I too have had nothing but success with GMG support.
First time, I missed a promo because of a technical glitch and they credited me the game.
Second time, just a month ago, I wanted to cancel my BAO pre-order just a couple days because launch because I was getting it through NVIDIA and they responded promptly and refunded me the money, no questions asked.
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"I bought Magicka Collection without reading which DLCs it included"
The info is right there, it's your fault for not scrolling down.
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Yeah, and because of that Green Man can sell out their, for example, Skyrim Legendary Edition with base game + Dragonborn (and with small info window down there that would be Skyrim + 1 DLC)
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And how can I distinguish generic terms from specific?
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Look at whether the terms have a precise meaning.
I have a 'collection' of games. Without me going into specifics, you cannot know what I have.
However, if I say I have The Orange Box, that is completely different. You can ascertain precisely what I have.
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Not the same thing. What GMG is sellin IS the Magicka collection. It's just that over time the collection got new DLCs included but it never changed name. GMG has an older version of the collection, that's all.
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https://greenmangaming.zendesk.com/entries/23334661-Refunds-Keys-have-been-distributed I imagine that tends to be the policy of most places that deal with keys, they can't confirm one way or the other whether you've used it or not, for every person that honestly didn't use it, there's plenty that 'didn't use' it.
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You cannot name a product that same as the official product, in my state this is called false advertising and is illegal. My fault for trusting that they are not false advertising.
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I made it clear. They are naming the product Magicka:Collection, and it is not! They are selling a steam key for steam for Magicka: Collection. So if you see it on steam and then see an ad for it on GMG and buy it. No one would expect it to be any different. But Green Man is not including what is suppose to be included.
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If I remember correctly, Steam released this same thing as a collection before, when there weren't as many DLC packages out there, then re-released it again with more DLC packages using the same "Collection" title. All that "collection" denotes is that it is a grouping of similar things in this instance, so you really should have read what came with the collection...
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I guess you should go complain to Amazon too: http://www.amazon.com/Arrowhead-Studios-Pieces-Interactive-Collection1/dp/B0069TK0VU
And GameStop: http://www.gamestop.com/pc/games/magicka-collection/98510
Learn to read next time before purchasing ANYTHING. Darwinism at its finest.
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If a publisher releases a collection, then it re-releases the collection later with more stuff and without changing the name, it's actually the publisher's fault... since now they have 2 (official) products with same name and you have to read the contents to actually know what's inside.
It's in no way GMG's fault since they list exactly what DLC are in the collection...
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Just how dumb are you?
GMG didn't name it the Magicka Collection, Paradox did.
Paradox sold GMG a block of keys that unlock the base game and all DLC that came with said title when the keys were "made" and delivered to GMG.
Steam & GMG have nothing to do with what your key unlocks, only Paradox.
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The retail Magicka Collection includes exactly what GMG is selling. On Steam when new DLCs were added they created a new package also called Magicka Collection that included the new DLC. They're both official products with the same name but one actually has more than the other.
If your local shop has "The Complete James Bond Collection" that was published 10 years ago, it will not have the newer movies. If somewhere else they have a newer version of "The Complete James Bond Colelction" with the new movies it doesn't make the first one less of an official product, just an older release.
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So you didn't read carefully what DLC comes with the game and you wanted a refund, but did not get one. So nobody should trust the company? I wouldn't have given you a refund either. I love Green Man Gaming and I'm sure most people do. I have had to contact their support 2 times and both issues were resolved quickly. It's one of the best main places to get Steam games on sale I think. Only a fool wouldn't use it and only a fool would act like you are and make a thread about it. Read before buying next time, you are purchasing a game key with additional DLC items... must read what it comes with before buying always. It's called Magicka: Collection... not Magicka: Complete Collection. They don't have to make sure every game has the exact same title as the one's on another store.
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Also a ridiculous policy, you can get a refund if it is within 7 days, but not if we sent the key? WTF! I would guess they send the key right away. So the policy is misleading. Basically no one would be eligible for a refund.
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Exactly, and taking a loss for someone who doesn't read before buying... would just be uncivilized.
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The problem is also that the key can't be returned to the store. It can at most be invalidated and that would be a big hassle in itself and essentially a loss for the company.
I've also made one or two bad purchases in the past, but I also realised that it was all on me due to the nature of digital goods.
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http://www.greenmangaming.com/client/ some of their games use this.
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I got a refund on a pre-order well after the seven-day window, as you can get refunds on pre-orders as long as keys haven't been sent yet.
But I knew that ahead of time because I actually read FAQs before making purchases. You should learn to as well.
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You can get a refund on pre-order games or on games that doesn't include a Stesm key. (They have a selection of games that uses their own client.)
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I have the same "Magicka Collection" from Amazon in the past.
It comes with 8 DLC. Pay attention to what you are buying before pressing "pay" I guess.
You should have noticed that Steam calls every set _____ Collection that they sell, and has nothing to do with official publisher packs like this one sold on GMG, Amazon, GG, and wherever else.
plus that one is 35 bucks, big difference
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it was on sale in the Steam Store for $6.99 so not a big difference. And GMG is selling a STEAM KEY, so it is GMGs responcibility to make it clear if they don't want problems.
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Hahaha, that's hilarious. He walked right into that.
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They did make it clear, they listed EXACTLY what was in it, and called it (maybe the publisher/companies did? not sure how naming works outside of the meaning of what I just said) collection instead of complete/ultimate/whatever collection, this will teach you to read instead of just buying immediately. GMG is great, and it's nobody's fault but your own.
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It is YOUR FAULT for failing to read the description. The GMG team has helped me quite a few times, with no issues, because I wasn't trying to get them to fix my own stupid mistake. They cannot take back a key that you have already seen. If they refund you, you could activate it after the fact and they can't do anything about it, nor will they even know if you did.
The page CLEARLY says:
Magicka Vietnam
Magicka Wizard Survival Kit
Magicka Caverns and Marshlands
Magicka Nippon
Magicka Final Frontier
Magicka Frozen Lake
Magicka Watch Tower
Magicka Robe Bundle"
The name has nothing to do with it. Steam bundles are completely dynamic. For instance, the Saints Row 3 complete pack changed multiple times as new DLCs were added. The animal car pack in particular is one I do not own, even though I bought the complete pack quite a while ago during the steam sale of 2012. Also, the titles are actually different. Magicka Collection =/= Magicka: Collection.
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It's time to throw in the towel... you made a mistake. Be a young man, admit it, suck it up.... and go trade the damn key for another one you want on steamtrades. This way you didn't take a loss. Not a big deal.
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i am just trying to be helpful and inform people. i won't lose anything. my bank already credited.
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Inform people of what? Your own stupidity, and apparent inability to read simple text with anything approaching kindergarten level competency? Is this thread an effort to warn retailers everywhere of the dangers of selling you anything?
If so, it appears you've succeeded remarkably. Congrats.
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This is ilegal and fraud.
If GMG wishes they can easy report it to the police and get your credit cards blocked aswell as pull you into court for fraud and theft.
All that problems over a damn magicka key you can get for 1 TF2 key if you know where to ask.
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Considering i worked within international law Schalart i know what i am talking about ^^
You can still toss it around wrongfully, however if he had a successfull by from GMG and the key was delivered and then he goes to his bank and withdraw the money that is fraud of the company just coz he cannot read.
If GMG wishes they can be bastards and send it to thier legal department and continue with this.
Tho all in all you still have the right to toss it around wrongfully no worries but it isnt wrongfully in this case, he stole money from a company that gave him everything he paid for.
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Oh shit if he made his back revoke the funds he is in lots of shit. I figured he got a refund. . Yeah. . . This guy is in a world of hurt. Exp once GMG uses this post in court. I figured he got a refund but here he is slandering the company. . . publicly and admitting guilt. Nice I misread what he wrote.
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Aye he did get the bank to withdraw his founds and thats ilegal that counts as fraud/theft, so GMG is fully allowed and if i was them i would send it off to thier legal department and then crush him to make a statement to people like this.
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Well you are from Canada, even tho you guys gave us justin bieber you´ve given us so much other nice stuff so yea i forgive you :P
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When does the world get an official apology for Celine Dion? Seriously, I'm still waiting. It's pushing 2 decades. I've forgiven Bryan Adams. But Celine Dion and Anne Murray are both going way too far. Those could be tried in Geneva as crimes against humanity.
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That's just complete and silly fear-mongering. OP is an idiot for not reading but in no case will what you ever stated ever happen.
For one, their legal department would never get involved with this. At best, they could dispute the chargeback notice and make a case with the cc company that the chargeback should not be granted but considering that the consumer wins around 80% of the time, winning is rather difficult. The chargeback decision can be further appealed via arbitration but that's usually the final say due to merchant processing agreements, where they forfeit the right to litigation in lieu of arbitration.
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I worked for an e-commerce site and it's not that difficult to argue a chargeback and get it reversed if you have a good rating, which I'm sure GMG has. All they'd have to do was show proof of delivery and they could even get Steam to provide proof that the key was redeemed.
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They could link the key with his steam account and his steam account with this post.
Not really hard, GMG has perfect ratings and tbh they should slap people like this so hard over the nose that he gets flagged everywhere, it might only be a small amount but he damn sure deserves it.
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That's not exactly accurate, considering how much of a problem it is for digital goods in particular. That's assuming he's going to argue on the basis of non-receipt and not on another issue altogether, such as that the product he was purchasing was materially different than the one he thought he was purchasing. Ultimately, chargebacks in the US are a pain simply because there's a $25 or more service charge per chargeback initiated charged to the company, win or lose, plus the potential ratings hit if the cc sides with the consumer. For small cases such as these, there's no worth at all in getting to this point, it's actually more preferable to just deactivate the key and process the refund.
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I'm sure a company the size of GMG has a payables department that deals with this type of stuff all the time. They're a UK company, so maybe it's different there, but in the US this most certainly could be challenged and won and most companies would do so because they look bad if they get a lot of chargebacks and don't challenge them.
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Magicka is a satirical action-adventure game set in a rich fantasy world based on Norse mythology. The Collection includes 8 DLC packs at a fantastic price.
It's right under the pay now button on the page. I honestly don't understand how this is their fault.
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Well the issue is that it was misleading. Even if it's stated right there, just calling it exactly the same thing is misleading because you can't expect the average person to think "oh hey, let's make sure this "Magicka Collection" is the exact same as all of the other "Magicka Collections." That said, he's not really missing out on much. I wouldn't go as far as to say that GMG should never be trusted, but it is at least slightly misleading.
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It shouldn't be called the "Magicka Collection" if it's not the true "Magicka Collection." I don't understand why people are so butthurt about this guy venting a little frustration on here.
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because it clearly listed the DLC, it isn't titled complete collection . . . I mean a collection is a collection. . . not everything involved. Look at the store before you post and look like a fool like the OP. He got a refund and still came here to say GMG is in the wrong. . . like come on.
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So my "magazine collection" shouldn't be so-called unless it contains every magazine ever published in the history of human civilisation? Don't be absurd. It's abundantly clear from the GMG page what's included. You'd have to be something of a moron to buy the product thinking it contained anything more than the items listed.
Nobody has haemorrhoids on this thread as far as I can see, but if you can't work out why people are taking a dim view of some idiot who can't read, and then whines about what a bunch of crooks the retailers are, you're approaching the OP's level of cerebral deficiency.
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The GMG store page also lists each DLC pack in a bullet point list in plain sight. It's very obvious what is being sold and anyone who expects it to include more after buying it needs a reality check.
Besides, GMG doesn't name the items on their store, the devs/publishers do. This is likely just an older "collection", or one being sold cheaper due to it containing less items.
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Why don't people read beyond the first line of anything these days?
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Reminds me of those stories of people buying an empty game console box on eBay for $100+ because the listing said something like "Brand New XBOX 360 BOX". The seller would write in the description that it was a box only but no one bothered to read it :P
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Haha! A fool and his/her money, etc.
In some ways I wish I could bring myself to pull a stunt like that :)
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my favorite one was the buying the picture of the cellphone. Though Judge Judy shut one woman down
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It baffles me how some of these people manage to switch their computers on in the first place, in order to actually get scammed...
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I can understand that the OP is angry, but actually no reason for accusing GMG of bad service. They sell keys, so of course no refund when you bought the wrong key, cause it can be abused.
And they clearly stated which items are in this collection and as we all know, collections can have different items, depends when it was released, so read the description next time, dont blame GMG.
But to be true, i also dont buy there again, but the reason is their regional price policy and that they give credits not in all regions.
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It can't be abused, though the company will lose money from it. The company can easily get Steam to cancel the old key, refund the person what they paid. But of course the company loses a key in the process.
Really it's just his fault for not reading before buying.
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Oh okay, so they can get Steam to cancel the key? So than its really bad service.
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No, it's OP's fault for not reading. A key shouldn't be cancelled just because some idiot can't read.
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We talk again if you made this mistake and lost your money this way.
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I have made that mistake. Repeatedly. I've bought games before, some not even on sale, because I totally forgot I already owned them. You know what I did? I gave them away and laughed it off. I didn't bitch about losing my money (and with my poor money situation, that's a legitmate bitch) and open two tickets (one because they didn't answer fast enough for my liking) and then a thread on Steamgifts about it. I accepted it as my own stupid fault because that's what it was.
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Well, no bad experience with GMG so far all is well and bought lots of games from them, but I do have an extremely bad one from other site (ggg). Customer service treated me like a criminal and banned with absolutely ridiculous reason because my credit card number was associated with something. Well I bought plenty of digital games from other sellers both big and small online for years already.
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If the normal price on GmG is about ~15$ cheaper than in steam store without a discount, there must be a reason. As some others said, the description is under the buy now button.....
But I´ve got a better one:
I bought Rome II at a big keyreseller site after the prepurchase period for about 35$. I bought there many times before without any problems. The description and the FAQ for the game said that it contains the preorder stuff (greek states)! I just got the basegamegame without any bonus content. So I wrote an email and asked very friendly what´s wrong and that I want the stuff in the description that I ordered. They just said it´s my fault. I should have known that the preorder is over and I won´t get the stuff, then they just changend the description.....
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Sue them, no seriously you could. They must give you what is advertised, it's their own fault for not updating the site. Just like when shops don't change price tags, they have to give it to you at that price, sure they try and talk you out of it, but you have the right to whatever it is adveristed at.
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I don't think the shopping scenario is quite accurate (if Australian law hasn't distanced itself from English law). A price on the item is only an invitation to do business; the offer is made by the shopper putting down the items at the till, and the cashier accepting this offer by charging for said items.
Most of the time, the shops will honor the stated price not out of an obligation, but rather as a means of keeping their customers happy.
That irrelevant point aside, what Throgan is faced with is breach of contract, pure and simple. There was agreement on the terms (the price for the game and its DLC), but they failed to deliver the DLC on completion of the contract. So, Throgan can (quite correctly) sue for return of the purchase price. However, one can also seek specific performance, in that the key reseller will be obligated to deliver the codes for the DLC as promised.
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they provided him with exactly what they advertised, thats he didnt pay attention to what he was buying is his own fault, paradox or GMG should rename the pack to make it clearer but only to save them dealing with people like this who dont pay attention imo
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BvzSA was talking about Throgan's experience with a keyreseller site not the OP's experience with GMG
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This is their fault, no need for you to know that the preorder is over, they wrote you get a dlc in description so insist to get the dlc our take your money back.
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That´s what I said too...but it was to much for them to be nice and just offer me the DLC....so I got nothing from them. I bought the DLC for regular price at steam store. I´ll never buy there again =)
Maybe that´s the "price" for buying on suspicious sites =)
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Now you have a legitimate complaint. You would have a valid reason to go to your bank and request a chargeback, as you were missold a product as it was not as described and you have already tried to get a refund from them.
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The idiocy of this thread is just kinda sad.
Where I'm at, any DVD/BluRay movies, Video games, etc that have already been opened cannot be returned for a refund. We're talking physical copies, because they could have codes redeemed, copies made, etc, so a refund is refused even if it's within the time period for a refund.
So, why on earth would a company online refund you after they had already sent you a code, with no way to check if it has been redeemed? Oh right, they wouldn't. Especially when the actual issue at hand isn't anything wrong with them, their site, the issued code, or any other valid reason for a refund. It's an issue with a customer that was too damn stupid to bother reading.
You're just as big an idiot as the morons that buy a brand new, AAA game, and then install it, and try to play it, to discover they can't play it on their system because they were too damn stupid to read the freaking system requirements first, and so they try to go in and get a refund for it. And just like those morons don't deserve a refund, neither do you OP. Neither do you.
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That would be pointless since the buyer could redeem it anytime after he got his refund and before the store is able to sell it... and imagine the complaints on that other guy that received a duplicate code from them, how would that look ?
The only way for them to issue a refund in this case would be to invalidate that key.
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I opened a request there within the last week, and now in the request section its gone, is there somewhere else to go to and see if it was answered, or was it just deleted?
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Did it include:
Magicka Vietnam
Magicka Wizard Survival Kit
Magicka Caverns and Marshlands
Magicka Nippon
Magicka Final Frontier
Magicka Frozen Lake
Magicka Watch Tower
Magicka Robe Bundle
If it did, it is correct.
That is all that is included in the "Magicka Collection" unless you buy it from Steam or Paradox.
Although it is possible most sites have not updated their lists since they first introduced the "Collection".
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This is not GMG's fault, they were sold keys to the existing collection years ago, and when they were sold those keys it was still called Magicka COllection, I had the same exact thing happen with King Arthur Collection, you cannot fault gmg. If you want to fault anyone but yourself, then fault steam and/or publishers for not offering third party retailers an incentive for upgrading these old "collection" keys.... they release a full collection, make a DB entry, produce a bunch of keys, and yet the collection goes on, making more and more new DLCs and years later they create a newer more updated collection, they're both called collection.
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yes it does seem like there are some butt hurt people posting in here.
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I seriously don't get you problem.
You are complaining, that GMG should state exactly what the bundle includes.
Oh wait, it does.
Also, you bought Magicka Collection from a site that practically sells retail keys. Let me check the box of my Magicka Collection on my shelf.
Wow, what a surprise, it's the same!
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Don't deal with GMG, people. They're absolute scum, and this incident proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt. They are digital terrorists, plain and simple.
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97 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Cece09
I purchased the steam key for Magicka: Collection at Green Man because it was on sale.
A little cheaper than it was on sale for in the Steam store a couple days earlier.
But when I got the email for Green Man I noticed it did not list all the DLCs. I checked the Green Man site and they say only 8 items included, not 22 items. So I immediately contacted Green Man and asked if I am missing something, that their site does not list all of what is suppose to be included in the "Collection". Jacob responded with, go buy the one from Steam. So I asked for a refund.
Got no response in 3 days so I created another ticket.
I explained that their Magicka: Collection is named the same as the official Magicka:Collection but does not include all the DLCs which is misleading and causes confusion . Since I already own Magicka and only want the DLCs and did not use the key, please refund me.
A response from Holly was "I am sorry to hear that you want a refund on this product but unfortunately I am unable to give you a refund…". Contacted a couple more times, but it's like talking to an automated phone service. Really bad service.
So I would not trust this company, you may not get what you want and they will not help you.
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