to punch a bunch of developers so hard in their collective sell-out faces in my life.
/end rant
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yeah the same can be said for me: while I do splurge myself with sneakers and dress shoes, and I'd be willing to pay hundreds on a good suit, I'm very stingy with pretty much everything else offline (except maybe for food).
But with games, I always jump at the chance to get a usually expensive game for 75% to 95% off. Heck, I didn't even regret paying $30 for Assassin's Creed 4 + Season Pass even though I have a self-imposed $12.50 limit on Steam purchases.
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I'll buy nearly anything at 90% off. I once bought a game that was broken at the time (due to a DRM issue, so I knew it would eventually be cleared up... maybe). And bundles... those are practically an addiction. Half the time I don't even remember where stuff came from or that I already owned it. One day I was thinking about how bad I wanted to play X game, so I went to the store page to see what prices it had been at... and yup, I owned it. ._.
I've never been an impulsive person with any kind of decision, but Steam ruined me. I see a crazy sale tag - I buy it if I can.
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Agreed. Though I do enjoy the new TR, I'm not a huge fan of what was done with Lara. I miss the ol' too badass to give a fuck Lara Croft. Though I am fond of the redesign, not gonna lie.
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Physically the redesign was alright. I would've preferred stronger facial features (but still, better than Barbie-Lara from Underworld). The rest I couldn't care less about. The devs themselves admitted the original bust size was a joke; one dude bumped a slider, cracked up, and left Lara like that. lol
Also, yay for someone finally understanding why I'm so bothered by the massive personality shift. They claimed to want to make Lara less "offensive" to females by making her "realistic" (which is BS; every female gamer I knew loved playing as Lara), but in my opinion, by claiming females are more realistic when they cry constantly... well, that's more offensive. :p If I didn't cry when I broke goddamn tailbone and whacked my entire spine out of alignment, Lara doesn't need to shit her pants climbing a ladder, thank you very much.
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I hope in the next game she will come out stronger after all she went through after the origin reboot one (don't even know what to call it anymore).
On a side-note. I would love to see you climb the same ladder and look nonchalant about it :)
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My point was more that I fail to understand what they gained from taking the badassery away from Lara. Lara was practically superhuman prior to this, yes. I won't deny that. But that was a massive part of the appeal. There are plenty of strong male leads who stand in the face of fear without batting an eye. Why can't I have Lara?
If you must know, I'm horrified of heights. Climbed a mountain and decided to scale a sheer portion near the top with nothing but a few rocks jutting out to grab onto. Made myself look over my shoulder repeatedly to see what would await a simple slip, but I made it to the top and stared down again. I don't recall trembling actually. On the contrary - it's quite empowering to look a great fear in the eye and know you've conquered it. :)
But like I said, I was very inspired by the original Lara Croft. She wasn't afraid of anything, and I didn't want to be either, so even when I was terrified, you wouldn't have known it by the wild look on my face. I did some reckless things in the name of strength before the agoraphobia set in (from an unrelated event). I'd have to assume I'm highly atypical and not a good example of what you're saying, however. :p
edit: Aw man, I keep starting arguments about this stupid game. You all have my permission to hit me with the heaviest object you can find every time I do this. lol
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Look at it this way. The previous games never explained how Lara became such a badass. The developers may have turned the clock back a bit too far in this game :D but the point is that you will get your badass heroine. She will just have to grow into it :)
And great job with the mountain climbing! I don't think I would've been able to do that and I'm not even afraid of heights. Just uncomfortable :D
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That's what I'm hoping for because it's probably obvious, but I don't really want to turn my back on a series I've loved since '96. Problem is she was younger in Last Revelation's beginning (4th game) and she was depicted as fearless, following her mentor through a dangerous tomb. I realize they've erased all past games' events (which I also dislike about the reboot), but still... point still stands about how Lara's original character was. She didn't really have a reason she became what she was; she just was badass and did crazy things from the love of it, and that's what made her fun.
Hey, you'd be surprised about that actually. If you look at it as: "I HAVE to do do this," even if there is no actual reason to do something, pressing on becomes a bit easier, like it's now a necessity, and then once it's done, just remind yourself you really, actually just pulled that impossible thing off. After all, if you can take on something that horrifies you, you can do anything, right? :) Now if only I'd follow my own advice with my agoraphobia - I could be back running around out there nearly getting hit by cars again, yay! :p
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I am a "girl", but quite frankly don't fit into the stereotypical one. I don't buy clothing because they are fashionable, I buy clothing when my old becomes too ragged to wear. I have clothing that I've kept for 15 years after the purchase and I still have a t-shirt that I wore when I was about ten years old. On the other hand, I find it hard to resist buying bundles if they have some game I want, even if it's just one game. I have this problem that I imagine how fantastic things will get and how awesome the game will be, so my mind convinces me to do an impulse buy. (and the same reasoning I end up watching terrible movies)
Now to answer the questions...
250+ games in library.
Most regretted purchase: Angry Video Game Nerd. I bought it at 50% off and seriously CBA to finish the game. I don't even enjoy playing it.
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I've got an answer for your bundle distress call-Tremor games.If you want a specific game outta bundle,Tremor is the shizz.But you've prolly heard of it,maybe even have 100s of dorrahs worth of games on it. . .who knowz,this post of mine might help someone else,tho,even for a sec.anyways,tremor is legit(99% of the time)so it's worth checking out.I know it paid off for me.
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not you only - I praise Tremor every time my kids want some game out of a bundle or from sale... 3 gamers in a family is a huge constrain on wallet... >.<
As for your questions - I can just +1 Hanashi, though my library already getting close to 1k - 991 games atm.
Most regretted purchase... Couple of Orion multipacks. Paid only 25% atm, so looked like a bargain, treated my kids to that, and thought to trade the rest... And then - first it's in the bundle, and then developers threw it out for practically free. And even living trading and tag issues aside - kids never liked the game, neither did I (though it is not my type of game to begin with). All I got out of it - some cards and a massive disappointment... Or, and an eye-sore of a badge to remind me of it.
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Thank you both, I do use Tremorgames and have obtained a lot of games through it!
And ouch Keeper, that very unfortunate. It really blows when you get stuck with games nobody within the family enjoys. (Dragons Lair for the NES for my family. Everybody hated it)
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I guess I'm not a "normal" girl, since I play/enjoy video games a lot when I can but my disability/depression hinders it. Sometimes I'll play 10 hours a day for months, other times I have to take a break for a few months (like this year has been rough). Most of the games I've bought I'm interested in still, and the few I'm not came with a bundle that I wanted at least 75% of. If I have any regrets, it's just me spending money on a game I don't enjoy, not the price tag. I normally wait for sales, but I don't go crazy either..I know what games ahead of time I want and normally stick with my wishlist. Video games are also the only thing I really spend on myself, I'm unable to get out much besides doctors (so I don't spend much on clothes etc. either..maybe 50$/year), they're what help keep me happy/meeting people. :)
The only game I can think of that I regret buying was The Sims 3 on steam, since I bought it on Origin as well (I've found a few DLC for 4-5$ where they never got that low on steam and I've spent ~500 hours playing over the years so yeah). But that's the only duplicate game that I've bought.
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It's great to hear that you have found an escape with video games. some people are unfortunate enough to find any sort of escape from their depression that they end up getting worse and even committing suicide.
Anyway, yeah I do think The Sims is much better on Origin anyway, as the Steam version doesn't offer as much. It also helps that I got my copy from the Origin HB, too. haha
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Well as a girl who tends to buy games on a whim, i must say a part of that probably transferred from seeing a nice dress or a rather expensive shoes and getting them without even paying attention to the price, i feel like it is the most efficient way to cope with my depression after a bad break up, some girls just like to dive head first into enourmous amounts of ice cream and mexican soap operas, but not me! I was always an unique snowflake, as my nana used to say (god bless her soul).
Maybe buying games i'll never play has something to do with being is as a form of escapism, seeing as i'm in my thirties soon and without a boyfriend or any plans to start a family, not to mention how every day i feel like my menopause is just around the corner and we know what happens after that, right? When i distract myself with needless game purchases even for a minute, i feel like it served its purpose just to distract me from my everyday hardships and constant dissapointments throughout the day and if you add my yet-to-be-defined bisexuality to the package (i always achieved more intense orgasms when guys would give me oral treatment down below compared to the regular PIV insertion), you can see how that approach works well for me and perhaps most of the girls as well.
I understand how some of these explanations might not seem helpful to you, but that is probably due to the fact that it's almost 2 AM here, i'm bored as hell and i'm just making stuff up in the process while typing this since i'm not actually a girl.
Te-hee ~~~
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The hell drugs you on, man? 'Cause I want some of those!
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Alal vera. . .My salutations good sir.(da ne preceram sa off-lingo).What a nice lil wall of text :3
Anywho,I saw thru your fancy exposé from the get-go.You started off with quite a common MALE rationale,throwing premises left n right. . .chicks lack the very,most of the time(especially since they're not male(again,most of the time bahahah,unless they gots a wiener))!Grills are fine when it comes to rational thinking,they're just not extremely good at it,'cuz of all emotional intelligence messing up their brain wavez n whatnot.I love 'em to death,doe,don't get me wrong,but dude,you couldn't have fooled me,the way you were expressing yourself!Jus sayin.So rejoice all. . .n njoy all these minor walls of text.Hooray-I'm an alkie/bitchslap
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I feel like we would have a good time chilling at 2am for some reason.
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I do not see the serious aspect of this question xD
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I'm not a grill, and am too poor too purchase much on Steam, even during the sales... So, I can't really answer your questions very well, the most regretted purchase was probably the first Assassin's Creed, but then again, it came in a pack with Far Cry 2 and Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood, the latter of which is actually probably one of my all time favorite FPS Games. It has the best cover system I've ever seen.
Anyways... Thanks for Skyrim, and Happy (early?) Birthday!
(Figured I'd put this here as well, doubt it's very likely to be spotted in the giveaway comments.)
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The first one wasn't as good as its successors, though, and Assassin's Creed 2 was probably the best in the series. I've finished the story modes of all that has been released, yet I haven't played much of the first installment. lol
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I'm female but also don't fit into the stereotype and have been told I shop more like a guy would be stereotyped as. Of course I've known many guys who shop like a female is stereotyped as.
Pretty much I buy stuff only if I have some interest in it. Yeah, I haven't played most of my library still, but there is little in it that I have zero interest in playing at some point, only a couple that were part of bundles where you got a bundle key rather than individual keys and I had interest in enough to make the bundle worth it. I've had a few times where I branched out to try something new and ended up not liking it much, but had many more instances where I tried something new and enjoyed it. The only purchases I regret are for things that I couldn't have known until I purchased it, like it not working on my computer or not enjoying that sort of game.
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Okay, so I am a girl. I've got 624 games on Steam, mostly because I buy bundles for one game and then activate them all [like during the Steam Summer Slaughter, as I call it, I wanted to give Chompy Chomp Chomp a try and the bundle was cheaper than the game itself on Steam, aaaand it was ~8 games extra... story of my life]. My biggest Steam mistake was getting AVSEQ, it was darn cheap, so I bought it as it sounded nice... and it became my first bad review. I really regret buying it as it turned on my "achievement wh***" mode on and I've spent too much time playing it just to get 100% achievements [and just to delete the game with clear conscience, TBH].
And buying things in real life? Well, I guess everyone has something that he/she bought somewhere somehow and don't really, for example, wear it, as there's something wrong with this thing. I rarely go shopping, I need it once or twice a year [I mean real, girly shoppingfest], and talking about buying something I don't need - I buy mostly books I don't have time to read and nail polish that doesn't really match anything. I enjoy hunting clothes in some second-hand shops and yeah, I feel great when I'm finding something unusual and beautiful that fits my body, but does it compare to getting some nice games because of the nice price... I guess not.
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yeah the title wasn't thought out well, I think I'll change it haha
EDIT: changed it now haha hope it's better though
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Pretty much all of the girl gamers that I'm friends with impulse buy games to some extent, though most have a bit of restraint. But one of 'em buys classic games like a madman. Her collection is absurd.
And they pretty much all play what they've gotten.
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They play all that they got? Damn that is what I call determination
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All players regardless of type,are same expect in prefrences,likes and such. I'm just bored why male guys ask i need an girl on game chats like Warframe,and such. I also found that male players also use female avatars that are partially naked. Like an butt or somethin. Thats all from my experience.
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I'm pretty sure that impulse-buying is a habit of both sexes. Quite often, I find myself considering a purchase that--
Oh! 90% off! Where's my wallet?
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Personally for me its like being in a sex shop, you wanna try everything out but most games you don't play with for more then an hour, but you can't like just rent a dildo, you have to buy it and most places are not alright with returns(Just like Steam), I mean this one place said they would take a return so I usually go there now but the store always smells kinda off, fishy in a way, I am not sure but I feel like games are like dildos, once you find one you like you sorta stay with it for a while, sometimes you alternate between a couple dildos and thats also like games if you think about it.
TLDR: Games are basically dildos to us girls, we buy to many, just like games.
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Popular choice, my fav is Fallout New Vegas, the dildo with a glowing core.
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Im a girl. No I dont buy things just because theyre on sale (especially in real life). I have 200 some odd games, but I think nearly all of them were from bundles. Even then, I only buy a bundle if the game/games I want would be cheaper from the bundle compared to being on sale.
To be honest, I dont really fall into the girly shopper stereotype.
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I've stopped buying games because I'm afraid that they might go in bundles in the future :3
Unless it's a game I really want like Dying Light then I might consider full price
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I have quite a collection for a girl, not clothes though but games, movies, comics etc. I like hardcopies of such things.
Steam and all those bundlesites help to get most videogames I am interested in. Though I only buy games I am interested in, so if a bundle doesn't have any game I want I won't buy it. If a bundle only has one game I am interested in I only get it if I know that some of my friends like the other games. Also money is tight atm so I am very picky about any purchase.
By now I have quite a backlog to play :x but I slowly start to game all of them. Time for that is missing plus sometimes I am not in the mood for this or that specific game.
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I don't really buy games from Steam because I'm broke as hell.What I do is wait for GMG sales.Glory to the Playfire rewards.I bought Murdered:Soul Suspect when it was 75% off and I quite enjoyed it.As for comparing a dress with a video game is just apples and oranges.You purchase games for your entertainment as for clothes,you have to wear pants otherwise you get fired.Shopping is boring.I'd rather watch Adventure Time.
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Well, I'm not a compulsive buyer offline, but I am a little online. For me it's mostly bundles that I buy, and of late I've been trying to break the habit. Also with humble's third tier on most bundles inflating the BTA, I can't afford to get them as often as I used to. I only buy stuff from the Steam Store or elsewhere if it's 75% off or less, because I know I'll regret it later if I don't.
As for purchases I regret, I sort of regret purchasing the Tomb Raider collection. I already had Legend and Underworld on PS2, Angel of Darkness, Chronicles and a still sealed copy of Legend (it was a gift, but I already had the PS2 version) for PC. I really got the collection for the reboot, and I bought the DLC collection as well. I don't regret too much because it was 80% off and I did quite enjoy the reboot, as different as it was.
Bundles I regret purchasing are the Blink Bundle Trading cards bundle and Pre-ordering the latest Groupees Steampunk 3. The trading cards bundle simply lured me with the cards for every game, but I have about half the games already from other bundles, and I really regret the decision because the games aren't that good. As for the Steampunk 3, I wouldn't have got it if it weren't for the dirty pre-order trick. I liked Steampunk 2, but missed it (and I regret not buying that one), but this one pales in comparison.
My boyfriend I guess you could say is a compulsive buyer too, he bought a number of games just because they were on sale, and some of them don't even run on his pc (eg. Witcher 2). His most recent impulse buy was a preorder of Final Fantasy XIII (which I was talking to him, deciding whether or not I wanted to preorder and from where). Now he's broke because of it, so kinda mad at him for doing that.
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"and some of them don't even run on his pc (eg. Witcher 2)."
Haha, this just reminded me.. my boyfriend seems to have the opposite problem and I give him so much grief for it.
He just built a pretty expensive new rig (Arma 3 wasn't running on max settings on his old one, heaven forbid) and then he spent the first week with it playing Unturned. Freakin' Unturned. How can you do that?! Lol.
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As what I've been hearing, females are generally stereotyped as compulsive buyers during sales, and at times the stuff bought are usually unused or unwanted along the way. To be fair, I'm aware that it's a general stereotype and not true for everyone, and even males can be guilty of this.
Now, if you are a female and have at least bought something you didn't really want but just did so because it on sale, I just want to ask if you may have transferred that "behaviour" to buying games on Steam.
With Steam and other third party sites putting games on sale for 66% to up to 99% with price glitches (pretty much unheard of in other establishments), I'm pretty sure some of us males are guilty of it anyway, as most of us may already have huge Steam libraries full of unplayed and unwanted games bought from sales or won from giveaways. Heck, I haven't even mentioned those cheap bundles!
If so, what was your most regretted purchase? How many games do you have in your library? Did buying a major AAA game for 75% off feel just as great as buying a cute dress for 50% off?
Clicky Clicky
EDIT: Changed the title to a much better one (I hope)
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