I found this article on the web a few minutes ago and wanted to share it with you guys.

Uninsured Aurora shooting victim’s medical care could exceed $2 million, the internet comes to the rescue

for those too lazy to click the link, here is what the article says:

Among the many victims of the Aurora theater shooting is Caleb Medley, who attended the midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises with his very-very-very pregnant wife. Caleb took a bullet in the head and lost his right eye. He’s currently in a medically induced coma, while his wife just gave birth to their first child in the same hospital.

The problem is that like tens of millions of Americans, Caleb is uninsured, and his family was told that his medical bills could very easily exceed $2 million. So Caleb’s friends got together a website to accept donations on his behalf.

High school sweethearts who graduated together in 2007, Katie and Caleb moved to the Denver area last year. Caleb hopes to work as a standup comedian and had already begun appearing on the local circuit, while Katie actively pursued her career in veterinary medicine. They were both excited for the arrival of their first child, Hugo, named after the Jorge Garcia character from Lost. Little Hugo was expected to arrive within days of July 20, when The Dark Knight Rises opened in U.S. cinemas. The couple lined up in their Batman gear to be among the first people to see the new film at midnight last Friday, which they considered to be a final romantic date before “officially” becoming parents.

Caleb lost his right eye in the shooting, which occurred shortly after the screening began. Katie was uninjured and gave birth to healthy baby Hugo on Tuesday, just one floor above where Caleb lies in the intensive care unit at the University of Colorado Hospital. His condition is said to be improving, as Caleb’s begun to breathe on his own and is squeezing people’s hands. According to his friend Mike West, Caleb has suffered some brain damage.

Neither Caleb nor his immediate family have medical insurance, and have been told by doctors that Caleb’s recovery could cost as much as $2 million. The Huffington Post reports that the number of Americans without health insurance is approaching 50 million. The Affordable Care Act (popularly known as “Obamacare”) is meant to provide some form of healthcare to as many as 30 million uninsured Americans, but it doesn’t go into effect until 2014.

The website where you can donate is here

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