1 decade ago*

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Alien Carnage

TES: Daggerfall

Eye of the Beholder 1,2,3

Dungeon Keeper

TIE fighter

Double Dragon 2


Prehistoric 1,2

Xenon 2

Full throttle

Ultima Online

1 decade ago

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No One Lives Forever!

1 decade ago

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Max Payne 1/2

1 decade ago

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captain tsubasa

1 decade ago

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Tenchu - Stealth Assassins

1 decade ago

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The Elder Scrolls Arena & The Elder Scrolls II Daggerfall, so the kids would stop getting excited when looking at Skyrim and shouting "IM THE BIGGEST BETHESDA FAN EVAAAA & SKYRIM 4 LIFE <333333333!!"

1 decade ago

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+1, damn it. +1.

1 decade ago

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Grim Fandango!!!

1 decade ago

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+1 Pls Mani Calavera.

1 decade ago

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I would love to see remakes of: Wiggles, Art of Magic, Evil Islands, The I of the Dragon... Well... There were a lot of great games I used to play when I was a child and so :) Still want to play them again but have no time to do so. I really wish someone could make such a great games like these...

1 decade ago

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Proper ramake of KotOR.

1 decade ago

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Ogre Battle 64 could use an HD remake or something. The graphics look a bit dated but at least it doesn't take away from it being fun as hell!

1 decade ago

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No one would probably read this but...

SoulCalibur 3 is the game I hope it will get a HD release. I miss this game very badly.

1 decade ago

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Soul Calibur 3 isn't really old enough to get a remake...

1 decade ago

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Yes it is, tons of games from the same gen got a HD remake: Killzone, God of War 1&2, SoulCalibur 2, Shadow of the Collosus.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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It already has one, it's called HD texture packs.

1 decade ago

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Midnight Club I - II, Road Rage, Test Drive, Toca / DTM Race Driver !, Rush Series

1 decade ago

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Wizard of Wor, Enduro Racer + other C64/Speccy/arcade games :P

1 decade ago

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Aquanox 2, Pharao, XIII

1 decade ago

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Jazz Jackrabbit :D

1 decade ago

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Gosh, Neverwinter Nights would be so awesome.


Silent Hill 1, 2 and 3. Especially 2.

1 decade ago

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Croc &
Crash Bandicoot

1 decade ago

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Definitely this! :)

1 decade ago

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Still waiting on Need for Speed Underground 3. Without the crap EA has added so far in recent games, like open world or whatever.

Come on, come on.

1 decade ago

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Open world in NFS isn't new.

1 decade ago

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I know it's not new, but it hasn't really been fun or useful in any game past the first one.

What I'm saying is they should remake NFSUG1, or at least the feel of it, without the slippery cars.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Jet Set Radio Future.

1 decade ago

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this ^

1 decade ago

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I second you on RTCW. I was seriously bored with FPS Games after years of Doom, Quake, Unreal Tournamenet and others. But RTCW brought back the fun into shooters for me with the role selection, team-play and objectives, it was something different. I played RTCW and Enemy Territory for years on a competitive level and it's some of my best multi-player game memories. Then they kept the engine and dumbed it down to make it into Call of Duty.. killing the whole class system that made it so different, the strategy was still there for Stopwatch matches but it was no RTCW.

Splash-Damage, the team who worked on the MP part of RTCW, are still working on a game following the RTCW idea, it used to be called 'Dirty Bomb' and they now say it's to be called 'Extraction' but it's still in Closed Beta and I don't know how good/bad it will be. I was also told Brink was a spiritual successor to RTCW but supposedly a failed attempt at it.

1 decade ago

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I never really played the multiplayer part of RTCW, only the singleplayer. I was more into UT99 at that point. I tried for a very short amount of time, because it was really bad imo. Never heard about Extraction before, I should read more into that, thanks!

1 decade ago

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Jet Set Radio Future. Now there's a game with some really fond memories. When I heard that they were porting a Jet Set Radio title to the modern consoles I was excited to think that the game that made part of my early teens was coming back in HD. Was disappointed when it was the original Jet Grind Radio title. Never liked the control scheme in the demo.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I'd totally be that guy and say the PS2 Neopets(lolyes, it was fun) game, but I'm assuming we're talking PC games so perhaps if Blizzard went back to their strategy series and remade the games into amazing sequels or something...

Actually, going to obscure games, a Dungeon Lords remake would be nice. As far as I know, the sequel hasn't been made yet, and the original game was just too much fun.

1 decade ago

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Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

1 decade ago

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But there already is a HD remake of MGS2.

1 decade ago

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Turok 2: Seeds of Evil

1 decade ago

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Good Choice!

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Deleted-8114298.